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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, You can look this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bak7iR0Ewo4 It is old WRobot version (just name of buttons has changed), but I'll make new video today with new WRobot version.
  2. Hello, Yes you need to click manually on button to select quest on the table (like this you can select the quest that you want)
  3. Hello, It is possible that the name of the buttons changes on some quests. You can get the name of the buttons with this script: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1689-useful-scripts/?do=findComment&comment=8447 In this script replace "TheButtonName" by name returned by the script RunMacroText("/click TheButtonName");
  4. Hello, Do you have try to disable in "Spell Settings" the option "Lock frame when checking the conditions" (on you heal spells)?
  5. Hello, if you can wait next update. I have added the option "Can walk on water" in Fisher "Product Settings" (activate it). If you can tell me if this resolve your problem.
  6. Hello, Sorry for the delay. Can you tell me if you get again this problem (I have updated panrarian navigation files since your post).
  7. Hello, In this http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26948/moonfire quest settings , put 0 at "Objective count 2" (put 1 only at "Objective count 1"). To disable wrobot settings "Ignorer formation Dummy" automatically, add step before this quest (in quest orders), put the type "RunCode" and put param: wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.BlackListTrainingDummy = false; BlackListSerializable.AddBlackListToWRobotSession();
  8. Some softwares like "teamviewer" bloc the keyboard access, "use lua to move" allows to move your character without use keyboard. Hello, look in tuto forum: http://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/7-tutorials-wrobot/
  9. Hello, WRobot haven't this feature yet. You can use wow addon like Zygor for it.
  10. Hello, do you have activated "Harvest Timber" in tab "General Settings"?
  11. You can found some others source code here: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/26-plugins/ I have write sample code (no tested): using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using wManager.Plugin; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; public class Main : IPlugin { private List<string> Names = new List<string> { "ObjNpc Name 1", "ObjNpc Name 2", "ObjNpc Name ...", }; private bool _isLaunched; public void Initialize() { _isLaunched = true; var timer = new Timer(1500); timer.ForceReady(); Logging.Write("[Search Objects] Loadded."); while (_isLaunched && Products.IsStarted) { try { if (timer.IsReady && Conditions.ProductIsStartedNotInPause) { foreach (var o in wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit()) { try { if (o.IsValid && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Name) && Names.Contains(o.Name)) { // Code here where NPC found: MessageBox.Show("Npc found: " + o.Name); } } catch {} } foreach (var o in wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWGameObject()) { try { if (o.IsValid && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.Name) && Names.Contains(o.Name)) { // Code here where object found: MessageBox.Show("Object found: " + o.Name); } } catch { } } timer.Reset(); } } catch { } Thread.Sleep(300); } } public void Dispose() { _isLaunched = false; Logging.Write("[Search Objects] Disposed."); } public void Settings() { MessageBox.Show("[Search Objects] No settings for this plugin."); } } (replace "ObjNpc Name ..." line 15 by object or npc name (case sensitivity))
  12. Hello, I fixed problem in WRobot, to wait WRobot update, you can use this profile (code to fix problem is in first steps (in quest order)). Undead Quest FIXED.xml
  13. Je ne sais pas ce qui cause le problème, vous êtes le seul à l'avoir. Il y a de grande chance que WRobot est des problème à accédé au fichier "WRobot\Data\OffMeshConnections.xml" (soit le fichier est corrompu, n’existe pas, soit l'antivirus ou Windows bloque l'accès?). Vous pouvez essayé sur un autre PC ou d'installer Wow et WRobot dans une machine virtuel (avec VMWare).
  14. Hello, Read this to try to resolve problem: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/ If problem is not resolved please give me your log file: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/
  15. In login window (first window) try to unckeck option "DirectX hook".
  16. C'est le code C#: bool cibleAttaquable = Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return UnitCanAttack('player', 'target')"); if (cibleAttaquable) { // ta rotation... }
  17. Hello, with lastest updates you get yet this problem?
  18. You can use action ( http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/2202-profile-positions-and-action-column/ ) but you are limited. But if you use quester (or custom profile) you get full control of your character, it is the best solution.
  19. Hello, Do you want check it is your fightclass? if yes, you can use lua condition with this wow function: http://wow.gamepedia.com/API_UnitCanAttack
  20. Hello, You can try to disable option "Detect nodes stuck" and activate option (in gatherer product settings) "Skip nodes Indoors if Outdoors".
  21. Hello, You get some error, can you try to install SlimDX . Do you get again this problem (I have updated wrobot since your post). Do you have try to use another's profile (it is possible that your profile has outdated).
  22. Hello, can you tell me if problem is resolved. You can use main AH of stormwind (I don't get problem).
  23. Droidz

    skip bad hotspot

    Hello, blacklist zone (in profile or in your wrobot settings (tab "Tools")).
  24. Hello, You can see blacklist in game with tools in the tab "Map" (radar3d). Check if the size of blacklisted zone is good. The problem, if wrobot found mob/object after the zone, he will cross it. You can reducte search radius (in "General Settings") or increment blacklisted zone size.
  25. Hello, I have worked on gatherer bot to resolved problems, can you tell me if problems is resolved (or not).
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