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  1. Droidz's post in WRobot and WOW 1.12? was marked as the answer   
    I work on WRobot for private server, but I don't think add 1.12 support.
  2. Droidz's post in Remote doewn't work on wrobot.eu ? was marked as the answer   
    "Remote" feature works on latest WRobot version.
    Can you share your log file please: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1779-how-to-post-your-log-file-with-your-topic/
  3. Droidz's post in Horde mailbox settings and repairing tanaanjungle was marked as the answer   
    How I have said on the last post, do you have cleaned NPC DB? (you can check it in tab "Tools" button NPC DB)?
  4. Droidz's post in Tanaan Jungle (lvl 100) (Mine, Herb, Timber) V2 mailbox problem was marked as the answer   
    I have added screencast of how to add mailbox: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1413-how-to-add-mailbox-at-your-profile/?do=findComment&comment=10851
    Check also if your settings to send mail is good:
    You can increment the search radius ("General Settings > Advanced > Tab Others options" > "Npc/Mailbox Search Radius" ) You can disable "Automatically add in database nearest NPCs"  ("General Settings > Advanced > Tab Others options" ) You can clear NPC DB (close WRobot, remove file "WRobot\Data\NpcDB.xml") Check mail settings  ("General Settings > Advanced > Tab Mail..." ) You can try to user timer to go to mailbox ("General Settings > Advanced > Tab Vendor... > Go to vendor/repair/mailbox with timer..." ) If you get problem please send me your log file, where is the mailbox? (if you have wowhead link).
  5. Droidz's post in Request - Garrison Pet Battle was marked as the answer   
    Posted here: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/524-agarrison-mastering-the-menagerie-and-battle-pet-roundupxml/
  6. Droidz's post in Need help: Windows 10 Antivirus was marked as the answer   
    Can you share your log file please.
    Do you have follow this steps: http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/ ?
  7. Droidz's post in Problem with fight classes. was marked as the answer   
    You can found the old fightclasses here: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/39-old-obsolete/ (I have added a lot of options in fightclasse since your version, you can get compatibility problem). Or try to create your own fightclass.
    I works on new versions of (with last WRobot features). I'll release it soon.
  8. Droidz's post in forgot my old account name was marked as the answer   

    Send me by private message your paypal email please.
  9. Droidz's post in Need help for the Arena Wins Custom Profile. was marked as the answer   
    If you can try it: ArenaWins V2.cs (tell me if this works, I'll update file in download session)
  10. Droidz's post in New patch was marked as the answer   
    Hello, Yes, I check if all is good when new patch is released, if he has any problem I stop the login server.
  11. Droidz's post in Attaque cible was marked as the answer   
    Comme vous l'avez dit, WRotation permet de faire cela.
    Télécharger une bonne Fightclass sur le site et vous obtiendrez un bon résultat. (vous pouvez désactiver l'option "Manage..." pour garder le control de votre personnage pendant les combats). 
  12. Droidz's post in Bot not recognizing that it is connected to game? was marked as the answer   
    Hello, problem resolved, relaunch WRobot and accept update: http://wrobot.eu/page/articles.html/_/news/wrobot-for-wow-620-build-20253-r86 
  13. Droidz's post in Bot is crashing after latest updates. was marked as the answer   
    Can you try to remove folder "WRobot\Data\Meshes\"
    If you problem is not resolved, can you give me used profile or the log files.
  14. Droidz's post in Rotation Bot needs updating (my suggestion) was marked as the answer   
    1 - In game, create macros:
    Name: OpeningPhase
    /run if OpeningPhase == 1 then OpeningPhase = 0; print("Opening phase desactivated") else OpeningPhase = 1; print("Opening phase activated") end Name: ConservePhase
    /run if ConservePhase == 1 then ConservePhase = 0; print("Conserve phase desactivated") else ConservePhase = 1; print("Conserve phase activated") end Name: BurningPhase
    /run if BurningPhase == 1 then BurningPhase = 0; print("Burning phase desactivated") else BurningPhase = 1; print("Burning phase activated") end Name: CooldownPhase
    /run if CooldownPhase == 1 then CooldownPhase = 0; print("Cooldown phase desactivated") else CooldownPhase = 1; print("Cooldown phase activated") end Name: DisableAll
    /run OpeningPhase = 0; ConservePhase = 0; BurningPhase = 0; CooldownPhase = 0; print("All phases desactivated");   Name: ActiveAll /run OpeningPhase = 1; ConservePhase = 1; BurningPhase = 1; CooldownPhase = 1; print("All phases activated"); and put is in your action bar like this: 
    2 - In your fightclass, add condition "Lua Script" by spell:
    In "Return value research" put: 
    true In "Return value var" put:
    phaseActive  In "Lua script" put:
    - For spells Opening phase:
    phaseActive = OpeningPhase == 1;  
    - For spells Conserve phase:
    phaseActive = ConservePhase == 1; - For spells Burning phase:
    phaseActive = BurningPhase == 1; - For spells Cooldown phase:
    phaseActive = CooldownPhase == 1; 3 - Sample: testtest.xml
  15. Droidz's post in Problem with dual spec. was marked as the answer   
    Hello,   I cannot add this,for performance, WRobot put in cache an lot of information (it is for this raison that you need to restart WRobot when you change character, or in your case, when you change spe).
  16. Droidz's post in Minerai foret de jade was marked as the answer   
    J'ai trouvé ces deux profils:  et http://wrobot.eu/files/file/14-jade-forest-alliance-maybe-horde/
    Sinon vous pouvez créer votre propre profil (c'est vraiment simple et rapide), regarder ce guide (page 51): http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/guides/WRobot%20guide%20FR.pdf
  17. Droidz's post in Unable to change setting for WRotations was marked as the answer   
    Hello, I increment size of box, do you have this problem on another product? (you have probably change default text size in Windows settings).
  18. Droidz's post in Frost Mage's Prismatic Crystal was marked as the answer   
    Try this code:
    Distance from you:
    (ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(76933).Count(u => u.GetDistance < 30 && u.IsMyPet) > 0) Distance from target:
    (ObjectManager.Target.IsValid && ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(76933).Count(u => u.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.Target.Position) < 30 && u.IsMyPet) > 0) - Replace 30 by distance.
    - If this don't works try to remove code: 
    && u.IsMyPet - I have found entry id of crystal (76933) in wowhead ( http://www.wowhead.com/npc=76933/prismatic-crystal ), if id is not correct you can found it with Dev tools (tab Tools).
    Use spell condition type "C Sharp Code" and put code in "Value".
  19. Droidz's post in Depeceur was marked as the answer   
    Oui il existe des profils pour le dépeçage: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/37-skinning/
    Il faut activer l'option "Skin" dans "General Settings".
  20. Droidz's post in Can't Update the Bot. was marked as the answer   
    try to download preinstalled verison: http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/tmp/WRobotPack.zip
  21. Droidz's post in How to add PET's skill into rotation? was marked as the answer   
    For multi languages support you can use this script:
    local name = GetSpellInfo(2649); if name then for i=1,50 do local spellName, spellSubName = GetSpellBookItemName(i, BOOKTYPE_PET) if spellName and spellName == name then CastSpell(i, BOOKTYPE_PET); end end end (remplace 2649 by your pet spell id)
  22. Droidz's post in Réputation Ravenholdt & Pick pocket was marked as the answer   
    Je viens d'ajouter le support des profils (profils créés avec le bot "Grinder"), pouvez-vous re télécharger et essayer de nouveau (je n'ai pas essayé les modifications, merci de me signaler si vous rencontrez des bugs/problèmes).
    Vous pouvez télécharger la nouvelle version ici:  (sélectionner le profil "Pickpocketing With Grinder profile support.cs" plutot que Pickpocketing.cs").
    ps: Pour voler les PNJ plus proche ou plus loin (par rapport au profil), vous pouvez changer les réglages de l'option "Search radius" dans les paramètres avancés du bot.
  23. Droidz's post in Caravane de fiona was marked as the answer   
    Faite un turnin manuellement (avec l'id des deux pnj), plus d'explication ici: 
  24. Droidz's post in Baie du butin was marked as the answer   
    Bonjour, j'ai récemment ajouté le type de quest FollowPath, cela devrait résoudre votre problème.
  25. Droidz's post in quete cap sur le cap was marked as the answer   
    réponse ici: 
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