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Everything posted by ildoctore

  1. Version 1.1


    Now testing and looking for blacklist points, i'll be updating. near coast all map of arak and south talador
  2. i try to use the lua code but the bot dont change the first pet and it die...
  3. the arqueologic have some problems, it dont go to new site when end someone. in pandaria go allways to isle of giants. And stuck allways moving between sites in mountanis or walls, it fly very bad. sorry formy bad engilsh
  4. bot allways have problem with the big lumber trees. the bot try to mine into the tree and it still flying up down and around the tree
  5. and we have a lot of problem like this with the spanish version, you can download and check it.
  6. i cant see this names. and can i translate the fight class creator ?
  7. actulizado y errores de botones y demas corregidos si veis algo avisar.
  8. i want to know what is traker and how it work, is to track what i do and build a profile ?
  9. hi Droidz, i had problems with translating the spanish version, with long phrases the text being on top of the butoms and u can click them, can you fix it? thanks sorry for my bad english grama
  10. Um dia destes que teña tempo preparo o fight class do druida balance. Um saudo
  11. nao todolos fight class fucionan ben, tenta baixa outro.
  12. i having problems another time, dont work anti afk for me...
  13. Version 2.0


    I have modified that good profile of OHREN, i added to atack mobs with distance because on some profiles he didn't atack fine. and added more health abilitys. Sorry for bad english
  14. hi, be sure you had installed all of this :
  15. Yes, i had translate it to spanish but on this file i cant edit the development tools, macro options and more to translate it
  16. Now it start but he try to sell and repair all the time and he dont unmount the mamut. [N] 13:10:01 - Path Count: 1 13:10:03 - Repair items 13:10:09 - Sell items 13:10:12 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:10:12 - Use Mammoth 13:10:12 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:10:13 - Path Count: 1 13:10:15 - Repair items 13:10:21 - Sell items 13:10:24 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:10:24 - Use Mammoth 13:10:24 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:10:26 - Path Count: 1 13:10:28 - Repair items 13:10:34 - Sell items 13:10:37 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:10:37 - Use Mammoth 13:10:37 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:10:38 - Path Count: 1 13:10:40 - Repair items 13:10:46 - Sell items 13:10:49 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:10:49 - Use Mammoth 13:10:49 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:10:51 - Path Count: 1 13:10:52 - Repair items 13:10:58 - Sell items 13:11:02 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:11:02 - Use Mammoth 13:11:02 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:11:03 - Path Count: 1 13:11:05 - Repair items 13:11:11 - Sell items 13:11:14 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:11:15 - Use Mammoth 13:11:15 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:11:16 - Path Count: 1 13:11:18 - Repair items 13:11:24 - Sell items 13:11:27 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:11:28 - Use Mammoth 13:11:28 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:11:29 - Path Count: 1 13:11:31 - Repair items 13:11:37 - Sell items 13:11:41 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:11:41 - Use Mammoth 13:11:41 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:11:42 - Path Count: 1 13:11:44 - Repair items 13:11:50 - Sell items 13:11:54 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:11:54 - Use Mammoth 13:11:54 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:11:55 - Path Count: 1 13:11:57 - Repair items 13:12:03 - Sell items 13:12:07 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:12:07 - Use Mammoth 13:12:07 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:12:08 - Path Count: 1 13:12:10 - Repair items 13:12:16 - Sell items 13:12:20 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:12:20 - Use Mammoth 13:12:20 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:12:21 - Path Count: 1 13:12:23 - Repair items 13:12:29 - Sell items 13:12:33 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:12:33 - Use Mammoth 13:12:33 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:12:34 - Path Count: 1 13:12:36 - Repair items 13:12:42 - Sell items 13:12:46 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:12:46 - Use Mammoth 13:12:46 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:12:47 - Path Count: 1 13:12:49 - Repair items 13:12:55 - Sell items 13:12:59 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:12:59 - Use Mammoth 13:12:59 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:13:00 - Path Count: 1 13:13:02 - Repair items 13:13:08 - Sell items 13:13:12 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:13:12 - Use Mammoth 13:13:12 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:13:13 - Path Count: 1 13:13:15 - Repair items 13:13:21 - Sell items 13:13:25 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:13:25 - Use Mammoth 13:13:25 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:13:26 - Path Count: 1 13:13:28 - Repair items 13:13:34 - Sell items 13:13:38 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:13:38 - Use Mammoth 13:13:38 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:13:39 - Path Count: 1 13:13:41 - Repair items 13:13:47 - Sell items 13:13:51 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:13:51 - Use Mammoth 13:13:51 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:13:52 - Path Count: 1 13:13:54 - Repair items 13:14:00 - Sell items 13:14:04 - Go to vendor Drix Blackwrench (Repair) 13:14:04 - Use Mammoth 13:14:04 - Vendor named Drix Llavenegra [N] 13:14:05 - Path Count: 1 13:14:07 - Repair items 13:14:11 - Stop Grinder Complete
  17. Hi, i like translate to spanish the options of macros and the development tools (profile creator, class creator) that possible?
  18. no, it dont try go to vendor.... I will upload the log in a few time.
  19. hi, you can say me how to use tundra mamut? i have it configurate but it dont work. i have Use mamut tundra on the config selected. I have added the pnj to the concret grinder profile. i have select too the options of sell and repair. Sorry for mi bad english
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