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Posts posted by iMod

  1. i'm not sure if i understood the question right but if you want to use such items or spells here is an example in c#

    ClickOnTerrain.Spell(SpellID, this.Me.TargetObject.Position);
    ClickOnTerrain.Item(ItemID, this.Me.TargetObject.Position);

    I think it is not possible to auto detec if the item needs a cursor or not but i never took a look at such scenario.

  2. 1 hour ago, xerian said:


    Can someone make a plugin which will be swaping between mode 25/10 ppl, when the char will left instance?

    Do you really need to swap or is it enough to reset the instance?
    You could use the chat plugin to reset it via lua " ResetInstances()"

  3. This will be my first try ;) if someone has another idea just let me know

    GetUnits(int range) is a method that returns a list of all mobs around you.

    The goal is to check those mobs if we own 100% threat and if not we will interact with them if we still don't have them in the target.

            /// <summary>
            /// Switch to the target with the lowest threat
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="range">The range we want to search for</param>
            public static void SwitchTargetByThread(int range)
                Dictionary<WoWUnit, int> targets = GetUnits(range).ToDictionary(t => t, t => GetThreat(t));
                targets.OrderBy(t => t.Value);
                // Skip?
                if (targets.All(t => t.Value == 100))
                // Get target with the lowest threat
                KeyValuePair<WoWUnit, int> target = targets.FirstOrDefault();
                // Any target and is not our current target?
                if (target.Key != null && !target.Key.IsMyTarget)
                    Logging.WriteDebug($"Switching target: {target.Value}% threat.");
                    // Target the mob
                    Interact.InteractGameObject(target.Key.GetBaseAddress, !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove);
            /// <summary>
            /// Switch to the target with the lowest threat
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="range">The range we want to search for</param>
            public static void SwitchTargetByThread(int range)
                Dictionary<WoWUnit, int> targets = GetUnits(range).ToDictionary(t => t, t => GetThreat(t));
                targets.OrderBy(t => t.Value);
                // Skip?
                if (targets.All(t => t.Value == 100))
                // Get target with the lowest threat
                KeyValuePair<WoWUnit, int> target = targets.FirstOrDefault();
                // Any target and is not our current target?
                if (target.Key != null && !target.Key.IsMyTarget)
                    Logging.WriteDebug($"Switching target: {target.Value}% threat.");
                    // Validate target
                    if (target.Key.IsValid && !target.Key.IsDead)
                        // Target the mob
                        Interact.InteractGameObject(target.Key.GetBaseAddress, !ObjectManager.Me.GetMove);


  4. 1 hour ago, dgnlcr said:

    Hello all i have some questions

    1-is it work 64 bit

    2-is the combat routines good

    3-is it make fps down ?

     thanks for answers

    1-is it work 64 bit -> No (Edit. Thought you mean the host system)

    2-is the combat routines good -> If you have special needs you need to create your own one.

    3-is it make fps down ? Sometimes but not verry often

  5. 9 minutes ago, LunaAlfie said:


    Thank you very much. That helped me making a 30k dps frost dk rotation, but then again i`m only low geared, so i could even be better.. Maybe you have the time and willingness to look over it? :)

    Oh and the last thing: WRotation is still not working -> At least not when i attack Training Dummies.. Is there any information anywhere about that?

    Just post it and let the community check it ;) i'm just interessted at 3.3.5a stuff.

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