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  1. I love this profile the only issue I am ahving is that it is the only fight class I use that goes nuts when i click on a corpse or friendly NPC. For some reason it trys to attack the nearest mob when i click on a corpse or friendly NPC. May just be me or is there a setting for this particular fight class that I need to change. overall great setup thanks for your hard work!
  2. For anyone else that may be learning, I learned the hard way the time here is in milliseconds ;)
  3. perfect thank you so much ;)
  4. Ok so I have another Noob question, is there a way to set a condition for buff time. For instance if I want to keep rupture up on a rogue or agony on a lock. So what I am looking for is a condition for Target buff remaining less than or equal to say 3 seconds I am using the fight class editor and have never used LUA Thanks :)
  5. Great Profile thanks for sharing !
  6. Hello all I am trying to maintain Dot up time to near 100% for agony on an affliction lock. My question is how do I set the condition to allow recast at any time prior to three seconds from drop time and second how do i cause a spell (Drain life) to not cast if agony will be dropping within a certain period of time? I have been toying with the "buff time left Target) condition but haven't had any luck to this point. As soon as I get this tweaked ill be adding the affliction Lock PVP class I am not currently adding multi target doting other than through seed of corruption but would love any advice on how one might maintain up time of other dots on multiple targets. Thanks in advance for any thoughts or ideas !
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Let me know what you think and if you have any issues. The talent build is included.
  8. Sorry should have stated that this is a DH build rather than a lock didn't realize the talent overlap :( The problem I am having is that metamorphosis is a cast to location and all i get is the cast graphic but it will not set the location to target
  9. I am trying to tweak out a havoc class but am having an issue getting the Metamorphosis to work. Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated. Attached is my current working build. thanks PsyDpo Havoc demon hunter.xml
  10. cannot view talent jpg. looking forward to checking this out
  11. thanks, I must have hit the wrong location :)
  12. Version 1.0.1


    First try at a balance druid
  13. This profile was working great but then started just going to noods and sitting in the air above them for several seconds (20-30) and then dismounting in air and then gathering. It is as if the entire zone is now lower
  14. ya its not doing anything fro me in proving grounds or in party
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