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Everything posted by Runaro

  1. A new movement function would be great, to turn the facing direction of a character. ( PressKey would be the best, since it could get used also for remote vehicle controlling ) Currently i use lua for this task, but i would prefer a inbuild function. Lua: TurnRightStart() TurnRightStop() TurnLeftStart() TurnLefttStop() How the new function could look like, wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move.TurnRight(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 300) wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move.TurnLeft(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 300)
  2. Okay tested the object distance check and it really doesn't work in Vanilla 1.12.1. ( TurnRight via lua doesn't work too, so just use ObjectManager.Me.Rotation ) Works fine in 2.4.3, 3.3.5a and above. @Droidz fix please
  3. Tested on a 2.4.3 and 3.3.5a server, works perfectly. I'll come back, when i tested it on a 1.12.1 server. ( need to find quick one and create an account )
  4. Idk why, but you modified stuff you shouldn't modify. And the GoTo pulse was having a AutoObjectiveCount + QuestID, without telling the Bot, to only do it, while not having this Quest. The TurnRightStop function is in the Vanilla API, idk why he's not doing it for you. ( gonna test it on a vanilla server ) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <EasyQuestProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <QuestsSorted> <QuestsSorted Action="Pulse" NameClass="GoTo" /> <QuestsSorted Action="If" NameClass="ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D( new Vector3(-1313.525, 182.4907, 68.55195, &quot;None&quot;) ) &lt; 1" /> <QuestsSorted Action="None" NameClass="We are at the boarding point, to the Thunder Bluff Elevator!" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="// Wait for the Elevator &#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;if (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(4171).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance &lt;= 5) {&#xD;&#xA; Logging.Write(&quot;[Quester] Elevator is already here - waiting for the next one, to make sure boarding will not fail&quot;);&#xD;&#xA;}&#xD;&#xA;while (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(4171).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance &lt;= 5) {Thread.Sleep(500);};&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Logging.Write(&quot;[Quester] Wait for Elevator&quot;);&#xD;&#xA;while (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(4171).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance &gt; 5) {Thread.Sleep(500);};" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="// Enter the Elevator &#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Logging.Write(&quot;[Quester] Will enter the Elevator in 1 second&quot;);&#xD;&#xA;Thread.Sleep(1000);{ wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move.Forward(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 800); }" /> <QuestsSorted Action="None" NameClass="We are on the Thunder Bluff Elevator!&#xD;&#xA;" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunLuaCode" NameClass="TurnRightStart();" /> <QuestsSorted Action="Wait" NameClass="350" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunLuaCode" NameClass="TurnRightStop();" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="// Leave the Elevator&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Logging.Write(&quot;[Quester] Will leave the Elevator in 16 seconds&quot;);&#xD;&#xA;Thread.Sleep(16000);{ wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move.Forward(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 1200); }" /> <QuestsSorted Action="EndIf" NameClass="" /> </QuestsSorted> <NpcQuest /> <Npc /> <Blackspots /> <BlackGuids /> <EasyQuests> <EasyQuest> <Name>GoTo</Name> <QuestId> <int>99</int> </QuestId> <QuestType>FollowPath</QuestType> <QuestClass xsi:type="FollowPathEasyQuestClass"> <Path> <Vector3 X="-1313.525" Y="182.4907" Z="68.55195" /> </Path> <IsCompleteWhenAtLastPath>false</IsCompleteWhenAtLastPath> <ForceToStartFirstPosition>false</ForceToStartFirstPosition> <IsHotSpots>true</IsHotSpots> <IsLoop>false</IsLoop> </QuestClass> <ObjectiveCount1>0</ObjectiveCount1> <ObjectiveCount2>0</ObjectiveCount2> <ObjectiveCount3>0</ObjectiveCount3> <ObjectiveCount4>0</ObjectiveCount4> <ObjectiveCount5>0</ObjectiveCount5> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount1>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount1> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount2>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount2> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount3>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount3> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount4>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount4> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount5>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount5> <CanCondition /> <IsCompleteCondition>return ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(-1313.525, 182.4907, 68.55195, "None")) &lt; 1;</IsCompleteCondition> <RepeatableQuest>false</RepeatableQuest> <NotRequiredInQuestLog>true</NotRequiredInQuestLog> <PickUpQuestOnItem>false</PickUpQuestOnItem> <PickUpQuestOnItemID>0</PickUpQuestOnItemID> <Comment /> <GossipOptionRewardItem>1</GossipOptionRewardItem> <RequiredQuest>0</RequiredQuest> <MaxLevel>100</MaxLevel> <MinLevel>0</MinLevel> <WoWClass>None</WoWClass> </EasyQuest> </EasyQuests> </EasyQuestProfile>
  5. Not really. ( mine works fully fail proof ) Send me your profile and i'll look into it.
  6. I'll just post it here, so other users can use it too. ( spoofed the sleeps, removed coordinates and the turn timer ) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <EasyQuestProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <QuestsSorted> <QuestsSorted Action="Pulse" NameClass="GoTo" /> <QuestsSorted Action="If" NameClass="ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D( new Vector3(1234, 1234, 1234, &quot;None&quot;) ) &lt; 1&#xD;&#xA;" /> <QuestsSorted Action="None" NameClass="We are at the boarding point, to the Thunder Bluff Elevator!" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="// Wait for the Elevator &gt;&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;if (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(4171).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance &lt;= 6) {&#xD;&#xA; Logging.Write(&quot;[Quester] Elevator is already here - waiting for the next one, to make sure boarding will not fail&quot;);&#xD;&#xA;}&#xD;&#xA;while (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(4171).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance &lt;= 6) {Thread.Sleep(500);};&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Logging.Write(&quot;[Quester] Wait for Elevator&quot;);&#xD;&#xA;while (ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByyId(4171).FirstOrDefault().GetDistance &gt; 6) {Thread.Sleep(500);};" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="// Enter the Elevator &gt; &#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Logging.Write(&quot;[Quester] Will enter the Elevator in 1 second&quot;);&#xD;&#xA;Thread.Sleep(1000);{ wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move.Forward(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 900); }" /> <QuestsSorted Action="None" NameClass="We are on the Thunder Bluff Elevator!" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunLuaCode" NameClass="TurnRightStart();" /> <QuestsSorted Action="Wait" NameClass="YourTurnTimerHere" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunLuaCode" NameClass="TurnRightStop();" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="// Leave the Elevator &gt; &#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Logging.Write(&quot;[Quester] Will leave the Elevator in 16 seconds&quot;);&#xD;&#xA;Thread.Sleep(16000);{ wManager.Wow.Helpers.Move.Forward(Move.MoveAction.PressKey, 1200); }" /> <QuestsSorted Action="EndIf" NameClass="" /> </QuestsSorted> <NpcQuest /> <Npc /> <Blackspots /> <BlackGuids /> <EasyQuests> <EasyQuest> <Name>GoTo</Name> <QuestId /> <QuestType>FollowPath</QuestType> <QuestClass xsi:type="FollowPathEasyQuestClass"> <Path> <Vector3 X="1234" Y="1234" Z="1234" /> </Path> <IsCompleteWhenAtLastPath>false</IsCompleteWhenAtLastPath> <ForceToStartFirstPosition>false</ForceToStartFirstPosition> <IsHotSpots>true</IsHotSpots> <IsLoop>false</IsLoop> </QuestClass> <ObjectiveCount1>0</ObjectiveCount1> <ObjectiveCount2>0</ObjectiveCount2> <ObjectiveCount3>0</ObjectiveCount3> <ObjectiveCount4>0</ObjectiveCount4> <ObjectiveCount5>0</ObjectiveCount5> <ObjectiveCount6>0</ObjectiveCount6> <ObjectiveCount7>0</ObjectiveCount7> <ObjectiveCount8>0</ObjectiveCount8> <ObjectiveCount9>0</ObjectiveCount9> <ObjectiveCount10>0</ObjectiveCount10> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount1>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount1> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount2>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount2> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount3>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount3> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount4>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount4> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount5>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount5> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount6>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount6> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount7>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount7> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount8>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount8> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount9>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount9> <AutoDetectObjectiveCount10>false</AutoDetectObjectiveCount10> <CanCondition /> <IsCompleteCondition>return (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(1234, 1234, 1234)) &lt; 1);</IsCompleteCondition> <RepeatableQuest>false</RepeatableQuest> <NotRequiredInQuestLog>true</NotRequiredInQuestLog> <PickUpQuestOnItem>false</PickUpQuestOnItem> <PickUpQuestOnItemID>0</PickUpQuestOnItemID> <Comment /> <GossipOptionRewardItem>1</GossipOptionRewardItem> <RequiredQuest>0</RequiredQuest> <MaxLevel>100</MaxLevel> <MinLevel>0</MinLevel> <WoWClass>None</WoWClass> </EasyQuest> </EasyQuests> </EasyQuestProfile>
  7. If you wouldn't have removed me from skype, maybe. No need for a "free" profile, since i have my own profiles, but thanks for the offer. That being said, i'll not share the full code, because i use it by myself and don't want that a bunch of other people use it too. ( currently fully automating my profile, that's why i created for all Zeppelins, Ships and Elevators profiles ) But, i can send you the profile, with the checks, sleeps and movement behaviour examples. ( coordinates will get removed )
  8. Meh, i haven't even used NPC's to move on the Zeppelins, Ships and Elevators. I just use lua to move on them.http://wowprogramming.com/docs/api_categories#movement ( thanks iMod for this idea )
  9. Once created, you can use it simply for all your profiles. But ye i agree, a implemented function directly in WRobot would be helpful.
  10. Here's an demonstration, how the bot can manage to use the elevator of Thunder Bluff. ( i was bored, so i created a profile for it ) Took 15 minutes to create, on the base of Stauffenberg's ship profile.
  11. Yes, Wrobot supports the following private server versions: Vanilla 1.12.1, TBC 2.4.3, Wotlk 3.3.5, Cata 4.3.4, MOP 5.4.7 / 5.4.8 and WOD 6.2.3 / 6.2.4 Choose and download the correct version of WRobot, for the world of warcraft client you want to use WRobot on.
  12. Thanks for the guide. Btw. will we get access to the OffMeshConnections tool you used in your guide, or do we have to add the coordinates manually?
  13. I agree, didn't fully understand how do use them properly after adding them via: var me = new List<PathFinder.OffMeshConnection> { new PathFinder.OffMeshConnection(new List<Vector3> { new Vector3(-8805.438, 663.3263, 96.20168), new Vector3(-8809.822, 647.994, 94.38027) }, (int) wManager.Wow.Enums.ContinentId.Azeroth), new PathFinder.OffMeshConnection(new List<Vector3> { new Vector3(-8809.822, 647.994, 94.38027), new Vector3(-8805.438, 663.3263, 96.20168) }, (int) wManager.Wow.Enums.ContinentId.Azeroth) }; wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.OffMeshConnections.Load(); wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.OffMeshConnections.MeshConnection.AddRange(me); wManager.Wow.Helpers.PathFinder.OffMeshConnections.Save();
  14. Bossland is an multi million dollar company and Techprog definitely not. People which are releasing their work for free on here, doing this, because they want to and are not to forced to publish it. ( a good community lives from such people ) Me personally, will never release anything on here, but it's nice that other do. ( even though, i don't use other peoples profiles and FightClasses )
  15. The WRobot subscription will not renew automatically. So you can just buy the WRobot ( for private server ) subscription for one year and after the year is over, you'll have to manually renew your WRobot subscription.
  16. Sounds weird, because he doesn't do it for me when i check this option. But to be honest, i never let the bot repeat FollowPath's all the time, he'll only do it once for me, continue with other pulses and never will come back to the FollowPath pulse. ( leveling profile ) If this problem really persists and i'm not missing something, then you should maybe create a workaround for now. ( until Droidz did reproduce this problem and fix it, if it's really a bug ) Instead of using FollowPath, simply create RunCode's in the QuestSorted. ( weird and not clean solution, but that should at least work ) Here's an example for your coordinates you posted: <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(1256.431, 22.70191, 33.50569));" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(1269.236, 41.0107, 33.50568));" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(1255.751, 66.1565, 33.50556));" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPosition(new Vector3(1272.432, 104.288, 33.50554));" /> But if you ask me, i would wait and see what Droidz has to say about that.
  17. <ForceToStartFirstPosition>false</ForceToStartFirstPosition> To: <ForceToStartFirstPosition>true</ForceToStartFirstPosition>
  18. Could you please post a example FollowPath pulse from your profile?
  19. I prefer using a IsCompleteCondition for checking if he's really at the right position and then pulse the next step, instead of using the inbuild "<IsCompleteWhenAtLastPath>false</IsCompleteWhenAtLastPath>". <IsCompleteCondition>return (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(-591.455, 4074.51, 93.8132)) &lt; 10);</IsCompleteCondition>
  20. My message was to @testingz and was about the plugin?
  21. If you can't create yourself a c# FightClass with some lua syntax, then you have to use the TargetBuff condition in xml. ( and live with, that he'll not cast the Serpent Sting again, if there's another Serpent Sting debuff, from an other hunter ) Or, you could simply use a timer, without a buff check. ( but that would mean, if the spell miss, he'll not recast it until the timer runs out )
  22. The problem is, that WRobot doesn't have the possibility atm. to check who the is owner of a buff / debuff, in Vanilla ( 1.12.1 ) and TBC ( 2.4.3 ). BuffCastedByMe etc. only works since Wotlk. ( 3.3.5a )
  23. Runaro

    Write api documentation

    It's about time to happen.
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