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  1. Not to mention that I currently pay for 2 WoW accounts with in game gold. It's cheaper to buy a subscription to WRobot and have all the freedom I would like when buying things than to pay for the game outright. More time to play, pvp, raid. > gathering, grinding professions, gold farming.
  2. just watched it for the last 10 mins and it's working smoothly. my character now engages the enemies! i'll continue to monitor it for the next hour or so just to make sure. ********Working as smooth as butter 0 deaths /hour
  3. i haven't tried using a mount (i don't have flying). if travel form is cast and i get to a pool while i'm in combat it will attempt to fish than stand there in travel form until whatever is attacking me kills my character lol edit**** tried it with a mount and it still does this.
  4. while i'm in travel form if i the bot pulls a mob, gets to the pool and starts to fish it won't attack the enemies and just stand there and die. any help?
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This profile is mainly just for farming felblight as quick as i have been able to. it uses mainly Fishing but will also run a path for herbs and ores from sha 'naari refuge in tanaan north circling around Rasthe Rare spawn and fishing the pools there and going pack to sha 'naari refuge. i have 700 in each proffession and i get around 50-80+ in a 4 hour run.
  6. Seems the lure: [Worm Supreme] will not be used when fishing in Tanaan for some reason :( i have it typed in correctly in the lure option panel in product settings.
  7. worked like a charm!! :D
  8. good idea Droidz. Merci !!
  9. Is it possible to combine the tanaan Horde herb/mining gatherer with the Fisherbot so that it will fish the Felmouth Frenzy fishing pools??? i'm maxed out on all these skills and it would cut down on travel time alot which means more farms and more Felblight right. and furthermore is there anyone that would be able to explain to me how to set this up? i don't really know too much about this but i'm fully willing to learn.
    it isn't using impending victory when i'm below 35% health. it isn't using impending victory at all really
  10. Currently i'm using the only mm hunter fightclass that works in tanaan jungle and doesn't get me killed while gathering. problem is if it attacks something (like a daggerfish hunter) that is phased out and evades every attack it won't stop. also this doesn't use the pet for spirit bond!!! how do i fix this please ::( i use the only mm hunter fightclass on the forumns here. ohrens didn't come in the download although it says that it is there. please any help at all would be fantastic.
  11. hey man, there is no marksmanship hunter fightclass in the download.... just sayin because you said it's done lol
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