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Everything posted by supersurfer

  1. seems you dont understand the system, it is the path between two meshes and of course this is not limited to two points. if the bot gets into water in booty bay under the houses it would be impossible to get back to land.
  2. it would be nice if you could add a function for automatic vector3 adding, like with the easyquest followpath, the manual adding is pretty anoying for a longer path :)
  3. Auction house transfer is the safest way, but even with that method i know some people who got busted :/ but i think if you not transfer huge amounts with one grey item the chance is pretty low i would guess.
  4. if you dont use 100 bots over the same ip i would not worry about it. but transfering gold between the bot and the regular account is dangerous. even with transfering over a guild bank it is very easy for blizz to ban your regular account too.
  5. Has anybody else tested, facing a vector ? for me it does not work, he faces the wrong direction. Facing a WowUnit works but not a position. wManager.Wow.Helpers.MovementManager.Face(new Vector3(2757.88, -1948.26, 50));
  6. Version 1.0.2


    FrameRateSurfer Description: Lets you control the Framerate (Foreground and Background) when you are botting. Pretty useful for pushing the performance of other applications / games you want to use while botting. Settings: Settings should be self explanatory. When WRobot is closed the max FPS (Foreground and Background) gets resetted to 200 Likes and feedback always welcome :) Other plugins:
  7. hi there, i want to script a quest where i need to use a non moving vehicle and shoot a moving target, anybody know how to manipulate/control the shooting direction ? i attached a picture to better illustrate the problem. thanks for any help
  8. wenn du nicht 50 bots über die gleiche ip laufen lässt dürfte es keine ip weite sperre geben, aus meiner erfahrung erhöhen da sogar vpn's die chance das die bots gebannt werden. aber da blizz keine aussagen machen werden muß das jeder für sich testen ;)
  9. ja wenn du komplett auf nummer sicher gehen willst, dann botten auf nem 2ten pc und keinerlei handel zwischen dem bot und dem main. ansonsten kann man alles sehr einfach zurückverfolgen. die blizzard leute sind ja keine vollidioten ^^ wenn die nen bot detecten dann schauen die sich natürlich an mit wem er gehandelt hat oder auf welche gildenbank das gold geparkt wurde und wer das gold da wieder runterholt. wie gesagt auktionshaus war die sicherste variante aber selbst das ist nicht mehr 100%
  10. if you are sure that your plugin still pulse after pause then its cause of the wrong movement calls. i would make a GoToTask.ToPosition call to a location in front of the dungeon entry and then when i reached the location i would make a clicktomove call to a vector inside/behind the dungeon entry portal.
  11. create your own thread with the creation of your plugin and make the movement call there. when wrobot is paused it does not pulse the plugin anymore. edit: another thing, i am not sure if the MovementManager.MoveTo(new Vector3(-554.9354f, 3137.513f, 5.374941f)); call will walk you through a portal, if not i would use a direct clicktomove call.
  12. sicherste variante ist es mit dem main account schrott gegenstände für sehr viel gold ins ah einstellen, und kaufst die dann mit dem bot account. aber selbst das können die natürlich rausfinden. je nachdem wie blizzard im moment drauf ist.
  13. the path from northern stranglethorn to cape of stranglethorn is meshed but the character always falls from a cliff into the water and cant recover from that. from: Map name MPQ: Azeroth My Position: -13018.83, -379.7427, 27.22106, "None" My Position Vector: new Vector3(-13018.83, -379.7427, 27.22106, "None") My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-13018.83" Y="-379.7427" Z="27.22106" Type="None" /> to: Map name MPQ: Azeroth My Position: -13167.86, -302.9479, 14.99959, "None" My Position Vector: new Vector3(-13167.86, -302.9479, 14.99959, "None") My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-13167.86" Y="-302.9479" Z="14.99959" Type="None" />
  14. pretty sure you are missing something ;)
  15. thanks, thats very useful, i made my own click to move navigation system but this is better :)
  16. to get to the flightmaster, he runs into the wall of the house from: My Position: -14471.61, 458.2812, 30.58568, "None" My Position Vector: new Vector3(-14471.61, 458.2812, 30.58568, "None") My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-14471.61" Y="458.2812" Z="30.58568" Type="None" /> to: new Vector3(-14481.17, 467.496, 31.52198)
  17. its a lot i think, booty bay is really rough from what i experienced, this will take some time to extract all from => to positions . but i will start with the most important ones. to get from the jungle into booty bay, wrobot tries to swim around and skips the tunnel connecting booty bay and the jungle outside. if i am in the tunnel he navigates fine into booty bay. edit : its strange i started the questing from booty bay and wrobot uses the tunnel to get outside, so that way works :) From: Map name MPQ: Azeroth My Position: -14243.5, 329.4058, 24.0618, "None" My Position Vector: new Vector3(-14243.5, 329.4058, 24.0618, "None") My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-14243.5" Y="329.4058" Z="24.0618" Type="None" /> To: Map name MPQ: Azeroth My Position: -14322.68, 444.7621, 22.80104, "None" My Position Vector: new Vector3(-14322.68, 444.7621, 22.80104, "None") My Position XML: <Vector3 X="-14322.68" Y="444.7621" Z="22.80104" Type="None" />
  18. hi droidz, i am working on a 1-110 questing profile, at the moment i am scripting the quests for south stranglethorn. Sadly i have huge meshing/navigation problems in booty bay, the characters are stuck all the time, especially when entering or leaving buildings, i hope you can improve the meshes somehow, my test characters record all the gameobjects and i will attach the zipped gameObject.json. I hope that will help. best regards, surfer gameObject.zip
  19. you can do that like that <QuestsSorted Action="LoadProfile" NameClass="path/otherprofile.xml" />
  20. if i am not mistaken, $"foo" compiles into string.format
  21. bg botten ist heutzutage sowieso eigentlich selbstmord, ich würde davon absehen und mich auf andere bereiche konzentrieren
  22. Thank you, i will try that :)
  23. Thanks for the feedback, thats why feedback is so important, in my session i never ported to a city and that was no issue. I will implement both features in the next version.
  24. Hi Droidz, It seems ObjectManager.Me.InCombat works a little different from => Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return UnitAffectingCombat(\"player\")"); could you implement this alternative version of InCombat into the api please ? Best regards, surfer
  25. Version 1.0.0


    Botting in a random lfg group and suddenly the leader leaves and you get promoted to leader, sounds like a problem if suddenly people whisper you to invite / kick or whatever and you are afk. Party Promoter can help you there, if you are the leader it picks somebody else and promotes him/her to leader.
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