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Everything posted by Dreamful

  1. Wanted to test the Auction Bot today, hes Sell items, Pickup from Mailbox, but not Buying out teh Items under this price range. Anyone can confirm?
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Priest Fightclass for WotLK ::Features:: Cast Shadowform Cast Inner Fire Cast Vampiric Embrace Cast Power Word: Fortitude Cast Divine Spirit Cast Power Word: Shield if you are lower than 90 % Health Cast Flash Heal if you are lower than 50 % Health (Only use if you are above level 23) Cast Lesser Heal if you are lower than 50 % Health (Only use if you are lower than level 23) Cast Dispersion if you are lower than 10 % Mana Cast Vampiric Touch and keeps it up on target Cast Devouring Plague and keeps it up on target Cast Shadow Word: Pain and keeps it up on target Cast Mind Blast Cast Mind Flay if all dots ticking on target Cast Mind Sear if more than 2 Units near my Target in 10 yards range Cast Shadowfiend Cast Smite (Only use if you are lower than level 23) The FightClass is specially for leveling for Shadow 1-80. as i mention above in the feature list, if you are hitting level 20 you can learn Mind Flay & Flash Heal. So its important that you go to the Class Trainer till level 23. If you have any suggestions let me know, have fun! Dreamful
  3. Other method, but i think thats a bit shady, you can use the Macro function in the Bot. Tested it myself it works. Macros MainHand #showtooltip /use Instant Poison IX /use 16 /click StaticPopup1Button1 OffHand #showtooltip /use Deadly Poison IX /use 17 /click StaticPopup1Button1
  4. @Droidz Any update/aware of this? Cant AFK Battleground Botting, otherwise we getting banend pretty quickly if he is running into walls and stuff in this both Battlegrounds (Sota, ioc)
  5. otherwise you can make a LUA Script just edit the 3rd line with your poison if applypoison and GetTime() - applypoison > 4 then applypoison = nil end if UnitAffectingCombat("player") == nil and applypoison == nil then local activepoisons = { "Instant Poison", "Deadly Poison" } local _,poisonMH,_,_,poisonOH,_,_,poisonTR = GetWeaponEnchantInfo() applypoison = GetTime() if poisonMH == nil then UseItemByName(activepoisons[1],"player") if SpellIsTargeting() then PickupInventoryItem(16) end elseif poisonOH == nil then UseItemByName(activepoisons[2],"player") if SpellIsTargeting() then PickupInventoryItem(17) end end end
  6. yeah it seems so Uploaded a new version where he is using now Disengage, runs smoother now
  7. eh what? its ONLY WOLTK this FightClass. you did understand that right?
  8. of course you can, its the same Bot API/Functions, no problems.
  9. Version 1.0.3


    Hunter Fightclass for WotLK ::Features:: Cast Aspect of the Viper if you are below 10% Mana Cast Aspect of the Hawk if you are over 90% Mana Cast Raptor Strike if Target in Melee Range Cast Mongoose Bite if Target in Melee Range Cast Hunter's Mark on Target but only if you are over Level 20 (Otherwise you have Mana issues) Cast Serpent Sting on Target but only if you are over Level 20 (Otherwise you have Mana issues) Cast Kill Shot if Target is below 20% Cast Rapid Fire Cast Kill Command if Pet exist Cast Silencing Shot Cast Chimera Shot Cast Aimed Shot Cast Arcane Shot Cast Steady Shot if all other spells are on Cooldown Cast Mend Pet if Pet is below 85% Health Cast Call Pet if Pet is missing Cast Revive Pet if Pet is dead Cast Disengage to get Distance (New since 1.0.2) The FightClass is specially for leveling with Marksman 1-80. if you are below Level 20 it wont use Hunter's Mark and Serpent Sting otherwise you have mana issues in this level range. as soon you hitting level 20 you getting Aspect of the Viper and rid of the mana problems, at this point the Bot will use it. I recommend to level with a pet that can taunt/root your target like a Crab, Turtle or something. if you have any suggestions let me know. Have fun! Dreamful
  10. You dont need to learn Smite, you have this at level 1, so not learning. i am now Level 11, have smite rank 2, still dosent show up/cast it. Did a Restart, Added Spell Manually, dosent cast. as i mention before in first post, on level 80 it works and casting smite like it should be. Same for Shadow Word: Pain, learned but not showed up. i am not dumb, i know how this works, actually made specially for this problem a PQR Script works with that but thats not a solution i want to make the FightClass Public. Test yourself, make a Level 1 Priest, you cant find Smite in the list and even if you add it manually, it will not cast.
  11. Did a test with a 80er Priest, Smite and all other spells working and showing up in the FightClass, its just the early spells it seems.
  12. Wanted to write a Priest FightClass for Leveling, actually in the FightClass it dosent show up Smite, and even if i add it manually he dosent cast it. i am asuming he dosent can dump the right spell id for smite 3.3.5 from WowHead because they removed it?
  13. You dont understand. The Bot is not working in this both Battlegrounds, he is running into walls because their is no function to use the Teleporters,CheckSotaGate and stuff, thats the problem. it will be better to go out from the BG completly from teh start or just Stand their where he spawns, even if you getting afk flagged you get kicked from the BG and have Desateur.
  14. as i saw today Strand of the Ancients and Isle of Conquest arent working/no meshes with the Battlegrounder, and he just follow Players without the calculation if their is a wall, so he stucks pretty often on objects/walls. it would be good if hes in the Battleground "Strand of the Ancients" or "Isle of Conquest" he force leave the battleground and requeue after deserteur. because we dont have the feature where we can put out specific battlegrounds in 3.3.5 in Random Battleground Queue. its actually pretty meh, but atleast i dont getting bannend if i am AFK botting and this Battleground appears. Other soloution would be just AntiAFK where he starts, no moving, no following players. Would be nice, Dreamful
  15. Sadly this dosent work, both methods. he ist just skipping the FollowPath "Quest" and switches over directly to the Path hes Generating with the Mesh. 15 Jan 2016 02H05.log.html ObjectManagerFollowPath.xml
  16. i am gonna test it, Thanks for the detailed answer! much love
  17. Hey, as i mention in a another thread wanted to make a 1Click 1-60 Grinder Profile only problem is now, he is skipping the FollowPath "Quest" and jumps over directly to KillAndLoot "Quest". He must use the FollowPath Quest to go to the next Grind Spot then switch over to the next "Quest" in order what is the next KillandLoot obviously. anyone can help? i upload the Quester Profile, so you can better lookup. 1-21.xml
  18. Thats happening if the Server is doing a Restart, i getting this problem every time if i am botting in the night. My Server does a Server restart every day on 6 AM, after that he stucks at this window as you can see above. The Server is up, but he stucks on that blanked MessageWindow, the bot actually just needs to click the Button "Okay". or just make this like, if his not getting with one click on the CharactareScreen cancel whole relog and start from Step one (Login Page).
  19. Maybe we can have a GoTo function in the Profil Creator? if we hit the end of the Top Profile the next profile is a GotoProfile, if he is their switches to the next Profile in the list from the top. Just an idea. only problem with this Vendor & Repair seems not to work, i dont know added the venors in the Vendors/Repair/Mailbox Editor and if i am press "Go to Town" he does nothing. And, how can i force a FollowPath before the KillAndLoot? it dosent work he is using the KillAndLoot directly
  20. i am fine with that, you doing a great job, support is awesome. like the Bot alot! EDIT: Its fixed, working now all fine! Thanks!
  21. Hey, I actually working on a 1-60 Grinding Profile, i amb with 1-20 done, ut actually crossing some problems now. If i am in Westfall, and the bot needs goto Wetland to the another grinding spot, how should i do it? any ideas?
  22. Did you read even my whole post? Hes pressing now the Join Battleground, but not the Leave Battleground at the end of the Match
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Deathknight Fightclass for WoLTK ::Features:: Cast Unholy Presence Keeps Horn of Winter Buff up and generate Runepower Keeps Bone Shield Buff up Cast Raise Dead Cast PetAttack Cast Death Pact if you less then 20% life Cast Icebound Fortitude if you have less then 60% Life Cast Anti-Magic Shell if you have less then 70% Life Cast Mind Freeze if Target Casting a Spell Cast Death Grip if Target has a Distance from more then 15 Meters Cast Chains of Ice if Target has a Distance from more then 8 Meters and moving Cast Gargolye if you have more then 60 Runepower Cast Death Coil if you have more then 50 Runepower Cast Plague Strike Cast Blood Strike Cast Scourge Strike Cast Icy Touch The FightClass can be used for PvE(Leveling, Gather, Grinding) or PvP, hope you guys like it. Enjoy! Stay tuned for more Content! Recommend: If you want to Gather with this FigthClass you should use the specefic FightClass for Gather where i took out the Pets, otherwise you might have problem with infight bugs and cant mount up. Dreamful Deathknight [Unholy] [PvE & PvP] [Woltk] - Dreamful.xml Deathknight [Unholy] [Gather] [Woltk] - Dreamful.xml
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