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Everything posted by Dreamful

  1. Ne das was du von Honor**** kennst gibt es hier nicht, leider. Community ist sehr klein hier und bis jetzt hat sich kein guter Coder an sowas rangesetzt, es gibt nichtmal ein 1 - 100 Questing Profile.
  2. it is, and with the new relogger even more. Just check if the cancel button (i dont know what it called in the client, needs to be reversed) 15 min exist then restart wow. You can easily make a call for that, and since Droidz works with LUA on this Login Method its not hard.
  3. What the hell, thats so inefficient. Just fix the god damn bug that is around since release wRobot for Private Servers. thats just one check that Droidz need to do, if the bot stucks in that realmselection restart wow.exe
  4. Hope you are actually trolling. its 2016 ....Still not released
  5. i dont get it, why TBC servers? They are actually way more Classic Servers then TBC Servers, even that the Server Cores for TBC are shit and pretty buggy, thats the reaosn why they are no TBC servers. (Good ones)
  6. already mention here, still not fixed. http://wrobot.eu/bugtracker/335a-bot-unable-to-relog-bug-in-reloger-r337/
  7. @Droidz Can you maybe do a Timer Check in the Relogger? if hes not ingame after minutes After 5 minutes the Relogger restarts Wow.exe.
  8. Hey, Just a quick question. Wanted to farm now the "Sea Turtle" Mount, as far i am remember, if i looted it a Bind on Pickup Window pops up. does the bot press "OK" and looting it? Anybody knows? Or i am just need an addOn for this?
  9. Unter WRobot\FightClass und dann im bot unter "General Settings" die Fightclass auswählen.
  10. Das ist weil du keine Fightclass hast, die kannst du im Download bereich downloaden hier,
  11. Dreamful

    Stop bot at #

    and close bot and wow on specific time.
  12. He need to go on the KillandLoot Hotspot, but the path is buggy and trys all the time to go around that tower if he rech a certain point. Cant get the Overlay in the record with OBS, sorry, but you can see on the Map in your Bot which Path he all the time trys. <iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SAmLTY9Z0sQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. Droidz is aware of this problem, we already reported it. Its in the Bugtracker.
  14. Yes our sub goes to all Wow Private server Versions :) You just need to download the specific Bot version. Cataclysm Mist of Pandaria
  15. It should be 100% working now, i am using it at the moment. But its not worth on my server. just 2000+ Players.
  16. i hope you Realise, this FightClass is not for Raids or serious PvP, better use PQR for that case if you know what you doing with LUA
  17. change it if your not happy with it or make susgesttions, you dont need to use it. Seems like, i keep my 1-80 profile for myself if people like you are not grateful.
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