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Everything posted by colderpotato

  1. Looking like the 23 to 24 follow path may of merged with another going fix em and add few things to make it smoother hopefully
  2. Where at I'm have a bit today to look at it? Never mind I'm local host and rework the area i hate the 24 mobs on vanilla at 23 and the grave yard near by.
  3. A friend gave me a new 500gb hdd he happened to have lying around, so Currently looking at a new pc sorta reusing my gpu, ssd, the new hdd and a gtx 960 https://pcpartpicker.com/list/3HJgpb I just want something flashy/ over kill now since running a i5 2400 currently it'd be few weeks of saving and selling blood plasma ^^
  4. PM me the logs and might want the update, or get fastquest for and turn on auto turn in. There was an issue with few turns even though they were setup correctly in the file.
  5. I got it to load up after a lot of bs, so I'm working on backing up all the important stuff.
  6. I'll look into it, but of course I hit some set backs due to hardware failure.
  7. This might of been better for general section of the forums, but my 2nd hard drive died! I lost some works in progress for the vanilla bot and almost anything else was doing wow, so lost a lot more than that was important. D:
  8. Sorry if came off rude, but they might be doing that yet I've made 7 new accounts gone fine only lost 1 of em. I really think it comes down to players Elysium reporting you, but i don't think they have a big enough staff to watch every single new account with the high population pvp realms. On the PvE realm feels pretty safe to me since there is a lower population and no pvp to worry about.
  9. I've done 6 accounts now all warlocks all on my 1- 19 questing file only lost one and putting it to lazypig auto accepting groups. I mean it's got t be your end if that's my rate 1 out of 6 accounts just because you did something wrong doesn't mean the bots to blame. If anything Elysium makes it easier with .wr on to slip by people that's why main thing see was lazypigs auto accept feature.
  10. uncheck it I'll look into it didn't have time to test much of it, but I'll find time to fix up run paths for training and look into issues with the IF statement. Going need know if anyone near 33 hits an issue might need clean that part more since all did was remove rebel camp fp by changing it to darkshire with no while tag. Edit: Look for any issues in Flight paths or the paths to trainers which I know for sure need be done for every class but paladin and priest. Let me know if you think needs more grinds because any feed back can make things smoother/ better I'm only human.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Something I made a while back for wotlk, but should run just fine as long as the gather bot is okay vanilla. Edit: it's working flawless I'll release few more things as time goes on.
  12. Version 1.0.6


    Turn off the auto train in settings it's set to fly back to SW every 6 levels or so to train, use follow paths and multi swap grinds. Right now it's in a test state since just merged them together and changed how PF work, so issue are prone. Oh yeah please run it in the quester bot. I might remove the training portion if proves to be an issue let me know if it is. The other thing is if I do it will still be set to learn Flight Paths just not use em, Also I recommend dungeons/ ah for gear and training every 6 levels manually. At 56 on a lock no real issues yet more grind paths to come to it and the questing bot is on hold for a few reasons atm. 1- 13 to be questing portion added later! I have next to no time to work on this anymore, but had plans to remove training parts and add in corrections for grind spots. Please just turn off the steps for training around 30 or keep em, but corrections are needed for 30 SW training.
  13. Maybe I might do it tonight trying to study so dunno it might be tested feenix wow
  14. First ban just happened out of like 5 locks run through it happened near the end of the westfall part, so I might edit the profile. What happened is I had lazypig auto accepting groups might of been it, but really might been the few grinds though might need mix em more.
  15. I'll have it up this weekend all that's left is to smooth out grind from 13 to 40 with more spots and add in flight path changes in STV from wotlk.
  16. Version 1.0.1


    Has few quest order changes for lock and fixed fp/ pick ups in westfall.Things are picking up right now for me, so gave someone copy of the file with little more work on it to release/ work with hopefully. Please use Fast Qust turn on auto complete and if you'd like lazypig for auto grouping ( at your own risk). Only ever tested on a warlock some sport other classes maybe. use /fq autocomplete and fq autonotifiy http://www.vanilla-addons.com/dls/fastquest/ Keep list: (will look into if can set it to change in steps) Great Goretusk Snout Tough Condor Meat Crisp Spider Meat Murloc Fin Goretusk Liver Goretusk Snout Stringy Vulture Meat Murloc Eye Okra Hops
  17. It's already here and going if get the private bot subscription or the unlimited sub
  18. I've combined 1 - 19 atm might release it early since noticed things and fixed em there
  19. Go into the settings and set it up to use food / water
  20. Yeah it is, so maybe we'll see it one day.?
  21. I noticed one issue and it was The militia's people # 2 instead of pick up says pulse, will update it later
  22. Yeah that would be cool for grinder, and quest-er just sounds like a lot of work to add in, but I'm happy with what we got atm.
  23. I have no wand, but i set it up on most recent warlock file. My only issue is keep uploading a change right after make it with no prior testing, so that will need change in order to keep things going smooth.
  24. Random to add on to this, but merged the 1 - 13 and 13 -17 so just one file also improved ignoring paths for void walker after you hit 11. I'm look into forced training from my 3.3.5a grinder main thing need is to sort out a profile that changes as it levels. Edit: Oh yeah it'd be neat if Butler only worked Vanilla, but there is no support for it from how 1.12.1 bot works :( Edit: forgot to check npcs, so won't be afk tell you check the 13 - 17 and compare npc quest giver information, but I'll upload it later just out of time for the day. Link 1: Warlock spell swapping (not working atm) http://www.fast-files.com/getfile.aspx?file=131630 Link 2: 1- 17 merge test
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