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Everything posted by BetterSister

  1. if this is what warmane calls "improved anticheat" b*tch please ?
  2. [E] 16:39:34 - Warning: You need to activate 'Vertical Sync' option, for it go to 'Game Menu' > 'Video Options' > in 'Miscellaneous' activate 'Vertical Sync'. [E] 16:39:34 - Warning: You need to use '60Hz' at option the option 'Refresh', for it go to 'Game Menu' > 'Video Options' > in 'Display' select '60Hz' at the option 'Refresh'. [E] 16:39:34 - Warning: It is recommended to disable all wow AddOns. Fightclass Authentication' not found. You haven't authenticated the fight class and missing vsync
  3. you can make own algorithm that switches target if there is better choice around. As is the bot doesn't have such system because it requires customization per user liking
  4. Yes but you better off playing legitly than using rotation bots. Bot can never win a player
  5. Automatically detected? No
  6. Any bot can and will be detected by eye. There isn't any bot that is completely safe to use
  7. I had the exact same problem 2 years ago it was fixed now it is back? ?
  8. 1st should indeed be false if it was =< 3 then it'd be true
  9. it has been stated 500 times WROBOT WON'T SUPPORT 64BIT NOR PATCH 8.X.X
  10. Anticheat violation doesn't mean shit. Anyone can write anything they like as ban reason
  11. You simply won't find one without finding correct person first which won't be found here
  12. The only bfa bots available are private for a reason. It's too much work and requires so much skill to win against blizzard devs
  13. Seems like it restarts bot when it loses connection to pathfinding server. Just a good thing
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