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  1. i would be interested to, if its bugless
  2. Are there some VPN's to use, without paying something to let 5 accounts with all different IP's on the same machine work? Or if theres no VPN for free, what can you recommend me ? Maybe some small tutorial for that?
  3. i got a 5 man multibox, with party profile, but my healer dont heal i got a resto drood, i picked healing, but hes doing like "nothing"... Cataclysm
  4. what are the settings to be to get smoth path? He always set his next point on mount like 1cm in front and hes "Stucking" a bit and the edges are not rly "round"... What can we do now?
  5. Maylu why the bot is just beeing flying 20cm over the ground? what can i do to change it? And is there any chance to smooth that path?
  6. When i turn off selling, and type in which items should NOT be saled, it always turn by itself back to ON and sells ALL stuff instead of hearthstone, whats the point why it sell all the time my stuff?? Also it resets my other stuff like "loot chest"
  7. I noticed that my hunter always is staying in front of the enemy, i got humanizing plugin and i dont know how "always" stay some meters away to shoot with my bow, my bot stays there and is waiting all the time... How can i improve it? Change it? Is there any setting ? I couldnt find it. Greetz
  8. @The Smokie.i mean, i know a bit, but i want your help so i ask you to tell me how you would do it. i just want help to solve my problem i would be rly thankful when you can help me, i mean we are one community? ?
  9. @Zerarim i just putted too german name inside, doesnt matter, cause ID is the same. @The Smokie. How to put them in? And what need i to put in? I Never used it, so can you tell me fast how to do that? Where need i need to put QUest ID and where to put that script in??
  10. he dont move also to this place, i think he couldnt find the right Coordinates, and where should i put them in then? i also get some weird coordinate X, Y, Z... when i click information by name BTW Removed that pulse on right top site ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FINALY i just make him walk but he cant "interact" with them bones... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  11. and which npc id i need to put in? I cant target it? // EDIT or Coordinates? put in?
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