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Everything posted by BetterSister

  1. there is no test version for live game but private server you can use with key "TRIAL"
  2. Go to video settings in wow and there is a button something about acceleration... I'll check the button when i get home
  3. Very strange... Make sure it isn't flying profile
  4. This happens when you're in a area that is missing meshes or the mesh has no way to get out of this area. Where did this happen? Outside of undercity is 1 area where this happens many times and at borean tundra this has happent couple times when starting bot from there but if you start it elsewhere it works no problem... try moving character like 100yd then start it again
  5. This happens especially if you got white/green items only in bags and you haven't checked "sell white items" in settings
  6. i don't release it without making it extremely hard to share or crack
  7. Your english is almost perfect... In good way
  8. Thinking about if price is 5 or 10eur sure more people will buy it but if it is around 25eur then couple guys buy it and reward is the same. But then it isn't so fair to these who cant pay that much and i don't wanna be greedy
  9. I didnt know google translate is so good with France.. Anyway it is really hard to implement humanlike character movement. With WASD only it looks way more botlike than using click to move. I'm satisfied with current system but pathfinding needs some work :)
  10. How much would you pay for 13-60 alliance questing profile when it's 100% finished? Realistically the profile will be 90% questing and 8% grinding and 2% other
  11. Still not fixed
  12. Version 1.0.0


    My first alliance profile that will get your human 1-10 by questing and 10-13 grinding. Some credits to Titi for 1-5 and 5-10 lvl quest profiles. I kept only NPC list from his work because otherwise it was completely useless REQUIREMENTS: - Set Selling on - Set Selling gray, white, green items on - Set Repair on (not required on casters) - Setup drinking and eating (or it'll die constantly taking alot of extra time but it'll be able to finish the profile) - Bags speed up by alot but not required NOTE! CLASSES WITH 100% SUPPORT SO FAR: - Paladin (Trainers added, No class quests added) IF YOUR CLASS ISN'T IN THE LIST IT WILL NOT USE TRAINERS OR DO THE CLASS QUESTS Due to high demand i'm now working on full questing profile for alliance 13-60. Preorders opening in couple weeks...
    Why would anyone use a profile that takes 1 quest -> kills mobs and loots them for quest items -> turnin quest -> take new quest that you could've taken before and done sametime -> go do it -> go turnin -> go take 3rd quest for same zone that could've done the first time.... and this happens for the entire profile! I was going to use your 1-5 and 5-10 as base but i can't do that because it's so poorly made! Please make a favour for everyone and don't make new profiles without using brains
  13. Strange... i'm sure i fixed it on my own tests..
  14. return (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(new Vector3(1813.49f, -4418.58f, -18.57f)) < 10)); just change the coords
  15. it's been known issue for long time. I don't see big problem there anyway cuz you're supposed to use relogger for breaks even if it's short one
  16. This user is using a cracked version of WRobot. No more support for him
  17. No there isn't quests implemented after 15 lvl yet
  18. I didn't even have to answer it myself
  19. make sure the items aren't on "do not sell" list
  20. You can use conditions to get same effect.. Not as easily as on lazybot tho
  21. Version 1.0.0


    I've used this for long time without huge problems. Uses divine plea when needed and if mana is so low it cannot do anything it uses seal of wisdom. Uses judgement of wisdom
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