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waldodamon got a reaction from fragik in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
Try checking here and reading all the way to the bottom, look at all the screen captures:
Of course too, eeny was cool enough to literally make a Relogger tutorial video found here:
I don't mean any disrespect to da8ball in what I am about to say, but by my guess, we are dealing with A) in this particular case. This is why I posted the links I did, hopefully this clears things up for you, 8ball.
P.S. Also, just in case you are unaware, in the Gathering tool of the bot, actually I believe (without seeing the bot in front of me) it's in either General settings or the "Advanced" portion of General settings, there is an option to "use taxi" or something to that effect. This basically means that, if you ran profile "x" for 20 minutes, the bot logs out, logs back in whenever you set it to, loads profile "y" this time, the bot will take the according flight master. boat, zeppelin, whatever it needs to do to get to the area where the new profile is located. It's a very smart bot like that. :)
waldodamon reacted to Runaro in Stuck in BGs, shutting down with "26 blockages"
If you don't like the automated BG System, where the Bot follows other players.. then write your own profiles for PvP. ( ofc, with a good blacklist, so the bot won't get stucked )
Here's a example for a BG Profile: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/136-temple-of-kotmogu/
It's possible to make it more complex, like tapping flags and stuff.
waldodamon got a reaction from BetterSister in Deathknight Froststrike with Proc not working
Delete this...
I thought I saw the problem but I overlooked it...as far as how the default fight profile editor works in the bot, this looks legitimate, as if it should work...I don't see a problem in the code, but I have been awake for a long time now hence originally overlooking what prompted my first post before editing. :)
waldodamon reacted to Runaro in Leveling. (What do you do)
When i was playing on retail, i used a teleport cheat + bot for Archaeology.
Such a fast leveling method.
Since it doesn't exist anymore, i don't feel like i promote something: https://youtu.be/-qZFzeh3NWg?t=48s
But right now, i would recommend RAF and then just dungeon towing.
waldodamon reacted to chapperz in Ban wave 20/05/2016
Blizzard has hit HB users hard this morning 6month bans all round about 30 posts on HB forums to date. Be careful with your accounts people.
waldodamon got a reaction from BetterSister in So, after my first month...
I am glad you appreciate the organization I try to put into my constructive criticism. When I write such posts, it is not because I am complaining or that "I don't like the bot", it's actually quite the opposite. I love using this bot and it is a great bot to use, and I have used my fair share of botting programs in WoW and in other MMOs. The reason I write this stuff is because I believe that feedback is what helps fuel development. Let me rephrase that, "positive" feedback is what helps fuel development. There is nothing "negative" about this bot, as you stated above with your example of disabling flying in Zangar, there is always a way around a problem until the problem is rectified.
All the small stuff, like skipping nodes, skipping after fighting, etc, that is very small stuff. I still gather TONS of nodes per hour despite these small glitches, so that is a definite positive side to it, it is not directly affecting the purpose of the bot, it's just weird seeing it happen, lol.
The bigger stuff, again, to me, is the diving and flying into things repetitively, but again, no need to go there as I already have up above in my original post, and I trust that the development team is working on this.
Some of the greatest bots I have ever used were the greatest bots because of not only the development team, but also the community itself. There will always be those who complain, however, true progress comes from those who observe, report, and offer to help out in any way they can. Interaction between user and developer is the defining relationship which either makes or breaks any piece of software.
Ergo, if I can be of any assistance besides simply reporting findings, pleased let me know. My knowledge of programming is less than amateur at best, but I can test things with the best of them, and I am more than willing to as well.
waldodamon reacted to BetterSister in Livestreaming
waldodamon got a reaction from Droidz in So, after my first month...
I figured I would write this after using the bot for one month, just to get out how I feel about going forward. I want to buy an unlimited subscription to this bot, but after this month, I am going to, for now, only purchase one more month's worth of time. I will get into the reasons as to why, bear with me.
I like this bot, I really do, it has great potential and the community is active, friendly, and just plain good people. I like that I can choose to create a fight class the "cookie cutter" way by using the bot itself and setting rotation priorities, OR I can write a fight class using C++. Pasterke, I hope you don't mind but at the moment I am revamping your Blood DK fight class and may share it here within a week or two once I have the bugs out. Your foundation was awesome, don't get me wrong, but, being an ex hardcore raider, I am extremely picky when it comes to rotations and as to when to pop cool downs, so I used your already awesome Blood DK .cs file and tweaked it a bit.
Profile recording is a breeze, and honestly, I created some pretty intensely huge profiles in multiple zones, I mean literally ALL of Outland, ALL of Pandaria, ALL of Northrend, profiles that took me hours to create, and this bot handled these profiles with absolute ease. There was no lag or stuttering due to an oversized file, no pausing for mesh updates, no double-backing on the path because the profile was recorded "too close" in proximity to other waypoints, it just works flawlessly.
The biggest, and I am going to start with the BIGGEST reason here, the biggest reason I am waiting another month before purchasing the unlimited is because of stuck detection. In Zangarmarsh, for example, with the huge mushroom-tree things, if the bot detects a node and is flying above that mushroom-tree line, the bot will dive down on top of the mushroom cap, once it hits the cap it will fly back up about 10 feet, then spiral down back to the mushroom cap top, rinse and repeat over and over, each fly up/spiral down takes about 3-4 seconds, so imagine if a player was watching the bot do this every 3-4 seconds for a minute or more....
This particular situation happens on many obstacles in the game. If the bot detects a node and there is a rock or crystal formation between the path of the node and my character, the bot will literally just fly into the rock or crystal or whatever obstruction is in the way, it will not attempt to move, fly up, nothing, just keeps flying straight into the obstruction. I don't want to compare this bot to any other bots, but for the sake of constructive criticism, I am going to, sort of.
The last bot I used had decent stuck detection, though I don't know how the code was written, I was never shown the source, I can tell you what the bot did for stuck detection. If the character became stuck, in flight, due to an obstacle, first it would try flying left and right 15-20 yards to get "around" the obstacle. It attempted once to the left, once to the right. If this failed, the bot would fly the character straight up, as if the player was holding the spacebar, about 100 yards, then forward about 35 yards, then do the left/right thing and try flying back down. If it was still stuck at this point (you could set the amount of "stuck" tries in the bot in case you didn't want to go through this more than once...), it would fly up 50-75 yards higher than it did the first time, then forward/ left/right and try landing again. It would repeat this, each time flying a little higher to try and clear the obstruction until it either succeeded or the specified amount of attempts had been reached and it simply just moved on to the next waypoint in the profile.
Fortunately, I keep a close eye on the bot when I am using it. I am not the type to let it run for 12 hours without watching it, I think the longest I have run it for straight was 8 hours, and even then I am watching it at least 70% of the time while doing other things. Honestly, I can live with skipping nodes. I can live with not gathering a node after combat is finished, these are small glitches and, honestly, in the grand scheme they really don't affect production. Not having a good stuck routine, however, that can lead to players reporting you and getting you banned.
This is my concern. I am not always going to be able to watch the bot like a hawk, honestly, let's face it, the point of botting is to "not" have to be in front of the game, at least that's what my end goal is. This cannot happen, unfortunately, if a player is continuously nose diving in spirals into a huge mushroom cap in Zangarmarsh or flying into a crystal formation in Hellfire. Even in Jade Forest and Kun Lai Summit I catch the bot just flying into a bamboo tree or stuck on a ledge. All I have to do sometimes is simply press the spacebar once quickly, sometimes that's all it takes, and bam, not stuck anymore, but I know this can be detected from within the bot and an automation can be written for it.
Once this happens, honestly, I won't even wait for my month to be up whenever it is, I will buy the lifetime license outright, however, until action is taken in this area, I am going to use this bot and pay for it on a month to month basis. This may be more financially taxing to me in the long run, however, one fix of one issue is all it would take.
Otherwise, as I stated above, this is literally the smoothest running bot I have ever used, I really do like this bot a lot!!!
waldodamon got a reaction from Runaro in So, after my first month...
I figured I would write this after using the bot for one month, just to get out how I feel about going forward. I want to buy an unlimited subscription to this bot, but after this month, I am going to, for now, only purchase one more month's worth of time. I will get into the reasons as to why, bear with me.
I like this bot, I really do, it has great potential and the community is active, friendly, and just plain good people. I like that I can choose to create a fight class the "cookie cutter" way by using the bot itself and setting rotation priorities, OR I can write a fight class using C++. Pasterke, I hope you don't mind but at the moment I am revamping your Blood DK fight class and may share it here within a week or two once I have the bugs out. Your foundation was awesome, don't get me wrong, but, being an ex hardcore raider, I am extremely picky when it comes to rotations and as to when to pop cool downs, so I used your already awesome Blood DK .cs file and tweaked it a bit.
Profile recording is a breeze, and honestly, I created some pretty intensely huge profiles in multiple zones, I mean literally ALL of Outland, ALL of Pandaria, ALL of Northrend, profiles that took me hours to create, and this bot handled these profiles with absolute ease. There was no lag or stuttering due to an oversized file, no pausing for mesh updates, no double-backing on the path because the profile was recorded "too close" in proximity to other waypoints, it just works flawlessly.
The biggest, and I am going to start with the BIGGEST reason here, the biggest reason I am waiting another month before purchasing the unlimited is because of stuck detection. In Zangarmarsh, for example, with the huge mushroom-tree things, if the bot detects a node and is flying above that mushroom-tree line, the bot will dive down on top of the mushroom cap, once it hits the cap it will fly back up about 10 feet, then spiral down back to the mushroom cap top, rinse and repeat over and over, each fly up/spiral down takes about 3-4 seconds, so imagine if a player was watching the bot do this every 3-4 seconds for a minute or more....
This particular situation happens on many obstacles in the game. If the bot detects a node and there is a rock or crystal formation between the path of the node and my character, the bot will literally just fly into the rock or crystal or whatever obstruction is in the way, it will not attempt to move, fly up, nothing, just keeps flying straight into the obstruction. I don't want to compare this bot to any other bots, but for the sake of constructive criticism, I am going to, sort of.
The last bot I used had decent stuck detection, though I don't know how the code was written, I was never shown the source, I can tell you what the bot did for stuck detection. If the character became stuck, in flight, due to an obstacle, first it would try flying left and right 15-20 yards to get "around" the obstacle. It attempted once to the left, once to the right. If this failed, the bot would fly the character straight up, as if the player was holding the spacebar, about 100 yards, then forward about 35 yards, then do the left/right thing and try flying back down. If it was still stuck at this point (you could set the amount of "stuck" tries in the bot in case you didn't want to go through this more than once...), it would fly up 50-75 yards higher than it did the first time, then forward/ left/right and try landing again. It would repeat this, each time flying a little higher to try and clear the obstruction until it either succeeded or the specified amount of attempts had been reached and it simply just moved on to the next waypoint in the profile.
Fortunately, I keep a close eye on the bot when I am using it. I am not the type to let it run for 12 hours without watching it, I think the longest I have run it for straight was 8 hours, and even then I am watching it at least 70% of the time while doing other things. Honestly, I can live with skipping nodes. I can live with not gathering a node after combat is finished, these are small glitches and, honestly, in the grand scheme they really don't affect production. Not having a good stuck routine, however, that can lead to players reporting you and getting you banned.
This is my concern. I am not always going to be able to watch the bot like a hawk, honestly, let's face it, the point of botting is to "not" have to be in front of the game, at least that's what my end goal is. This cannot happen, unfortunately, if a player is continuously nose diving in spirals into a huge mushroom cap in Zangarmarsh or flying into a crystal formation in Hellfire. Even in Jade Forest and Kun Lai Summit I catch the bot just flying into a bamboo tree or stuck on a ledge. All I have to do sometimes is simply press the spacebar once quickly, sometimes that's all it takes, and bam, not stuck anymore, but I know this can be detected from within the bot and an automation can be written for it.
Once this happens, honestly, I won't even wait for my month to be up whenever it is, I will buy the lifetime license outright, however, until action is taken in this area, I am going to use this bot and pay for it on a month to month basis. This may be more financially taxing to me in the long run, however, one fix of one issue is all it would take.
Otherwise, as I stated above, this is literally the smoothest running bot I have ever used, I really do like this bot a lot!!!
waldodamon got a reaction from dida1990 in Great Bot So Far, a Few Nit Picks Though...
Hi everyone! I just got back into playing WoW. I was very active in botting when GPBot and EZBot were being developed. I actually made friends with a couple of the developers and had a hand in creating some of the fight class books, good times they were!
Anyway, having paid for a one month subscription for this bot, I will be purchasing the lifetime key once this sub is up. I do enjoy the bot, it has its quirks here and there, but without us letting you know what they are, how would you look into it, right? Honestly, great work so far with all of this, I love absolutely everything about what this bot is and what it offers, the following list is of six things that I feel need a little research and development:
1) In gathering, I created a profile and shared it here (in the Pandaria section of gathering profiles on the site), but this happens with all profiles regardless, if combat initiates before the node is mined or herb picked, after combat, the character mounts and flies away, completely disregarding the node which was initially to be farmed. This happens, from what I have observed in watching the bot run for 4 hours straight, once every 4 nodes in which the bot is attacked before farming.
2) "Unstuck", "Collision detecting", whatever it is you would like to call it (Getting stuck in a crevice or running directly into the face of a mountain), for ground mounts, needs some improvement. I created a grinding profile in Frostfire and also tested using other peoples' profiles to be sure it wasn't just mine, and I watched this bot get my character stuck in places the bot shouldn't have put him in to begin with...that is, with my grinding profiles, I never even went NEAR the general vicinity of the zone my toon got stuck in, so why was he even traveling to that area to begin with?? I observed this witrh both path randomization turned on (1.25) and turned off, did not seem to make a difference at all.
3) Back to gathering, this time for pathing. Again, this was tested with randomization on and off, I varied my randomization from 1 - 2, increments of .25. Regardless of whether the option to "go back to path" is ticked, the bot has the character fly back to the point where it was before it detected the node. This looks very "bot-like", and it is one of my greatest concerns. Again, I have tried checking, unchecking, randomizing, not randomizing, and saving and closing/reopening both WoW and the bot every time I made changes to ensure proper conditions were met if necessary.
4) This sort of ties in with number 1, however, in gathering, I have noticed the bot literally just skips nodes altogether. This was not during a vendor run (which works FLAWLESSLY, by the way, THANK YOU for that!!!), and there were literally no players or NPC enemies anywhere to be seen. I have seen this bot skip roughly 30 nodes per profile run. This isn't earth shattering, but something to be looked into. To make sure it was not user error, I checked the distance to scan (I generally keep it at 350) and seriously, the nodes being skipped were almost being touched by my mount as I flew over them, WELL within 50, let alone 350. As far as enemies, I set the max mobs (in Pandaria) to 25 since I am 93 right now and basically one shot normal mobs, and again, regardless of what I set the "Is player around" value to, without a player even being there, it would just decide not to farm some nodes...
5) I see no way to blacklist certain nodes, ie nodes used for questing. For example, Kafa'kota in Kun Lai Summit and Eternal Blossom in Vale of Blossoms, they are absolutely useless, they respawn very very quickly, and the bot just keeps circling the area and picking them. Understandably the bot is doing its job, and well, but with the respawn rate (especially of the Eternal Blossoms) being so quick, it's an endless loop of staying in that area, I counted, for over 45 minutes before moving on. It would be very nice to be able to blacklist particular nodes, whether by name or by item ID, whichever is easier to incorporate. If this function exists already and I have simply overlooked it, please let me know, I am human, of course, and I am not immune to "user error"...
6) This doesn't have to do with the bot, per se, however, it is relevant to it. The tutorials here in the forums are quite outdated, some were created in 2012, for example, others in 2013, and that's about the latest, 2013. The bot has obviously undergone many revisions since then, which is a good thing I am sure, but some of the menus shown in the tutorials do not even exist within the bot anymore. I know my way around programs and menus and what not, and again, having botted in the near distant past I can figure "most" things out on my own, but maybe this list I have put together is comprised of work-arounds that already exist in the bot, but there is no new and relevant material here to let anyone know.
Other than those 6 "qualms", honestly, this is a wonderful bot! I hope you don't take that list of those 6 things as negative, because I am only offering that as constructive criticism. The vendor and mailbox adding/handling within profile creation and actual execution are the best I have seen in any bot I have ever used! Despite the fightbooks being a little outdated (I am using a Blood DK), I am confident I am rewrite updates versions and share them here on the forums, and even then the out dated fight books still work very well!
This bot is already awesome, but I also see a lot of potential in it for the future, progress, however, can only be made if people come forth and give feedback, and that is what I am doing here. Thank you all for your time!