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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. Makes no sense at all lol. Works perfectly fine for me. Does not sound like it's a fightclass issue honestly. Have you tried disabling ALL addons and ALL plugins? Then trying with wrotation? I KNOW that you want your plugins and ofc. you can. It's impossible for me to fix something i can't replicate. If it happens with ONLY my fightclass and using wrotation. I have much better chance of pin pointing what is happening.
  2. That has nothing to do with the fightclass though. The updates are automatic. When i push updates, it will write ingame that it has been updated. You MAY want to stop the bot and /reloadUI if you see that message, then start the bot again. In case i made UI changes. ?
  3. Please report back if you sill have issues with FD. It's completely rewritten now.
  4. There is NO way to control what multi-shot hits. I'd recommend turning it off. That's the whole idea with being able to turn stuff on/off on the run.
  5. I think most of these issues are because of Nightwing, because i have no issues at all on my own server. Anyway I'm sure all of these issues are gone after the update. ? Should be some updates out tonight ?
  6. I am Ordush on the wrobot discord. my name is on the top with purple. ? As you know by me using this forum, i'm not a fan of discord, so i don't even know how to see my name that you can add lol
  7. Awesome. I am going to be now though, add me on discord, and we'll take a look at it tomorrow when i get home from work. ?
  8. It's hard for me to test it on netherwing because i don't have any chars there. Anyway as you can see in my previous post, i'm currently rewriting the hunter. ?
  9. Update coming out tomorrow. As i'm typing this: I added: - Auto updater. (yay no more downloads! :D) - Fixed Feign Death (LOL the old code? WTF?) - Made pet take aggro on all mobs (Those on vanilla knows how this works. :)) I have a lot more that i'm going to add tomorrow. ! ?
  10. Hopefully gonna get rewriting going this week. CsMax is testing the auth now ?
  11. I am on a 165hz screen. However isn't does tbc even support over 75? I know that vanilla doesn't
  12. Not with the newest version no. At least it shouldn't be. ?
  13. Still don't see any reason honestly. You have obviously already disabled taunt. I don't know what to tell you lol The only thing that i can think of is the server being bugged, and not putting you "in-combat" or if the server doesn't see allies as "IsAttackAble" those are literally the only conditions that i have that could prevent you from getting to the combat rotation.
  14. There is no such thing as a "basic" rotation when you want to make anything advanced. It's made for tanking in PVE, however, there is no reason at all for it not to work in pvp though.
  15. Could be any of them, try to disable them all and see if it fixes the issue. NEVER use addons with bots. ?
  16. Can you please just post your log file instead of screenshots of your log? =P
  17. Have you read the FAQ and done what it says there? ? Did you put the fightclass fill in the fightclass folder?
  18. The warrior does not have any of those spells?
  19. Weird, no idea why. But as i said, it's not made for pvp. Try turning off main-tank etc. - Perhaps it's trying to sunder armor something that's not supposed to be sundered in pvp?
  20. It does work though. ? Give me a pm on discord, and we'll figure it out.
  21. It's not made for pvp (it even says pve in the title) However, it should work just fine try wrotation
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