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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. it's on by default, but you might have disabled it. It's under advanced settings in wrobot.
  2. Hey Findeh Obviously something has gone wrong with your setup. The tank is obviously not supposed to rush alone, and it's ofc. not supposed to spam. You don't have to change anything in your fightclasses. However you need to make sure that all your chars has "Help party" enabled, otherwise they won't help the tank. ? Tank WILL wait for the healer to have full mana, so he is obviously ignoring everything. Did you install the plugin and load it? This has to be done on ALL chars, and all the chars OBVIOUSLY has to be run from the same wrobot folder. Otherwise there is no way my plugin can speak with the rest of the team. ? Please show an in-game screenshot of the GUI. would make it easier to me to see if i can see something that's not working correctly. If you feel safer, then just remove the names.
  3. Can you try again? (I didn't change anything, but it works fine for me). Or maybe another browser? ?
  4. locking a post about potential bot detection would be like censorship. The only thing you would get out of it is people making new threads. So instead of 1 thread with many posts, we'd have many threats with few posts. I'd rather have the latter. It's good that people report what they experience it teaches the rest of us. ?
  5. Yeah, but just the fact that he has to buy sub to do his video. That would be hilarious. ?
  6. Guys Make a club only for wrobot users. his "ban" video is filled with screenshots of posts here.
  7. Does it say in the chat that the pet level is not matching the food? If this is the case, then it's impossible for me to fix. Because that is a wow bug. Try removing your cache (from wow not wrobot). Edit: If this does not work, try reinstalling wrobot. (I doubt that is the issue, but it's worth a try). ?
  8. Hey mate. There has been a report of some quest items being in the feeding list. I am collecting the data as I get it. Will update soon. However if you are already playing the list won't be regenerated (that would remove manually added food). I am trying to work with events to remove food that can't be eaten. Just having some issues. So to fix your issue: make sure that food that you are not supposed to feed is not in the list.
  9. Use more IPs? ? Anyway, check out that plugin i told you about, i'm sure you can find a way to use it. ?
  10. Not allowed to multibox? I am not too sure what you mean? If you run a dungeon with 5 chars, who is to tell anybody that you are "multi-boxing"? ? Anyway. There is a plugin here on the forums that makes it so you can do party commands. Take a look at that! ? It's made by Droidz
  11. Turn off call pet until you have a pet. ? Edit: There is no way that the FC can know if you have tamed a pet or not.
  12. You probably didn't use a socks proxy. The login screen is http. But the rest is socks.
  13. The bot is only supposed to put it on the first slot. If it does it anywhere else it's probably some addon that you are using that is interfering . There is no where in my code that i have told it to put auto shoot on any other actionbar. Try changing the range to something else, then back to what it was. ?
  14. Don't just compare files, if you are not 100% certain. Then redownload and install.
  15. Just redownload. BUT apparently there are some issues with wrobot's IsAttackable. So it might not work if you disable the lua checks. However the lua checks are not wokring propperly. So give it some time. It's being worked on. Please do test though. ?
  16. w8plz did it write 10 different sentences at the same time? or over a period of time? When the bot spoke, did the target change from hostile to friendly?
  17. Is attackable works. That's what I use in RFC. For the friendly cow Are you gonna make it schaka? Otherwise i'll do it ?
  18. You can just make a "club" and only invite WRobot user. ?
  19. That is very interesting. I am myself on the latest version of windows (I just reinstalled today). (Windows 10) And i am not having any issues. I haven't got the report from anyone else either. Don't fret we'll figure this out. Now your error is in german, but my guess is that it's saying something about namespaces. Sounds like it doesn't have all the DLL files it's supposed to. Maybe your windows update, replaced some of the files that you need for wrobot to run fine. I know that you are not having any issues with other fightclasses, but i will remind you once more. My fightclasses are VERY much more advanced than most fightclasses here on the forum. I might be utilizing a lot more than most others are. Can you try and go through this: https://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/1381-repairinstall-wrobot/ ? Hopefully whatever files you are missing on your pc after the update will be reinstalled. ? Now don't just reinstall wrobot. Go through ALL the steps please. ?
  20. Okay. Can you please re describe your issues, and what you have done to fix them? I am having a hard time keeping up, with all these different user-names etc. ?
  21. Wait, what is going on here? 3 seemingly different people writing here? 1 person asks a question, then someone else answers? Are you 1 person with 3 accounts?
  22. What language is your wow? Do you have any addons?
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