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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. It's obviously something that is wrong with your setup. It's not something i've had happening before. Two suggestions: 1: try a reinstall of wrobot to a new folder, 2: try looking through this topic see if something relates to your issue. Maybe there is an answer ? if neither works, check the FAQ, else come back here. I am on a festival atm and can therefore only provide limited support
  2. Rofl, are you seriously still not believing that some of us are having no issues? That is so funny.
  3. Also want to point out that someone sorted screenshot of gm telling him his account was mistakenly ported to the box, because there was no note on his account. Which would indicate that they note up bots and then do a sweep. Also I did not even get banned for accidentally making 5 bots run in circles in Orgrimmar. (Matenia can confirm this happened, because he knows the circumstances where this happens.) As soon as I realized I stopped the bots and haven't logged them in-game since. According to the site they are not banned. There is on chance in hell they did not get reported. But since they have not been online to be checked, nothing has happened. My other bots has not been banned or anything, although they have been running. So I an positive that it's not hardware that is the fault here. You have all done a lot of research and I am sure that within some time, you will have this figured out.
  4. And no it's not a fact that they can see people, it's a fact that SOME of you are exposing yourselves somehow. Some of us are not having any issues. You people need to remember that unless you are using a modified wow client, they won't be able to do anything that blizzard could not do when they made that client.
  5. I will look into some of there things, however I will tell right away: there is no way I can tell if mobs are immune to serpent sting without having to make a list of all mobs in the game, I can only generalize by mob type. I seem to have forgotten elementals. Will add there. Also there is on way I can do anything based on plugins, I don't have access to the variables. Wrobot does not know if there is a ramp etc, so I can't make a workaround for that, I will however make mob detection, so it doesn't backtrack into those. I will give the choice of old school backtracking. I am on a festival atm. So there features will come later ?
  6. First of all. If your IP is closed and you don't lose connection to the wow server, then your client is not using that IP.. Secondly if your wow client IS connected via the 1 IP and that IP is not gone, then it will stay on that IP it is not possible for the wow client to keep a connection to the server and change IP... If it disconnects and reconnects, now that is a whole other story There already is a Guide in this topic on how to do it
  7. I am using http://proxiesforyou.com/ No issues for me, but then again i'm using Premium and not just dedicated.
  8. Please post your ideas in the suggestions page. Secondly the backtracking needs to be rewritten. First it did straight line backtracking, then people complained about that, then i changed it to this system, now people are complaining about that. Not sure what to do to keep everybody happy. I am going on a festival the next two weeks.
  9. This about sums up what I've been saying. ?
  10. I think that you are way overthinking this. You probably got reported, they checked you out, banned you..
  11. I believe in your second theory. I also think that the GM's just write "Mutlibotting" on almost every account they ban. ?
  12. I don't think you understand what he means by "leaking your ip". He means that you risk that the program crashes or loses connection to the ip you are using. And thereby leaking your IP. HOWEVER that is not the case with wow, because if you lose your interne connection while on a wow server, you will get disconnected from the server. However if you use a relogger, and your program crashes then it will log on with your own IP. (Leak of your IP). However i am yet to see proxycap crash. and if the connection to the IP you provided in proxycap is lost, then you won't even be able to connect to the server.
  13. lol i have nothing against people selling accounts, but as i said that is a whole other discussion. I will definitely get banned if i keep them running, one at a time by reports. My point is that something is making them able to see that all the accounts belong to you, or at least that they are all bots. But it's definitely not wrobot that is detected, or some shit that is looking at your windows. It's something else, i don't know what, but you guys are wasting so much time on tin foil theories instead of getting to the core. I have nothing to gain by lying. Anyway that is the last word from me. You guys all have something in common, find out what that is, and you will solve this issue.
  14. No, because i am not leveling them to level 60 lol. Bambo started having these issues you people are talking about here, we've been trying out a shit ton of different shit via Discord to solve his issue. I agreed with him on discord to try level 10 chars at the same time on my setup, to see if i ran into the same issues he did. One bot got banned, remade a new one (the now level 32) one. Even on the same IP that got banned. Haven't been banned since. I did this as a service to him, to see if it was his setup that had issues or if it was ND that had some kind of protection. in the meantime this little thread popped up, and as you can see he has even been active here as well. I am not leveling toons to sell them just like a lot of you guys are, I am a programmer, i make shit so you guys can do your thing. I don't agree on your methods, but that is a whole other discussion. So no, i am not going to prove anything, and you should focus on finding out what it is that is not working out for you people instead of doing a witch hunt on a senior member, who is telling you guys that you can bot on ND. I understand that you are frustrated, but there is still no reason to bare that tone.
  15. Yeah waste your time arguing with me instead of trying to solve your issue lol. If i was just some random noob on wrobot sure I'd go through all the hassle of recording it. However i am not just some random noob on WRobot. Again, believe me or not, i do not care at all.
  16. How many people are writing in this thread 5-6 different people? Is that the whole community? See the names with blacked names? I hope you are kidding? Why on earth would I make this up? You can believe me or not, i don't really care. I am just stating facts here. It gets you nowhere claiming that ND has a method to ban everyone, if you all believe that, you will never get anywhere. You need to understand that this is not the case, and those of you who is having these issues has something in common, i can't tell you what it is. Because i don't know. But there are people here who are not getting banned.
  17. I have 10 accounts running atm. They are all with socks5 proxies, same IP range on the first three so 128.84.2.x. (Just some random numbers). Level 32-37 atm. I've gotten 1 char banned a few days ago. rest is still fine and running. Honestly all of you who are getting banned here, have something in common, i don't know what. But ND does not have any way to detect this unless you are one of those that has whatever it is in common. You should use more energy finding out what it is, than complaining about getting banned.
  18. Simulating your graphics card always takes it toll
  19. If you run WRobot on the same machine as retail, you will get banned.
  20. I also did a shit ton of hacking on their server, to see what the limits were. So people trying to use hacks is probably a big portion too. Anyway, i still don't believe in any of this. I certainly don't think they have a way of detecting accounts if you use proxies. I am still to get mass banned, and no i am not questing by hand, and yes i am running more than 5 bots lol.
  21. Something is wrong with your setup, hard to say what it is. Turn off pet feeding in my interface and use the plugin "auto pet feed" it's here on wrobot ? it's hard to tell you what the cause is when I can't replicate it.
  22. Read the FAQ ? Try reinstall of wrobot in a new folder and make sure you do.NOT have any addons.
  23. Yeah, sorry but that is not true. I just lost one of my hunters, the rest is fine.
  24. I am yet to be banned. 100% that it's reports
  25. Have you tried? Reinstall fixes so many weird bugs, you can either try or just ignore my advice, hoping someone else will help you.
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