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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. @Droidz If this can't be fixed easily by you, is there a way i can tell the bot to go all the way to corpse? Because then i can just read the frame, if it's shown, then tell it to go all the way to corpse. ?
  2. I literally just told you how to make it work like that. ? I can not edit your fightclass from here, go to your "Charge" spell, and change CombatOnly to false. It might be called something other then CombatOnly, but it's something alike. Also by looking at your code with notepad, i can see that you have a condition called "Me in Combat" and you have set it to false. With this, your charge will only work when you are NOT in combat Also you have set Target Is Player to true (So it will only work if your target is a player) As far as i know, charge is used on mobs? Furthermore you have set it, so Charge is Lua code not a spell, however you have not written any Lua Code, so it's trying to send "Charge" as lua. This will not do anything. Now, with all this info here, you should be able to change it so it works.
  3. <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>TargetDistance</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber"> <Type>Bigger</Type> <Value>8</Value> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <SpellName>Charge</SpellName> <Priority>1</Priority> </FightClassSpell> <FightClassSpell> means the start of a spell (charge in this case) </FightClassSpell> means the end of a spell So go open your fightclass with notepad, and paste the code i just added above under a </FightClassSpell> now if you open your fightclass with the editor the spell Droidz made will be there, move it around as you like. Also make sure you have CombatOnly turned off. Otherwise it will not work out of combat.
  4. It certainly is not blank ? I'll bet that you opened it with internet explorer. ? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <FightClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <FightClassGeneralSettings> <FightClassName>Fight config name</FightClassName> </FightClassGeneralSettings> <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>TargetDistance</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber"> <Type>Bigger</Type> <Value>8</Value> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <SpellName>Charge</SpellName> <Priority>1</Priority> </FightClassSpell> </FightClass>
  5. Probably want to make your own support page, but my guess is that you are trying to run a TBC version of WRobot on vanilla. @Seminko As mentioned above, GM's follow people around, see what they do. This is a classic move. My guess is that he is posting a shit ton on AH, they decide to investigate. Can be almost anything triggering them looking into you. ?
  6. I have no issues on k3. Lots of people uses it on k3 ?
  7. If a char dies inside a dungeon, the bot will go until the message that tells the bot to enter dungeon to get body appears. It just stands still instead of going into the portal.
  8. First of all, try and reinstall wrobot and/or wow without any plugins/addons installed. Then add your plugins/addons one at a time, untill the error occurs again. Then you know what plugin/addon is causing it. Secondly, what product are you using?
  9. In a way. As a sub. you will be able to get encrypted profiles. However, most profiles are made by random people, and obviously cost a small sum of money. ?
  10. Of course is does. I will bet that you have aspect of the hawk on. You obviously can't have both. ?
  11. He increased the memory for the addons, so it doesn't ReloadUI() all the time. ?
  12. Yeah, well i removed some code that was no longer working, i can't remember what i removed, i don't think you can call C# code with it anymore, but basic lua commands works fien.
  13. Bonusscanner. ? Already knew how to do it with lua, it's just tedius in Vanilla, because you have to check tooltips. So i hoped there was an easier way with WRobot. Cheers for the heads up ?
  14. Yep works. I already pointed Droidz towards your shit Schaka. ?
  15. MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, Untill mob in melee range) || MovementManager.StopMoveTo(false, untill mob not moving); Replace the second attribute. But basically, you can tell the movement manager to stay still till either the mob is close to you, or untill it's not moving (casters)
  16. Have you guys tried adjusting your combat range? I have no issues at all with any of my fightclasses? (Yes i play on K3).
  17. In Vanilla, functions like GetSpellBonusHealing(); and GetSpellBonusDamage(spellTreeID); does not exist. Is there a way to get these stats with WRobot?
  18. Many of these things can easily be added with Lua, are you planning to add these features in the future @Droidz ?
  19. Thank you NTX! When i'm done with my current project, i will revise TBC. ?
  20. Sounds weird. it's not supposed to be casting anything while casting. Sounds like you changed something in the configs of WRobot. Try reinstalling wrobot into a new folder. ?
  21. Hey NTX. My druid is made for PVE, which is why most PVP features are not there. However, i am going to rewrite my fightclasses. I will take a look at the druid as well. Currently i am working on a Vanilla project. When i am done there, i will move back to TBC again. ?
  22. Do you know the spell Feed Pet? Sounds like you don't?
  23. Thanks for the tip. The issue with that is just that you need to have the spell on the action bar in vanilla for that to work. ?
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