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Posts posted by Ordush

  1. 5 hours ago, Matenia said:

    Oh honey...

    return ObjectManager.Pet.Name == "Wolf"


    Haha Yeah, that would work in a plugin or if you made your quester using c#.
    But if you use the quest editor and you don't have "return false" it will spit out errors. ?
    At least, that is my experience! ?

  2. 6 minutes ago, Jensen- said:

    no i mean i want to tame lupos with my hunter spell, after i get him i would like the bot to go next step instead of standing in the spot for couple of hours

    Ah. You can just check your pet name. ?
    If your pet name is wolf. then complete the step.

  3. 12 hours ago, hercemania said:

    since few days i have the following problems on 3 of my PCs:



    Its only with your fightclass....but the bot runs. I changed nothing, maybe the new windows update? thx for help

    It seems that some of the software used for running wrobot

    Edit: I'd like to reference to question nr 3 in


  4. Are you by any chance targeting a taget that is sheeped, frozen or anything else, that you are not supposed to break?
    Because that will pause the bot as well, to make sure the bot doesn't attack the target

  5. 6 hours ago, tanild said:

    Hey got a new problem I believe, don't see it in the FAQ or the comments here...I have performed a fresh install of Wrobot (put it on my desktop) and all profiles//FCs were gone plus ran WoW with no addons and then Wrobot on admin mode. I then put this FC, hunter BM & Andiodo alliance quester...I am having an issue with a repetitive noise, sounds like dragging and dropping an action onto an actionbar...I find it not only extremely annoying noise wise but it also affects skinning whereas I will fully perform the skinning action and then not grab the loot in from skinning, walking away from a glowing mob.

    That is because in Vanilla, you can not check if auto shoot is active without having the skill on the actionbar.
    So the fightclass puts the skill on the actionbar in order to check if autoshoot is active, it has to keep doing that incase people remove the spell (believe it or not some people do).
    This is quite normal and most fightclasses does this. (most good ones).
    You can just remove your sound, that's the only work around, since you can't turn off sound with lua in vanilla either.

    This has nothing to do with your skinning problem at all.
    You need to increase the wrobot latency.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Mike Mail said:

    @Ordush Doesnt play warmane, he is mainly TBC from what i see with his fightclasses. 


    ill answer the hole if wrobot is detected on warmane. it is NOT detected. people be saying "oh they wait 24 hours" is some bullshit. i have botted 2 toons to 80 with in 2 weeks slowly and didnt get banned. The reason people are getting banned is because Warmane is keeping a eye on for players that use sharp turns and are online for 24 / 7. "ITS NOT DETECTED."

    Even if they was to wait a hole 24 hours before baning doesnt mean they detected, it means they looking for botters, warmane "Might" be paying people to keep a eye out for botters but they are unable to detected it because of the fact they would need to add custiom "MPQ" files to there clients. if you think warmane cares about banned people 24 hours later then you are mistake. if you are a botter they will ban you right on the spot with no questions. Please reframe from posting stuff about warmane unless you know for a 100% its detected. 

    Meaning behind both detected and not detected :


    Detected : Insta Ban once you log in and attach Wrobot.

    Report : being banned hours after you are botting.

    The TBC server i am playing on is Warmane =P
    I am mainly playing Vanilla.

    He is right about some of the points:
    IF wrobot was detected, and auto ban was a thing: Insta ban when attaching wrobot.
    IF wrobot was detected, and auto ban was NOT a thing: The GM's would get a report, JUST like if you use speedhack/teleport hack. (Try making your own vanilla server, and use speedhack on it, and you will know what i am talking about): GM's may check you out over a period of time: HOWEVER it's much more likely that the same message they get when someone is using speed hack, comes was a warning when a DB query flags your account.

    Example: I used to host a minecraft server, where i recorded every block a player mined.
    I could then compare the amount of blocks mined to the amount of diamond blocks people mined.
    This way i could very easily see if people used "xray" to see where diamond blocks were.
    However if instead of going directly for the diamond blocks, they would mine a shit ton of stone, just for lols.
    I would have a harder time catching them.
    Then i'd compare amount of diamond to the time spent on the server, or diamond compared to other materials etc.

    Same goes for private servers. They monitor and save everything you do to their DB.
    If they wanted to, they'd probably even be able to tell you how many yards your player had traveled
    Now the same way that i could see inconsistencies with my players using xray. They do the same to the way that your char behaves.
    That doesn't mean you are a botter, but it does mean that they have a reason to look at your player. If they decide to do that, it's easy for them to see that you are indeed a player.

  7. 2 minutes ago, artur.k said:

    i think they can see you use wrobot but they hell NOT BAN you instant they decide ban  later if they will ban every account instant @Droidz will see where wrobot is detected and how, can fix it easy,if they wait and ban you later 1,2,8 hours 16 hours 24 hours you have 0 chance to know WHY,and its only my opinion but i see this patter many times in last days if you run bot on different times of the day it depends when you get ban like one person refresh accounts who was flagged for botting and ban them on different hours.

    So far i have 8 machines where i was use wrobot for lvling icecrown,lordaeron(outland not needed also have sneaky methods:P thank you @Ordush for show the way:)) and only on 2 machines i manage to get high lvl with wrobot now but it takes enormous time and is a waste of time becouse bot must more be offline than online ?


    Again, i can't say anything about wotlk. Because i have no clue (never used wrobot for it).
    However, my TBC accounts should all have been banned many times over by now. ?

    Anyway, i don't understand how any of this comes as a surprise to most of you?
    It seems that you have never botted before. ?
    Everybody KNOWS that it's always a risk using a bot. Hell there were TONS of guides to "safely" bot with HB, back then. Even following these guides, some people still got busted.
    There is no doubt that the private servers has upped their game. But it should be obvious, now that so much has been developed with wrobot. Means a lot more people botting: This also results in private server owners looking way more into botters. ?

  8. 2 hours ago, Skad said:

    Just read what zzzar wrote...  Thats what im talking about. Tried everything same as him. They dont touch account that isnt botting. You have have 10 accounts on same pc/ip online at same time. 9 not botting, one is botting. Only one that is botting will be banned. 

    @zatvorgt There is no other bot. Everything else is complete and utter shit compared to wrobot. Everything else gets detected the moment you login.

    Keyword "detected the moment you login."
    That is exactly what makes the difference between being detected or not.
    If wrobot was detected, it would be the moment you log in. ?

  9. It's so easy to find out if it's detected..
    Start wow, begin playing using wrotation, nothing else.
    If you get banned while using wrotation and wrotation only, then it's a completely different matter.
    I don't know about wotlk, i never tested there. But i leveled a mage to 70 without getting banned.
    That was done only using wrotation using an exploit that i am obviously not gonna share.
    Fact just is: I did all the leveling using wrotation.

  10. 1 hour ago, naviomg said:

    i am not 100% sure if thats the case. it happens rarely and a wc run takes over 1 hour. no time to watch them all the time.
    just see sometimes one of the bots standing 6-7 yards off the group, when i move 1-2 yards closer they continue. if we can change the numbers of the rangecheck it would be already an ideal fix.
    but your right, ninja pull patrols during teamup makes no sense. they should run back to the teamup hotspot after killing it.

    It's set to 8 yards if i recall.
    I am working on it atm. ?

  11. 20 hours ago, naviomg said:

    What are the conditions for the bot to set their status to ready?
    it seems sometimes if they pull something during the waiting team up process for example mob patroulling, they can get pulled away from the teamup position and will never set their status to ready. after moving the bot lit closer to the teamup position it will continue (~5 yards?). Atm testing in WC.

    Even if they ninja pull they should get back to the "teamup" spot. after they killed the mob.
    The conditions to be ready is to be close to eachother, and they have to have full hp/mana (I am currently making a setting so you can change these numbers).
    You can always set the spots at the end of the patrol route, and make the tank walk into the patrol route, so he pull the patrol when it comes.
    (That is what i do in RFC).
    If you look in the RFC profile, you will even see that i made a route inside a patrol space (The very first patrol in the dungeon).
    Sometimes the bot pulls it while running to the next wait spot, other times they pull it after teaming up.
    Doesn't matter. ?

  12. 7 minutes ago, Garub said:

    I will study Python another time, let my knowledge become more consolidated. And I'm going to C #

    Friend's voice: I do not know how to express myself well in a language that I do not speak (English) @Ordush, but I want you to know that I consider you the best player of this forum, at least I am sine to myself, always giving relevant information to my questions. Thank you brother.

    Thank you for the kind words Garub. Luckily for all of us, there are some bright souls on this forum. Glad i can help you out. ?
    As @Mateniasaid check out https://mooc.fi/en/
    Or https://mva.microsoft.com/en-us/training-courses/c-fundamentals-for-absolute-beginners-16169?l=Lvld4EQIC_2706218949

    Bob Tabor, Matenia, Droidz, my brother and a few others on this forum is who taught me all i know about C#. ?

  13. 12 hours ago, Garub said:

    I believe I am on the right track, I am planning to start my project, 100% made in PYTHON combat ronines made with machine learning.
    I am still deepening my knowledge in Python, the only thing I still do not know is if only using python I can extract information from the game using the blizzard API.

    I'm in the right way??

    In any forum:

    "Making game hacks in Python?

    Hello guys. I was wondering if its possible to make gamehacks in python. To be more precisive, I'd like to make hacks for MMORPG games that use gameguard as security... I already made few easy and simple ones using pywin32 and pyhook, but I'd like to make something better. Thanks for response in advance... :))

    as long as you can access the Operating System's syscalls to manipulate memory/inject libraries..you should be good in any programming language. Bypassing an anticheat is more involved in the debugging/reverse engineering side, not so much on the programming side. You need to either reverse engineer their anticheat software or find out ways for your software to become undetectable (using less common systemcalls or even writing code that runs in kernel mode).

    Answer 1:

    As long as you can access the Operating System's syscalls to manipulate memory/inject libraries..you should be good in any programming language. Bypassing an anticheat is more involved in the debugging/reverse engineering side, not so much on the programming side. You need to either reverse engineer their anticheat software or find out ways for your software to become undetectable (using less common systemcalls or even writing code that runs in kernel mode).

     Answer 2:

    Thanks for that, but ur answer didnt help me. ? Is there any libs/docs u can suggest me, since I'm not even sure where to start!? I don't care about anticheat ATM, I want to make  hack first...   

    Answer 3:

    It all depends on the type of hack you want to make. The usual gamehacking process consists of using a combination of a memory scanner and a debugger to find useful addresses and functions in the game, and once you've got that information you use a programming language to write your hack. For a debugger I recommend using OllyDbg, and for a scanner I recommend CheatEngine. I would start by looking for tutorials on how to use both.

    Hypothetical Example:

    • You want to make an infinite ammo hack (assuming the server does not check this) The steps would be the following:
    • Fire up cheat engine, attach it to the target game process, and begin scanning for the ammo address (look up tutorials on this, there are plenty)
    • Once you've identified the address that contains the amount of ammo in the game process memory you can now proceed to write a hack for it.
    • In python pywin32 using WritePRocessMemory api will suffice, all you have to do is have your program run a loop writing 999 to the address you found for ammo, that way your character will have 999 ammo all the time (hence infinite).

    Again, that's an oversimplified example..it all depends on what you want to do. I also suggest visiting online gamehacking communities such as unknowncheats, cheatengine forums, gamedeception, etc."


    pywin32 224

    Project description
    Python extensions for Microsoft Windows Provides access to much of the Win32 API, the ability to create and use COM objects, and the Pythonwin environment.


    OllyDbg is a 32-bit assembler level analyzer debugger for Microsoft® Windows®. Emphasis on binary code analysis makes it particularly useful in cases where source is unavailable.



    You can use python to make your own hack, instead of using WRobot.
    However, if you want to write anything for wrobot. I'd suggest learning C# or Lua.
    If you know python. then you will easily be able to learn C# and/or Lua.

  14. 27 minutes ago, naviomg said:

    if i remember correctly pvptools was even written in AutoIt.

    For me atm the 2 biggest issues in wrobot are pathfinding and the way we create big profiles.
    The quest editor ui lacks of some basic functionality like adding a new step in between 2 step, drag and drop steps, copy steps
    Editing in XML, every step has way too many tags to work efficiently.

    You can just add them in the xml file with notepad, and edit them in the editor.
    Make your questing profiles in C#! ?

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