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Everything posted by Ordush

  1. I will look into it asap! I just looked into my code, it's an easy fix. It's actually not in my plugin but rather in the questing profile. Open the profile in the quest editor Then click tools and Custom Scripts public class DP { public static bool CheckArea(float x, float y, float z, int range) { if (!ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Any(u => u.Type != WoWObjectType.Player && u.IsAlive && u.IsAttackable && u.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(x, y, z)) < range)) return true; return false; } public static bool LeaderReadyPull() { if (Lua.LuaDoString<string>("return TeamLeader()") == "Player" && Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("return AllReady")) return true; return false; } public static void SetObjective(string msg) { Lua.LuaDoString("SetObjective('"+ msg +"')"); } } You will see this code. This line: if (!ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Any(u => u.Type != WoWObjectType.Player && u.IsAlive && u.IsAttackable && u.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(x, y, z)) < range)) add: && u.Health > 1 So it looks like this: if (!ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Any(u => u.Type != WoWObjectType.Player && u.IsAlive && u.Health > 1 && u.IsAttackable && u.Position.DistanceTo(new Vector3(x, y, z)) < range)) Now it will ignore mobs with less than 2 hp. ? It's not the perfect solution but it will work until i release a more permanent better fix. However this will work on the go now. ?
  2. This is a pve spec, so i don't really see a use for viper sting. ? However the vanilla FC has it, so i might. ?
  3. Try reinstalling wrobot into a new folder. make sure that you are running wrobot/wow as admin, and make sure that you are running without addons. You can also try turning the spells off then back on in the interface to see if there is a false positive on the spells.
  4. Yeah, ofc. it's for addons. As i told your earlier what happens is that wow runs out of ram to use for addons, then it does a RealodUI. If you increase the threshold, then it is less likely to do a reload, and thereby you are less likely to run into your issue.
  5. I don't think it matters. If you are attacked by 4 mobs and your pet is dead, i'm pretty sure you're dead anyway =P
  6. Whatever you want to write, write here on the forum. I don't really use discord.
  7. Try reinstall of your wrobot because the pet is supposed to grab aggro of all mobs and then attack the mob with the lowest hp.
  8. I merged your post with the support, no reason to open a new thread. The idea is that you reply to this post. ? It's only using raptor strike once? That's not intended. Can you please try and reinstall wrobot into a new folder? Yes, my TBC hunter, still needs some love. Unfortunately i''m VERY busy at work these days, and i'm actually fighting some stress. So right now i'm mainly doing support when i can, but releasing updating is paused until after Christmas, where my workload is decreased by 70%. I promise there will be some love given to everything I've released.
  9. 200, isn't really a lot. I have not done 1 test on my own realm. I've only tested this plugin on K3 and ND. Yes, it definitely needs work. The reason that it writes in the chat is to tell the party members that the dungeon has been reset, so they know to enter the dungeon. And you are right it does seem a little broken, that is because it's not running as intended on your system. You are not even supposed to see that party message. It's obviously only supposed to write it once AND it's supposed to clear the chat of that message afterwards. But something is not working properly for you. That is my point exactly, instead of keep saying "your stuff doesn't work" lets try and just focus on fixing the bugs for you. I don't know why it's spamming the party chat, which is why I'm trying to find you a temporary solution until I have the time to look into what is causing the issue that you are experiencing. I could just say: "I don't know why you are having these problems, they are not supposed to be there - wait till i figure it out". But i am actually trying to help you make it work until I can figure out why your party is getting spammed. Now, try increasing it to at least 600. You are literally telling wow that it can use at max 200 mb of ram. Try and look how much ram your pc is using just having this forum open ?
  10. Did you increase the memory? The party spam, is not supposed to happen. Mine doesn't do it. So i will have to find out why it's doing it to you. It's hard to fix something i can't replicate. ? Also you being kicked is not normal behavior sounds like the server you are playing on has some strict rules. Just want to point out that it's not entirely my plugin that is the root of your issues. However. I will look into using the addon channel instead. Only problem with that is that some servers has it disabled. ?
  11. Try turning every button off and then on again. IF this does not fix your issues, then try reinstalling wrobot into a new folder. (Make sure that you run wrobot AND wow in admin mode, otherwise it may cause an issue with writing config files.
  12. Anyway. ? I will work on getting it to work with /reload. It'll take some time though. Because i have to rewrite most of the code.
  13. Yeah the UI crashes, because it runs out of memory. Hence the reason you want to increase the cap
  14. You can change that where you enable disable addons in the top right cornor
  15. It's definitely not my plugin, ReloadUI() is not anywhere in my code. I've heard people having these issues with FNV's quester back in the day. It's definitely a memory issue. Have you tried increasing the memory to 999?
  16. Usually it's an addon that causes wow to reloadUI. Guess you are using questie? It's generally a bad idea to run wrobot with ANY addons. ? Turn off your addons and set max memory to 999 and i'm sure it'll stop reloading UI. ? My fightclasses are reloadUI proof, but my dungeon bot is not. It will take a lot of work to make it that, i will get there asap. Anyway wow is obviously not supposed to do reloadui lol ?
  17. Returning to dungeon used to be managed by my plugin. But Droidz added support for it in an update, so i disabled it from my plugin. So in short: Returning to dungeon on death is managed by WRobot, not my plugin. Make a ticket here on the forum, and i'm sure Droidz will look into it asap. ?
  18. There are no wrobot settings to open for this fight class, everything is handled in-game.
  19. That is definitely not supposed to happen, it seems as if your bot doesn't clear the chat. I will look into it. ?
  20. It's not made for leveling, but i might look into it later. ?
  21. It's something else moving your character, there is no where in my code i have movement control. The only place in my code movement is controlled is when backtracking (You can even turn that off). So if your character is still moving while using wrotation (and have turned off movement) then it's something else. Perhaps a plugin?
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