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Everything posted by Iceflare

  1. Bot is getting stuck when recovering corpse or while going to hotspot. It seems to take a straight path from thrallmar to the hotspot. It gets stuck in the long wall that goes from north to south in Hellfire Penninsula. How do i blacklist this location in my grinding profile? I made a profile with NPC in Thrallmar for repair/selling, and made a hotspot right outside Pools of Aggonar.
  2. Yeah, i used auctioneer with this. Will try without it next time.
  3. Tested this fighting class on TBC realm 2.4.3, and it worked REALLY nicely. The dmg and rotation was perfect. The bot fought without manabreaks. Was a really, really a nice fightingclass! Thanks!
  4. Perfect! Let us know. Make sure to test it a lot yourself before testing :-)
  5. Iceflare

    Dungeon Editor

    Same here. +1
  6. Oh, sorry. That was poorly precised by me. When running the Auctionbot it doesnt pick up everything from the mail. Sold/Completed auctions doesn't get picked up. It does, however pick up everything it has bought when running the bot.
  7. Also problem with picking up mail on the TBC 2.4.3 client. Server is running version 2.0
  8. And even sometimes with stacksize of 1, the bot posts all available. There is something wrong with the stacksize, i believe.
  9. When you chose to have a stack-size bigger than 1, the price automatically gets multiplied by that number of the stack. Say i want to sell Netherweave Cloth for 20 s each. If i sell it in a stacksize of 1 it will go out on for 20s. If i set a stacksize of 5, it posts a stack on the size of 5, but to a price of 5 gold instead of 1 gold. With 20 he posts a stack of 20 Netherweave Cloth for 80 gold. (20*20*0,2g) -Iceflare
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Hey. I just made an easy fightingclass after a lot of trial and error, and wanted to share with you guys, so that you dont have to go through the same hazzle that I did. This fightingclass does starfire prioritized before Wrath because of mana sustainabiliy, but it doesn't do it if there is 2 or more mobs aggroed in your range, due to the pushback on the cast. It has moonkin form. Keeps both moonfire and insect swarm up at all times. It uses barkskin whenever taking damage. Casts rejuv on 80% hp, to keep you alive. Also casts regrowth at 30% hp i think. Enjoy.
  11. Happens to me aswell, on l4g tbc server hellfire. 1 stun and the rotation is completely off and just swings with weapon
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