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Everything posted by wlhr

  1. wlhr

    ab 90 von Hand ?

    Im Grunde selbst erstellen, aber ist ja nicht wirklich kompliziert.
  2. I actually see his point... I recently bought wrobot and was expecting at least a 1-100 Questing Profile because Warlords of Draenor has been released almost 2 years ago. or 1-10, 10-20, etcetera etcetera But... yeah :D there is like nothing. It was a bit disappointing to be honest. In that case you have to make your own profiles... try Grinding for example, it is very easy done.
  3. wlhr

    blood dk

    Thanks for the help! You meant Target Targeting Me? Cause that was the only thing working for me.
  4. Hello, I was going to make a fighting class for the new Blood DK but it havnt quite worked out as i want it to. My DK is casting Blood Boil like a complete retard, he literally spams it out of combat and out of range. http://www.wowhead.com/spell=50842/blood-boil I have tried to use some conditions as you see in the example below, but they dont help. <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>TargetDistance</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionNumber"> <Type>Smaller</Type> <Value>10</Value> </Param> </FightClassCondition> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>MeInCombat</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionBool"> <Value>true</Value> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <SpellName>Blood Boil</SpellName> </FightClassSpell> So... what am i doing wrong?
  5. warlock fighting class is uploaded, enjoy!
  6. i am going to upload a fighting class for the demonology warlock
    hello friend, i have tried to improve it. Please try 7.0_Enhance_Sham_Eeny_impby_wlhr.xml
  7. Servus, also ich find die Idee super. Ich persönlich würde mich dazu begeistern ein Questprofil zu schreiben welches Level 100-110 absolvieren kann, sowie soweit es der Bot hergibt Fighting Classes mit denen sich sogar anständig raiden lässt. Und wenn diese beiden Ideen glücken, dann könnte man sich noch an andere Projekte wagen. :)
  8. wlhr

    Lifetime kaufen

    Alles klar, danke für die Antwort. Genau das wollt ich wissen. :)
  9. wlhr

    Lifetime kaufen

    Hi, ich hab vor mir den Bot als Lifetimevariante zuzulegen, allerdings würde ich gerne wissen ob man damit mehrere Accounts gleichzeitig betreiben kann?
  10. does anyone got hit by the latest banwave using wrobot?
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