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Everything posted by wlhr

  1. wlhr


    that is what i was trying to say :P
  2. what profile are you using? :D
  3. wlhr


    can you play world of warcraft when your pc is in sleep mode?
  4. Und das bringt dir was? + du bist scheinbar neu hier...
  5. wlhr

    Bot Einstellen

    Und trotzdem postest du?
  6. vielleicht solltest ne auflistung deiner produkte machen, kommt bestimmt nicht schlecht :D
  7. ach zur zweiten frage: dein zweiter bann wird meistens 18 monate lang dauern.
  8. erhöhte gefahr? nein... das gefühl hab ich nicht. ich botte seit nem jahr auf nem mainacc. welcher schonmal 6 monate pause hatte und das war kein problem.
  9. and whats the problem about that?
  10. search for Runic Power under "Conditions" and put in the percentage
  11. so you are ok to spend 40-50 euro for a product and basically get nothing? i meant what i said.
  12. It's always that way. Every bot I used before needed a lot of time to setup but was running decent after I was finished. Only exception was Honorbuddy and I would still use Honorbuddy if there weren't those guaranteed banwaves. :D
  13. yes you can monitor it but you can stay safe even without monitoring. for example write profiles for zones which arent really played by most of the people = 0 reportings. and of course test them for some hours before you leave him alone. to improve safety only bot at night or at times where most of the people sleep/work or whatever. use up to date fightingprofiles! a bot which acts good in combat isnt to be considered a bot and of course works the best.
  14. botting is most of the time safe, you just have to do it the right way.
  15. die gibt es nur für privatserver
  16. das hör ich zum ersten mal
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