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Everything posted by Razzue

  1. I mean fixing it should be rather simple ?
  2. ^^ you're probably right @Ordush ? i just got a tad triggered reading the first couple pages, and had to voice my opinion on the matter ? Heck, if it wasn't for some of the people in this thread and Droidz , I would have never gotten into c# and bot development ?so nothing but mad respect
  3. A bit late to this party... But with that knowledge you should be more than able to make your OWN profiles. In which case hop to and stop your bitching and whining. You're more than free to go find another bot to use! Oh wait... And to that glorious topic of "you only spend x amount of hours but make $xxx " I've spent nearly 100's hours on each class (primarily cata and legion) just for making simple fightclasses. And I STILL haven't publicly released them. Even IF I miraculously made 2k on one time purchases from them, that amounts to a whole $2.50/hour with the amount of time I've sank into something as simple as a fightclass (and the time spent on them can only go up whilst profits can go down) Hell, I spent 18 hours a day for 4 months working on a pixel aimbot for an fps game. To this date I've made juuust over 12k from it. That amounts to a whopping $5.42 an hour >.> Minimum wage where I live is 3x that .. so forgive people for not wanting to waste that kind of time for free.
  4. I'm assuming most stick to wrath and lower? ?
  5. Is interest for a 1-110 still around for private legion servers? I've been working on 1-85 scripts for cata, but I could focus on later expansions if interest is great enough ?
  6. Nazmir is rather stable now yes. Back when I originally posted the comment it wasn't even in alpha ( I was a tester.)
  7. Leaving a comment here so i can find it later ?
  8. I wish I could rep you more than once ❤️
  9. Droidz has stated that it will not be updated to live servers. And the only Private BfA server hasn't even started their beta run yet.
  10. How about plugins? Which do you have, or none at all?
  11. I just put -nolaunch64bit .. worked for me ?
  12. .. checking my logs i noticed i put "Leftt" >.>
  13. Sorry to necro an old thread But is there a left click version of that? Ran into a TurnIn problem in Stormheim, but could be solved by that if it could left click >.<
  14. It takes a bit to get running, compared to some of the other bots that used to be out there. But once it gets running it's hella rewarding, and pretty damn good at it's job. ?
  15. So far were fine on detection since Droidz last update. Make sure the WoW version and supported version match. Make sure to redownloaded the updater and use THAT to update/install everything. Make sure your running in BORDERLESS or WINDOWED mode. ( That was my big issue the first time I bought xD)
  16. It does it's job, and honestly it's a hella fair/cheap price for a bot. There are some profilles available, but as zan stated most times its better to make your own
  17. 150k for 12 hours!? Jesus fuck i make nearly double that just dealing with ores, D.bars and stirrups...
  18. It is never really "safe" to bot on retail. Blizz can update anything, at anytime and get us .
  19. Yes. Deathstalker1 & DeathstalkerPATH is what i would use Pickup>Deathstalker1 Pulse>DeathstalkerPATH Pulse>Deathstalker1 As Jensen asked as well, make sure all ID's are correct! :) I would try to make a test of it but i only play retail :x
  20. Hi there! Try making a follow path quest (having it end near the body) , followed by a interact with npc with a single hotspot on the body(don't forget to click the "dead" box if it's there) That usually does it for me!
  21. Ay, I've been trying to buy another key on my other account with consistent failures. I recommend just waiting a few more hours , or just trying again in the am/pm (whatever your time zone is)
  22. Well seeing as i have 5 accounts running right now, i can say it definitely DOES work. How are you launching 32 bit wow? Did you use the -nolaunch64bit command line? (Right click wow.exe, go Properties, after the name WoW add that command line and save ) Where are your logs? Do you get error messages? Did you download/install correctly and make an exception in your antivirus?
  23. a profile specifically made to complete Legion pathfinder for flying! it would help tons for new Bnets
  24. Hmm, you know if anyone actually made a pathfinder profile? I know it's a bit late in legion to do it now buuuut I'm up for some fun xD
  25. If you can't find Wrobot.exe are you sure you even have it fully/properly installed?cause by what I'm reading, sounds like you might be missing a file or two.. And no, I'm pretty sure Droidz is asking IF it works after you renamed both files.
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