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Everything posted by Pasterke

  1. With a priest it takes ages because he needs to drink alot.
  2. Normal he shoud youse it. I check if if item >= then stackcount.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    LootFilter by Pasterke How to use it ? If the bot is running, stop and close it. Unpack the zipfile in your Plugin folder. Restart Wrobot. In the Main Window click on Plugins. Set LootFilerWrobot.dll on on. Select the plugin and click on Settings for selected Plugin. You have now the main window open of LootFiler. You will see the content of your Bags, sorted alphabetical. If you want that lootfilter auto use an item for you when you have x stacks of it : select the items and click on the appropriate button. If you finished clicked the button, the item will no longer appear in the bags item list. That's easy :) If you have items in your bags that you want to keep, select them and click on the Keep Items button. If you have items that you just want to delete, select them and add them to the delete items. Delete Items on Quality. On Top of the window, you see some checkboxes to delete items on item quality. If you check one, let's say the Gray Items, then every gray item will be removed from your bags whithout any warning ! The main purpose of this settings are for farming specific items. example : Say you want to farm Silk Cloth because it sells for a good price on AH. Go to the place where you want to farm and let the bot farm for 30 min. Then you stop the bot and you look into your inventory. Now, the stuff that you want to keep, add it to the Keep Items ! Then you can check delete gray, green, white, blue and epic items as you wish. Let the bot farming and you will end up with just the items you want. Be sure if you don't farm, to reset the settings, or you can loose some items you realy don't want to loose. another example for leatherworkers : you can make light leather from Light Leather Scraps if you have 3 of them. Keep in mind, that making those leathers level up your leatherworking. If the Make Light Leathers don't further level skill up, then it's the time to add it on the Use On 3 Items. Viewing your Items settings. In the Main Menu you have View Lists. There you can check the items and if you want, remove some or all. Hope you like this one guys :)
  4. This is a base Framework in C# to develop a fightclass. Everything is named Test, just rename Test to Disc, Warrior etc .... I put some comments where needed. Imoportant : CastSpellOn can't be used on unfriendly targets because the protected status of the WoW API ! Hope this is usefull :) frameWork.zip
  5. For the settings, you need to set all values to 0 and for the bools all settings to false. Then the settings will work and be saved. In the Description you can show the prefered settings. [Setting, DefaultValue(0)] [Category("Protection")] [DisplayName("Gift of the Naaru HP %")] [Description("Use if my healthpercent <= VALUE (best VALUE=65)")] public int naaruPercent { get; set; }
  6. Here some addons that I use. Feel free to use the ones you like. DBM-v4-r188-BC-Vanilla-Mods.zip HealBot_3.3.5.3.zip Recount-v4.0.1_release.zip ShadowedUnitFrames-v3.2.12.zip TomTom-r240-release.zip TourGuide- VendorReward-v1.1.zip AuctionMaster-3.40.3.zip AutoVendor-v0.9.10.zip Bagnon_2.13.3.zip Breakables-1.0.zip DBM-4.52-r4442-Core-and-WotLK-Mods.zip SushiSort-v3.3.5.0.zip
  7. Ok, I got an account on warmane and when making an new char, it was already level 80. When I try to make a new one, I get an character create error. How can you level up a charcater ?
  8. You need to get wowplayer names instead of wowunit names, and then you need to check if the player has the same faction of you, check if he's in combat and then check his target.
  9. Thx, will look at it when I have some time. I'm retired, so I almost have no time :)
  10. public string LastCast {get; set; } if (LastCast != "Lava Lash" ..... And put everywhere in your spells : LastCast = spell.name;
  11. On what private server are you guys playing ? And is it worth to join ?
  12. 25fps is a realy good choice. It's not for a reason that it's the default. Higher than 30fps is not recommended. Look on google and search for fps and wow, it will be explained in details. If you have a long list with spells, it realy don't matter how you order your spells. The bot looks at your spells, and go down from top to bottom, and then start over again. If a skill is ready, he use it. This process is soo fast, that the order of your spells is not relevant. And that's the reason why the bot don't do things at the right moment. In his memory he keep the true actions. So when he starts over from the beginning, he will do the true actions from his memory and add new true conditions to this list. You never have a skill for the actually time. That's why it's hard to get a good healing class for this bot. The only solution to this problems, is working with coroutines, what they did in Honorbuddy. Droidz should look at the coroutines section of the Honorbuddy wiki to implent such a system. That's why wrobot will never compete with honorbuddy in terms of dps. I wrote alot of Routines for Honorbuddy with the same logic as I write routines for wrobot. for example : my honorbuddy routine for feral druid and the routine for feral druid in wrobot, the difference in dps is like 12k in favor of Honorbuddy. That's huge.
  13. That's the c# programming language, not scripts. Install visual studio (the free version) and learn how to work with it. It's not that difficult :) You can load a .cs files in visual studio and see the code. With intellisense it helps you alot to add or change code.
  14. Automaton is much safer to use than a grinder profile in terms to get get caught for botting. What are good places for Automaton, that's quit simple : are you full heirloom : you can handle mobs that are 3 levels higher than yours. Quit the place if your level is 3 levels higher than the mobs level. no heirlooms : areas where mobs are with 1 level higher than yours, leave area if your level is 4x higher than mob level. With automaton you don't follow a pre-defined route, so you don't come back to the previous location to continue the profile. It's less bottish. A good tip : for leveling take a profession like skinning, you will make alot of money. (my hunter had 32k gold on level 60) look at http://www.wow-professions.com/wowguides/wow-skinning-guide.html for the right places to be. A secondary good profession is herbalism. You can gather herbs on the places where you farm leathers. Herbs also selling good on AH. By farming on those places you have a chance to get rare drops like azure whelping and others that sells easy on AH between 5k and 15k. If you reach level 90, then if you want, you can drop those professions and choose others that you realy want. If you quest a little you get drops and quests that brings your profession skills to 600. That way, it's easier to gather the materials for your profession afterwards.
  15. And why you want to walk backwards ?
  16. Ok, here you go public static List<WoWUnit> getPartyPets() { Vector3 myPos = ObjectManager.Me.Position; var ret = new List<WoWUnit>(); var pets = ObjectManager.GetObjectWoWUnit().Where(p => p != null && p.IsPet).ToList(); foreach (var m in pets) { if (m.IsValid && m.IsAlive && m.InCombat && m.Target.IsNotZero() && m.Position.DistanceTo2D(myPos) <= 40 && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(m.Position)) { if (ret.All(u => u.Guid != m.Target)) { var targetUnit = new WoWUnit(ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid(m.Target).GetBaseAddress); if (targetUnit.IsValid && targetUnit.IsAlive) { ret.Add(targetUnit); } } } } return ret; } public static List<WoWUnit> GetPartyTargets() { Vector3 myPos = ObjectManager.Me.Position; var partyMembers = Party.GetPartyHomeAndInstance(); var ret = new List<WoWUnit>(); foreach (var m in partyMembers) { if (m.IsValid && m.IsAlive && m.InCombat && m.Target.IsNotZero() && m.Position.DistanceTo2D(myPos) <= 40 && !TraceLine.TraceLineGo(m.Position)) { if (ret.All(u => u.Guid != m.Target)) { var targetUnit = new WoWUnit(ObjectManager.GetObjectByGuid(m.Target).GetBaseAddress); if (targetUnit.IsValid && targetUnit.IsAlive) { ret.Add(targetUnit); } } } } return ret; } public static int partyCount { get { return GetPartyTargets().Count(); } } public static bool buffExists(WoWUnit unit, string buff) { return unit.HaveBuff(buff); } public static bool petBuffExists(string buff) { return ObjectManager.Pet.HaveBuff(buff); } public HashSet<string> statsBuffs = new HashSet<string>() { "Mark of the Wild", "Blessing of Kings", "Gift of the Wild" }; public bool checkBuff(WoWUnit unit) { var a = unit.GetAllBuff(); foreach(var aura in a) { if (statsBuffs.Contains(aura.ToString())) return false; } return true; } public bool needStatsBuff(string buff, bool reqs) { if (!reqs) return false; foreach(WoWUnit t in GetPartyTargets()) { if (!buffExists(t, buff) && !checkBuff(t)) { try { SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn(buff, t.Name); Logging.WriteFight(buff + "on " + t.Name); return true; } catch(Exception e) { Logging.WriteFight("Single StatsBuffs: " + e.Message); } } } return false; } public bool petsNeedStats(string buff, bool reqs) { if (!reqs) return false; foreach (WoWUnit t in getPartyPets()) { if (!buffExists(t, buff) && !checkBuff(t)) { try { SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn(buff, t.Name); Logging.WriteFight(buff + "on " + t.Name); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteFight("Pet StatsBuffs: " + e.Message); } } } return false; } private Spell motw = new Spell("Mark of the Wild"); public void Routine() { if (partyCount > 0 && needStatsBuff("Mark of the Wild", motw.KnownSpell && motw.IsSpellUsable)) return; if (partyCount > 0 && petsNeedStats("Mark of the Wild", motw.KnownSpell && motw.IsSpellUsable)) return; } To check for other buffs make a new hashset and new bools, eg. needFortitude, petsNeedFortitude
  17. But Motw and Power Word; Fortitude does. And with a range class, never use interact + launch, because using that wil try the toon to get in meleerange. Use SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUAOn(name spell, name target);
  18. don't matter if it's 3.3.5, the code checks if you are in a party and if some1 doesn't have a stats buff, if not, cast it on yourself, and the others in your party get it also. Even buffs from MoP or Draenor, don't matter, they will not have it and cause no error.
  19. You don't need to cast it on the target, if you cast it on yourself, then everyone get the buff. Don't make things too complicate. private Spell MoTW = new Spell("Mark of the Wild"); public bool needMotw(bool reqs) { if (!reqs) return false; if (!MoTW.KnownSpell) return false; if (!MoTW.IsSpellUsable) return false; var t = GetPartyMembers().Where(p => p != null && p.GetDistance <= 40 && !p.HaveBuff(MoTW.Name) && !p.HaveBuff("Legacy of the Emperor") && !p.HaveBuff("Blessing of Kings") && !p.HaveBuff("Lone Wolf: Power of the Primates") && !p.HaveBuff("Bark of the Wild") && !p.HaveBuff("Blessing of Kongs") && !p.HaveBuff("Embrace of the Shale Spider") && !p.HaveBuff("Strength of the Earth")); if (t != null) { try { SpellManager.CastSpellByNameOn(MoTW.Name, ObjectManager.Me.Name); Logging.WriteFight(MoTW.Name); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteFight("MotW: " + e.Message); } } return false; } Then just look if you need it : if (needMotw(Party.GetPartyNumberPlayers() > 0)) return true;
  20. Version 2.0.0


    This is my own Hunter Class. Still leveling my hunter, but 100 level talent shoud be Adaption by default and that's a passive buff. Be sure to look at the settings before starting the bot. Misdirection will be used on pet by default, but if you have a focused target, it will be used on focused target. If you have Aspect of the Cheetah/Pack on, it will be auto disable when you enter combat. In LFR, it will be never yours that's on :) Like I said, I'm still leveling my hunter and maybe I need todo some changes, and when I do it, I will upload the new version. Checking for new version recommended :) I also want some feedback to make it better with your suggestions. Try it out and have fun :) BeastHunter_2.zip Fixed a bug that closed Wrobot when leveling up with Automaton. BeastHunter_3.zip Fixed some minor problems. BeastHunter_4.zip
  21. You don't use a flying mount. If you use an flying mount profile you can run into troubles, because the bot is unable to reach some nodes. As druid you should use Travel Form.
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Druid Guardian Fight Class Needed talents are in the settings form. Be sure to look at the settings before you launch the routine ! Enjoy :)
  23. When using Automaton, wrobot crashes. When choosing close the program, wow also crash.
  24. Check if de debuff exists Void Tendrils. If it exists, while your distance to the target smaller than x, don't cast any spell.
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