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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. I love how this guy gets mad because I called him out for running characters called "calmwhiteguy" and "angryblackguy" by naming my coupon "basicamericanracist" WHILE giving him stuff for free. Then quotes me out of context because he has nothing of value to add. Here is what I actually said: Also, it's not my fucking fault whatever you have set up body pulls some mob and doesn't attack it. I don't control which target wRobot puts you in combat with. A fightclass ONLY REACTS to the target that wRobot is in combat with. You wanna know why the off-target wasn't recognized? Because whatever the fuck is going on with your setup blacklisted the first mob so it's not even showing when I check for how many enemies attack you. It'd be clearer if you were showing your log. I can't fix the entire bot and I certainly can't fix whatever is happening with your setup. Check the fucking log file, you dipshit. If there is actually anything substantial in it, I can attempt to fix that.
  2. Battlegrounder literally has a "profile creator" as part of the product that you can use
  3. Turn off free mode. Then either add a profile for waypoints or let it do it's thing.
  4. If you have problems with running away from combat, which I am very openly stating in the purchase thread is nowhere near perfect, turn on the 3D radar and figure out what happens. I blacklist all the NPCs in your current objectmanager and then let wRobot generate a path to safe spot (no mobs around in 20-25 yards). If it runs zig zag it's likely broken pathing. Hard to tell without the 3D radar. To me, it almost looks like you're using a conflicting plugin that enables fighting behavior again - but even that is hard to tell without a log file or the 3D radar. That being said, the rogue fightclass does support vanishing. However, HMP has to disable all wRobot fight behavior to run away from combat or wRobot will pick the fight back up and run movement on a different thread, chasing the target.
  5. You need a profile and set up the enemy fight ratio properly. Otherwise you're running it in free mode, which means it will just try to follow players. You can disable free mode and not load a profile, see if you like that better. It will loosely stand around at objectives
  6. If you want to store something in wRobot, use Var.SetVar("x", "value") and Var.GetVar("x"), see if that does the trick. Otherwise look into C# Mutex
  7. Just for you, I updated my TBC rogue to the new framework AND added an option to disable gouge => backstab entirely, if you'd rather just spam SS. Feel free to redownload.
  8. I've just checked, I've sold almost 500 copies of the rogue fightclass since 2016 (across all 3 expansions, mostly vanilla). You're the only one who has cried about it not being effective at low level (there's literally nothing it can do with 4 skills - although it does pool energy if you're wearing dagger, which it will need for backstab). But then again, I am arguing with someone who thinks the fightclass can somehow generate energy.
  9. Just fyi, the fightclass is likely mine, hence why I responded to that earlier. You keep claiming to have experience, but I've not seen anything but complaints. Please, oh wise one, teach me how to create a rogue fightclass that won't die vs same/higher level boars in westfall when you're running dagger rogue at low levels, probably still haven't even got an offhand weapon equipped and think that somehow the bot can magically make your rogue invincible when coded well. What exactly do you want to do? At that level, you have gouge, ss, evis and evasion. In Vanilla/TBC, Evasion is on a 5 minute CD. Every player who's stupid enough to engage combat below 100% HP with a mob his own level under those conditions is likely to die unless evasion is ready. It's like... learn your damn class. I'm 100% sure, you've actually failed to set up wRobot to regen at 55 or 60%, so it doesn't regen after rezzing and it still engages combat unless you drop below 35% (the default setting). Then you come here and blame people because you lack basic game knowledge. Not to mention every single profile specifically points out that rogue and warrior are the hardest classes to bot on and you need to manually interfere to update gear occasionally.
  10. It's not going to happen. Just learn C#. The API is available. Yes, it's not too well documented, but you're not going to get the Python API you've been asking for months. If you have any questions, hop on Discord. There's usually always someone around that can answer your question within 24 hours, if it's something more specific.
  11. Truly AFK is named after the creator (Truly). It's pretty misleading and the quester (which is just a grinder, really) hasn't been touched since 2016 or 2017. It's possibly the worst investment when Bambo and Andoido update their stuff frequently and have quite good reviews. You could've also hopped on Discord to ask about this before. Also, the plugin gives you ONE CONCURRENT IP. It frees up after 15 minutes of not using it. It's literally only there to prevent people sharing everything for free, which happened all the time. Not to mention if you run a socks5 per VM/character and only tunnel WoW's traffic instead of wRobot's as well, you don't ever need more than 1 IP. I've put over 1000 hours into HMP since I started working on wRobot. I've published 1000s of lines of code for free here and usually share my source as well. A lot of what HMP offers is broken into smaller (not as thorough) plugins I published (including the source) for free here as well. The vanilla section also has a bunch of fightclasses (with source code) that can be easily adjusted for TBC too. If you think I'm going to release fightclasses I've spent 30-100 hours on each (not to mention all the time that went into the framework, which is a lot more advanced for TBC and WotLK) for free, so someone asshole who isn't capable of writing their own can call them shit tier coding because they aren't willing to shell out 6.50 (of which I get less than 5 bucks after taxes and fees), you're delusional. The amount of support I have to give for people who don't even understand that my fightclass doesn't decide when and whom the bot picks a fight but handles the rotation when the bot engages combat, can't follow the instructions to enter the order id, don't set up wRobot's regen settings properly and blame the fightclass for not eating, etc alone is already hardly worth the 5 bucks for all the frustration I have to deal with.
  12. Basically. Or you can just start a new thread like new Thread(() => { stuff here;}).Start(); Those threads won't be killed because they belong to the wRobot.exe process but aren't spawned like plugins/products inside the wRobot framework
  13. Spawn a new thread. Your plugin thread gets killed when you dispose the product because it's originally spawned by wRobot.
  14. In pathing options, wRobot has a setting to avoid groups, it will attempt to path around them and in my experience this works like 3/4 of the time. There's a setting for pull distance. There's a setting for not pulling a unit if x hostile units are close. Besides the pure grinding profiles, every quester (including the ones with 300+ quests that mostly grind) have seen a minimum of 300 to 500 hours of work already. The profiles can't magically make the bot base smarter. How about you try making your own quester from level 1-15 just to get an idea of the insane amount of time it takes and what you ACTUALLY have control over. And then familiarize yourself with wRobot and how to configure out. Because I've used a bunch of profiles to test my rotations and generally speaking I haven't chain died unless something seriously dumb happened like me personally starting the bot on the wrong continent.
  15. HMP in that sense isn't meant for customs ervers like that. So get the free Butler plugin for WotLK and adjust stat weights and such yourself
  16. Doesn't look like a wave has hit yet. Was maybe 20 accounts getting caught.
  17. //https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-bots-programs/wow-memory-editing/382790-zones-coordinates-world-zone-coordinates.html //somehow (ObjectManager.Me.Position.Y - x1) / (x2 - x1) is the character's on-map X position (notice the Y) //reversing that formula, you can get playerX (world position) based on all y values, it's utterly confusing and makes no sense to me private Vector3 CalculateMapCoords(string luaUnit) { float mapX = Lua.LuaDoString<float>($@" local x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition('{luaUnit}'); return x; "); float mapY = Lua.LuaDoString<float>(@" local x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition('{luaUnit}'); return y; "); return CalculateFromMapPosition(mapX, mapY); } private Vector3 CalculateFromMapPosition(float mapX, float mapY) { var x1 = 2041.67f; var x2 = 895.833f; var y1 = 1627.08f; var y2 = 862.5f; var playerX = -mapY * y1 + mapY * y2 + y1; var playerY = -mapX * x1 + mapX * x2 + x1; return new Vector3(playerX, playerY, PathFinder.GetZPosition(new Vector3(playerX, playerY, 100))); } Coordinates in there are hardcoded for warsong gulch. It's up to you to adjust this
  18. Matenia

    NoMemoryEdit shortcut

    Yes, thank you. I noticed this is a different issue that seems to taint some Lua functions on Warmane somehow. I cannot reproduce it reliably, so for now it's okay.
  19. You're about 2 months too late. It's long been released and for sale. And you CLEARLY didn't even read the thread.
  20. If you want support, hop on my Discord, read the #faq and get back to me.
  21. Yeah, it is then. It used to say wRobot specifically, that's why I was curious.
  22. It would give wRobot as a reason if it was detected, I'm sure. You can try this by registering a new account, leveling to 10 or 20 and using wRotation. If you get (insta) banned it's detected.
  23. You don't say what you actually tested... Have you started wRobot through the No Memory Edit shortcut and renamed your wRobot.exe (maybe both)?
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