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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. It avoids common warden checks, but there are ways servers can catch you anyway. It's also possible new exploits are coming out using warden that haven't been circumvented yet
  2. https://wrobot.eu/forums/forum/40-developers-assistance/
  3. You can physically see CTM. If it's on ingame and activated in the WRobot settings, you can see the circle under where the character is made to go. The bot calls the client's CTM function to do so.
  4. Some fightclasses will force Lua to move, because injecting movement when using frame locks will cause your client to deadlock, freeze and eventually crash. Fyi, Lua to move has nothing to do with CTM. If CTM is enabled, it will ALWAYS be used. Lua to move just means for stuff like antiafk it will use Lua to inject movement keys rather than sending actual keystrokes to the client. Lua to move is perfectly fine. Just enable CTM.
  5. It shouldn't, hence the corrupt OS thing I keep repeating. And the part where I said you don't have a license, so make sure to use the official TRIAL with all the correct dependencies and not the old cracked version 1.7.2
  6. Generally, games don't put very specific stress on your system. Just loading all of your RAM or a few threads of your CPU doesn't mean you're unloading the full might it's IPC is capable of. WRobot reads and writes to existing processes memory. It does so by very frequently. If you have an issue with your RAM config or even just one faulty stick, as soon as you hit those faulty cells too fast, you read data that was never written but you assume it was. It leads to data corruption down the line. This can break your whole OS, without you even knowing it's broken. I've overclocked RAM so often, I've even broken BIOS's before and had to reflash with a hardware programmer. That's why my first suggestion was repairing windows.
  7. Yes, some things can actually stress your system and your daily tasks likely don't. Repair Windows first. Run OCCT, do some SSE and AVX2 memory tests for 2-3 hours each. Test the CPU separately. It doesn't matter if your parts are new. If you're running on auto voltages and using RAM in a range where your CPU's IMC needs manual configuration to run stable, it'll crash under some loads eventually. I highly recommend not using the cracked version btw. Try the official TRIAL and if that runs stable, you know what to do.
  8. There should be absolutely no way that software itself causes a BSOD unless your OS is already corrupt. The only other realistic thing that's happening here is that your hardware is faulty. Broken RAM, IMC can't handle your RAM clocks, CPU overclock/undervolt not stable, etc.
  9. You need to make your grinder profiles in the quester product. Lots of free stuff to look at and build from: https://github.com/droidzfr/WRobot_Packages/tree/master/Old paid files Also this:
  10. Vendor setup in wrobot will likely work. It's in the advanced settings. For WotLK, I don't think there's anything besides HumanMasterPlugin that automates buying ammo completely. But it's 20€. If you're proficient in C#, you can probably change FoodAndDrink plugins (Vanilla, TBC, WotLK - check all 3 plugin sections) to buy ammo instead. I'm not sure the Wholesome group has anything that does auto vendoring completely, but I would urge you to look into it. Edit: They do have auto vendoring now. It does a lot of what HMP also does. I encourage you to check this out.
  11. It doesn't exist in TBC. Add-ons calculate it from simulated value. It was added in classic to older versions, but the original clients don't have it
  12. If you need to set it to more than 1500ms (this would be with an overloaded server and/or very slow VPN connection) the problem lies elsewhere (not in WRobot). Likely a modded client, conflicting addons, etc
  13. No. If this is an issue, it's because your client is fucked (addons, modified client), your PC is slow (memory reading takes so long that by the time WRobot returns the value, it's not presenting the reality anymore) or your internet is shit/server is slow/latency is an issue. All of this is mostly solved by latency - you want WRobot to check less frequently so it doesn't "miss" a tick. If it stops too early, it's mostly because the server or your client is delivering incorrect data. This can happen if the very first tick after requesting gather returns that you aren't casting - the 700ms "cast" time of gathering that you're then seeing is just coincidence - it just so happens to be how long WRobot takes to make the next decision - it already thinks it isn't gathering and is on to the next step.
  14. To reiterate what Droidz said - as far as I'm aware, the info is literally not available in memory to the client. The Lua API is equally limited in 1.12.
  15. Make sure you're not using any addons and only the official client. Some clients modify the API and render WRobot useless
  16. Deine Bank hat die Transaktion abgewiesen - kontaktier Droidz auf Englisch via PM.
  17. Your product is never loading the fightclass. If you don't have a real account to get support here, you can't find that info in the forums and I will not give it to you.
  18. Start Fight with what? You need to pass a target. Either WoWUnit or GUID
  19. This is a full class that can be run as a state. It works based on wowhead talent strings and talents are assigned "historically" meaning you have to give it different states of the talent tree depending on how you want talents to be assigned as you level up. If you look at the code, it uses Lua to call the LearnTalent function with the index it calculates. You can also hard code this. By default, these talent trees are for vanilla and TBC, the WoWVersion check deactivates this for WotLK. public class TalentPoints : State { public override string DisplayName => "TalentPoints"; private static readonly Dictionary<WoWClass, List<string>> ClassTalents = new Dictionary<WoWClass, List<string>> { { WoWClass.Mage, new List<string> { "--05003230", "--0501323010005", "--0501323010235", "--050132301023513", "--05023230102351301", "--05053230102351301", "230005--05053230102351301", "23005500002--05053230102351301" } }, { WoWClass.Druid, new List<string> { "-53020203", "-53020203002", "-53020203032001", "-53020203032021", "-5302020303222151", "-5302020303222151-05", "0140003-5302020303222151-05", "014005301-5402020303222151-05" } }, { WoWClass.Rogue, new List<string> { "-02", "-32005001", "-32005521000201", "-3200552100050110231", "005003-3200552100050110231", "3050031053-3200552100050110231" } }, { WoWClass.Priest, new List<string> { "--50023001", "--50023221004", "--50023221014012", "--5002322103411241", "--5002322103411251", "05003213--5002522103511251" } }, { WoWClass.Hunter, new List<string> { "55000001", "550002015", "5500020150201", "5500020150221", "5500020150521041", "5500020150521251-050514002" } }, { WoWClass.Warlock, new List<string> { "05-00503", "05002-00503", "05002-20523", "050221001-20523", "050221301-20523", "05022230102-20523", "0502253010201-20523", "0502253010201-2052300122", "0502253010201-2052300152", "0502253012201-2052300152", "2502253012201005-2052310152" } }, { WoWClass.Paladin, new List<string> { "--052300012", "--052300512", "--0523025120001", "--0523025120031", "-052303512003151", "--052303512203151", "-5032010043-052303512203151" } }, { WoWClass.Shaman, new List<string> { "-50050001", "-50252001050001", "-50252001050031", "-5025200115003151", "5-5025200115003151-50005301", "5-5025200125003151-50005301" } }, { WoWClass.Warrior, new List<string> { "023230003", "02323020302", "0232502130201", "0232502135201", "023250213524100001", "023250213524100001-05053020005" } }, }; public override void Run() { var talentStrings = (PluginSettings.In.TalentStrings.IsNullOrEmpty() || PluginSettings.In.TalentStrings.All(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace)) ? ClassTalents[ObjectManager.Me.WowClass] : PluginSettings.In.TalentStrings.ToList(); foreach (var talentString in talentStrings) { // "-545" results in "" and "545", "--545" var trees = talentString.Split('-'); //spec every tree left to right for (var i = 0; i < trees.Length; i++) { var talentsString = trees[i]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(talentsString)) { continue; } // Wow uses index starting at 1 var talentTree = i + 1; List<uint> talents = talentsString.ToCharArray().Select(s => (uint) char.GetNumericValue(s)).ToList(); //Logger.Info($"{talentTree} {talentsString} {talents.Select(x => x.ToString()).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + "," + s2)}"); // Talent points are meant to be spent by priority. Whenever a new point is available, we need to run the whole algorithm again var successfullySpent = LearnTalents(talentTree, talents); if (successfullySpent) { return; } } } } private bool LearnTalents(int tree, List<uint> talents) { if (tree <= 0 || talents.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return false; } // we iterate the talents from left to right as they are used in the talent calculator for each tree return Lua.LuaDoString<bool>($@" local tree = {tree}; local talents = {{ {talents.Select(u => u.ToString()).Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + ", " + s2)} }}; local talentIndex = 1; for k, talent in pairs(talents) do local name, iconPath, iconX, iconY, currentRank, maxRank = GetTalentInfo(tree, talentIndex); --if name then print(name .. ' at index ' .. talentIndex .. ' and rank ' .. currentRank .. ' needs to be rank ' .. talent); end if (name and currentRank < talent) then --print(name .. ' ' .. currentRank .. ' needs to be ' .. talent); LearnTalent(tree, talentIndex); return true; -- we can't learn multiple talents at once, talent points are spent as if they were historically given one per level up end talentIndex = talentIndex + 1; end -- no talent points spent return false; "); } // don't change this! just returning UnitCharacterPoints is bugged public override bool NeedToRun => Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndAliveAndProductStartedNotInPause && Helper.RealWowVersion < 12340 && Lua.LuaDoString<int>("local talents = UnitCharacterPoints('player'); return talents") > 0; }
  20. If you use pure Lua (not macro) it should also work using https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/API_LearnTalent If the button is called Panel2Talent12, you can use LearnTalent(2, 12)
  21. It's good manners to post your solution so that people with the same problem in the future can build upon it. https://xkcd.com/979/
  22. Fix your fightclass and/or wrobot settings not to ignore players. Likely Party product doesn't have the state for attacking players either.
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