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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. Maybe in WotLk, but vanilla/TBC performance is overall pretty bad (both the client, and for TBC wRobot has some CPU issues). Most people with really good hardware (state of the art gaming CPU/GPU) can run ~15 clients+bots on one computer.
  2. Single computer (didn't really read it as single IP). I doubt he was running 20 session on a single machine. It was just not being enforced even to the same IP (as far as I know - Droidz can correct me, but I remember people saying they were using VPNs per bot session). I also remember people talking about sharing keys etc. Either way, I understand why Droidz had to change/enforce this, since there were people actually running 100+ sessions on one key.
  3. The license on the old version was already restricting your number of sessions. However, Droidz had never implemented proper security. He didn't change the rules without asking, rather you were breaking the before and didn't care because they weren't being enforced. You can check out web.archive.org and you'll see what the old restrictions were.
  4. Should solve your problem. You have to set it for each character manually or if you want something completely automated, you could use my HumanMasterPlugin. Keep in mind though, that for Northrend, the food list is currently only containing meat int the paid plugin and you'd have to wait for an update if you wanted any more.
  5. I updated my plugin, hopefully this resolves it. Canceling the event alone seems to be enough.
  6. How can I know which coordinate the path ends by? The problem with the barrens elevator is that wRobot can make a path. But the path goes through a bunch of highlevel elite. So from what I understand, it will never even load OffMeshConnection. Same problem for Darnassus portal and ships, the bot will just try to swim or walk up a wall. Doesn't realize there is no path available.
  7. 17:59:13 - [ToTown] Unable to reach the vendor, blacklist it 120 minutes (you can disable this NPC in NPC DB tab 'Tools'). [D] 17:59:13 - [Quester] RunCode[1]: wManager.Wow.Helpers.NpcDB.ListNpc.Clear(); Logging.Write("[FNV Quester] dumping NPC DB"); QuesterSettings.Initialize(); Logging.Write("Remove blacklisted quest items"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Logging.Write("Debug " + i ); if(wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Contains("Small Brown Pouch") || wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Contains("Small Red Pouch") || wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Contains("Small Blue Pouch") || wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Contains("Small Green Pouch") || wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Contains("Small Black Pouch")) { wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Remove("Small Brown Pouch"); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Remove("Small Red Pouch"); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Remove("Small Blue Pouch"); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Remove("Small Green Pouch"); wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DoNotSellList.Remove("Small Black Pouch"); } else { break; } } 17:59:13 - [FNV Quester] dumping NPC DB Yep, you deleted the vendor list - wRobot couldn't find the vendor anymore and blacklisted it. I think at 18:06:06 it's because wRobot can't reach it for some reason due to currently swimming (?). Anyway, the specific vendors in Njiel's Point, you can just PM me the correct coordinates for and I'll correct them in HMP. I will also try to implement what Droidz suggested, but that will take me a while with testing included and all.
  8. HumanMasterPlugin has its own database with NPC coordinates. Reapler has the code for the original here: https://github.com/reapler/WoWDb-Manager- The problem is, that the NPC isn't reachable at its original coordinates. Whenever HMP triggers a vendor run it temporarily empties your NPC DB (wRobot) and adds the necessary NPCs from WowDb335. The NPC then gets blacklisted. I haven't really found a solution for HMP knowing about blacklist happening and blacklisting the NPC itself, so it happens repeatedly. @Droidz blacklist event handling, maybe? I could technically move the NPC coordinates in the database a bit and see if wRobot could then reach them. Or you could do it using DBeaver, which allows you to access an SQLite database and make modifications. If you give me the corrected coordinates, I'll include it in future updates for the plugin. https://i.imgur.com/PHwWP4T.jpg
  9. So you've downloaded wRobot for retail (it clearly says for wow 7.3.5) but you are trying to use it on vanilla (1.12.1)? There's your problem, the game versions don't match.
  10. Call Autoloot directly in code through ASM as seen in there.
  11. You tried to scam members of the community out of their money. Keep acting like the victim.
  12. If the settings are purely ingame, you probably have write permissions locked to your wow folder, so it can't update addon settings. Either that, or you're closing the game instead of logging out, then closing it. Please just edit your posts instead of creating 3 separate ones. Ordush will help you, when he wakes up. But for now you're just spamming the thread.
  13. TargetUnit("Name") or TargetEnemy(), I forget which it is. My bad: http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/API_TargetByName
  14. His fightclass downloads another file. If "it doesn't work" he can probably help you, if you send him a log file or just paste any errors you get in here. Also make sure your firewall doesn't block the download your 1KB file starts.
  15. You can't make it loot only items of a certain quality. You can only make it loot everything and sell the rest. Get the LootFilter addon if bothers you.
  16. Yes, that's why you have the ability to adjust your settings so it will die less. There's no guarantee on it being a successful escape. I go into great detail in the description on how it's not a perfect feature. If you want any more support, join the Discord.
  17. Yes, it seems when I'm dying it returns true. I will try to observe it a little more (because I use code to add custom pathing - I'll PM it to you) that acts a bit weird since 2.0.
  18. Hey Droidz, have you changed anything in this functionality recently? It seems to return true when dying and during the GoToTask, for some reason it doesn't fight back (this might be an unrelated issue, so ignore that for now).
  19. This is a feature of my plugin, that must've broken in one of the recent updates. wRobot can not take elevators or anything by default. From what I can tell, it's a bug/problem with wRobot not resetting movement correctly. Once I've taken the elevator, I want wRobot to calculate a new path from scratch whereever it needs to go. So I pause the bot and unpause it. Then it tries to go back to the last spot it was at/wanted to go to before and probably takes the elevator back down. This used to work just fine, but seems to not work well anymore. Maybe Droidz can shed some light on how to reset movement entirely. That being said, without the plugin you'd run into the elites 100% of the time.
  20. Yes the plugin is not a fightclass, it doesn't do all that. It only escapes and you can use the plugin settings to decide when exactly you want it to escape.
  21. Set range to 30 yards. Then set some condition for your range to be at 5 yards if you need to melee later. If you never need to melee, just keep the range at 30 or 35.
  22. Without any goal? Why spin in the first place? Just make the bot hit the keybind for turning then. You could do MovementManager.Face(ObjectManager.Me.Position), it might actually work. If not, add + 1 to X and Z on your own vector
  23. Protected functions work, actually. But you'll need to call TurnLeftStop() as far as I know and "nudge" your client somehow (in Vanilla) to actually execute the movement. You can also just use MovementManager.Face() to face a vector.
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