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Everything posted by Matenia

  1. I suggest playing with your latency settings in wrobot and seeing if that resolves it. The fightclass doesn't control food itself and it's possible the regen state doesn't kick in fast enough after combat.
  2. If anyone wants to update the SmoothMove that apparently works to make it work with HMP, I have the source code of the old SmoothMove that was compatible with HMP right here. I will, however, not adjust HMP any further to work with other plugins. SmoothMove.zip
  3. Wrobot has this functionality built in, you just need to set it up and manage a database of vendors. Additionally, there are some free plugins for buying food/drinks and some paid ones for every expansion.
  4. He will probably solve it when he wakes up. Something must've gone wrong.
  5. Just set fightclass range to 30+ yards
  6. You're using Wow Addons and a random Grinder profile. If it fights back when you're attacked, the problem is that you need to make a proper grinder that actually chooses and fights enemies. Recording a route isn't enough. This is by no means a full (or working) profile, just something that I messed around with a few years back. In fact, it's dated 2019 in my folder. But you can load this in the Quester product and give it a try (try on a fresh character, preferably): HordeGrinder1-60.xml HordeGrinder1-60_TBC.xml
  7. Wrobot isn't magic. You need a profile (grinder, quester, etc) for your expansion, continent and zone. You need a fightclass for your WoW class that controls the rotation too. If you're using all of these and wrobot still doesn't fight, despite you using the bot correctly, please upload a full log file.
  8. You can't. You need a wrobot license and to pay for the premium seller status (which also needs to be approved by Droidz). But considering you have already broken the rules, I doubt that will happen now.
  9. Then please post the answer here as well.
  10. What do you mean? Guid128 has a constructor that takes Int128 and the ToString method parses it to ingame GUID names. Whatever you want to do, you can work with that. If you want to parse the string to a Guid 128, you would need to fill the respective bits of a 128 bit integer. I haven't done that so have no example code
  11. It's SetText('123') https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/API_Button_SetText
  12. Nobody knows. It depends on your server. Literally nobody knows. GMs won't tell you. Either do trial and error or don't bot on accounts you can't risk to lose. Also, you need to buy WRobot to use it.
  13. No, it's a ban for getting detected when you're a bot. Nobody knows how long you can be online before someone checks if you're a bot. It depends on the server, their detection system and how active GMs are. Also using old cracked versions of wrobot will put you at much higher risk of a ban, because they are generally detected and don't receive updates.
  14. You need to get the Map.dbc and then there's a formula to calculate from the sizes. I can't access my bitbucket account atm, but there's a thread on ownedcore, where I got the info a while ago. https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-bots-programs/wow-memory-editing/382867-ask-covert-map-x-y-coordinates-world-x-y-z-coordinates-2d-3d.html
  15. Paid and demo files aren't the same. Rockbiter is hot garbage. It will use flametongue until you get WF. Demo version basically only supported until level 15-20, most spells are missing and options may be present but taken out.
  16. If this is HMP (or you think it is) I need an actual crash log. Meaning I need you to ONLY use HMP with an XML fightclass and then when it crashes, send me both the wrobot log file as well as the Wow.exe error log (assuming that's what crashes?) on Discord. Right now, we have don't have nearly enough information to help you out.
  17. You're using a bunch of Lua. That generally will slow you down unless your PC generates a ton of FPS ingame.
  18. I use EventsLuaWithArgs.OnEventsLuaStringWithArgs for pretty much everything. It definitely logs all events. However, if you're using something based on my framework, where I copied this functionality, I specifically only registered it with COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED, whereas Droidz' functionality uses RegisterAllEvents(). Also, have you made sure you're actually getting the event for auto shot in the client? Afaik, at least in TBC, it was never fired.
  19. It's a private server bot, so clearly not. You could've tried the demo version too to find out.
  20. I don't know what you're trying to do. Add it to a fightclass? The spell needs to be ClearTarget() and set to be Lua. Or the spell can be C# and Interact.ClearTarget() with it set to C#.
  21. You're running non-secure code through WRobot, which executes code securely. Just use ClearTarget() as your Lua function
  22. It's not detected. You're just using a bunch of public stuff that makes player reports much easier to spot. It also makes statistical/machine learning analysis a possibility because your behavior and that of others isn't randomized enough. When we say the bot is detected, we're talking about actual software detection executed through Warden. Meaning the server knows that your client is getting hooked into by third party software, because that info is reported back to the server. If that was the case, you would almost instantly get banned upon connecting wrobot to your wow client before even "using" it. Or if you were just using your self-made rotations. If you want a real example of detection, just try using it on Tauri.
  23. No, Blizzard goes after sellers legally. Public bots have been taken down. There are probably some coming and going, but if you can't find them, you also won't get an invite as these communities are usually elitist for "security" reasons.
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