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Everything posted by fakkura

  1. i just tried it, path finding on a ground mount isn't working correctly in valley of the four winds. a small hill, which can be walked over it runs in circle the not fighting part doesn't have anything to do with ground/flying mount since it only happens while the bot is trying to trigger a wild pet battle, and it's auto dismounted when it tries that which means it's on foot let's say for example there's a wild battle pet in front of me but i am being assaulted by mobs, the bots choice is to follow the wild pet and try to start a pet battle with it while ignoring the mobs, this obviously isn't working since you can't start a pet battle while in combat pet battle bot should start a pet battle if not in combat, if it is in combat wrotation should take over
  2. here is where my toon almost died, the bot reacted at 50hp and then just stood there in place for 10 minutes while hp is being recharged it chased a wild battle pet for 5 minutes while being pounded by 2 mogus, not reacting from 84k hp to 50 hp. starting a pet battle while being attacked does not work, the game does not allow it and the bot should react to aggro immediately 18 Aug 2017 01H43.log.html
  3. started leveling another toon, same thing. here is the log 18 Aug 2017 01H43.log.html
  4. there is nothing in the log, it just spams [FightPetBattle] Player Attack XXX (lvl 1) where XXX is the wild pet name it's trying to start a pet battle with and the game's response is can't do that in combat i've already hit 110, had to monitor the game
  5. i'm using pet battle bot for leveling and it works pretty good only issue is that the bot doesn't defend itself, it doesn't fight mobs that get aggroed or attack you while in combat the bot will chase wild battle pets and try to combat them, which is not working since the character is in combat/being attacked i'm in my second months with wrobot and i've used this method to level other toons, but those were pet classes and i could just set the pets on defensive and they would do the combat, now it's an issue
  6. i\m having issues with it, it just flies around doing nothing. haven't started a single pet battle edit: nvm, had don't fight enabled xD
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Comprehensive, all in one Fight Class for Fury Warriors Supports all talents Uses Heroic Leap/Charge Standard rotations (Single/Multi target) AOE burst Tough enemies/players burst Some defensive cooldowns (Enraged Regeneration+Bloodthirst/Intimidating Shout) Tough enemy/player interrupts with Pummel ( no spell checks ) Couldn't test thoroughly since the servers went for a restart. There are some annoyances with Heroic Leap where it'll jump to whatever you target, friend or foe. It's either a blessing or a curse.. If anyone knows how to fix this let me know. Let me know if you run into bugs/issues. Suggestions are welcome :)
  8. Version 1.0.1


    Fight Class for Unholy DK 101 twinks. Will not waste cooldowns ( for grinding, not dungeon running ) Will use Death and Decay on 3 or more targets Option to enable Path of Frost 3/2/3/1/3/3/3 talents.
  9. Du hättest den grinder modus ausgewählt, der nur Kreaturen tötet Der quster modus wird Quests machen, wenn du ein Profil dafür hast
  10. used google translate, Du musst zuerst "Fight class" für deine Klasse und ein quester / grinder profil herunterladen, was du machen willst Klicken Sie hier, um zum Download-Bereich zu gelangen: https://wrobot.eu/files/
  11. someone suggested deleting stuff from the meshes folder
  12. i'm 30 cent away from buying a sub, do you guys know of any coupons that are working? the ones i can find are 3-4 years old and aren't working edit: nvm, found one
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