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eniac86 reacted to Droidz in Can you make it, so wrobot does not count quiver/ammobag slots als normal bag slots?
Hello, it is now part of the bot
eniac86 reacted to Marsbar in Can you make it, so wrobot does not count quiver/ammobag slots als normal bag slots?
Try this plugin, I made it ages ago for a friend, i think it does what you're after, you just have to give it the correct bag slot id, id 1 is the first bag next to your backpack, then its 2, 3, 4.
edit: if it works for you let me know and I'll post it for other people, i thought there was another plugin or something that covers this but can't find anything atm.
eniac86 got a reaction from knoppers in Complete list of tradegoods for mailing
Hey i took the ForceMail.xml from Honorbuddy and stripped out all the xml stuff to get a list of just item names.
You can copy paste this into your "force mail" and "do not vendor" list in the WRobot settings.
eniac86 reacted to Matenia in C# Framework for wRobot 1.12.1 Fightclasses
Hey guys,
I recently ported some of my fightclass framework to vanilla. I'm happy with where it currently is but will probably push updates.
You can find a working version (and any future update) in my repository on GitHub. This framework is intended for all the developers on the wRobot Discord channel who keep working on the same issues over and over again. Hopefully this will encourage people to make pull requests and contribute to an overall community effort.
Also, hopefully it will help with some of the more regular Discord users not having to answer a lot of questions over and over.
eniac86 reacted to Droidz in Does WRobot always sell everything no matter what you have selected ?
It is your profile
Edit him and remove line (in first step) :
wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGreen = true;
eniac86 reacted to Droidz in Does WRobot always sell everything no matter what you have selected ?
In "Product settings" click on button "Profile settings (enable/disable quests/steps)" and disable first step
eniac86 reacted to Seminko in How to open "Big-mouth Clam" while fishing?
For some reason I cannot determine if you're being sarcastic or not :-P
But I have a new plugin in the works and opening and looting items will be a part of it.
eniac86 reacted to Seminko in How to open "Big-mouth Clam" while fishing?
Pretty ghetto, but works:
robotManager.Helpful.Keyboard.DownKey(wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey); Thread.Sleep(robotManager.Helpful.Others.Random(50, 150)); ItemsManager.UseItem(1234); // item ID of the clam Thread.Sleep(robotManager.Helpful.Others.Random(50, 150)); robotManager.Helpful.Keyboard.UpKey(wManager.Wow.Memory.WowMemory.Memory.WindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.ShiftKey); Thread.Sleep(robotManager.Helpful.Others.Random(50, 150));
eniac86 got a reaction from bmc20 in Artifact fishing pole / full pool at once
As you may know the [Underlight Angler] has a trait for every legion fish-pool, that will ocasionally fish the complete pool at once.
The problem is, you will not simply loot the complete content of the pool, but rather a lootable gameobject appears.
The Question is how do i get the fishbot to loot that gameobject?
eniac86 got a reaction from Drekal in Complete list of tradegoods for mailing
Hey i took the ForceMail.xml from Honorbuddy and stripped out all the xml stuff to get a list of just item names.
You can copy paste this into your "force mail" and "do not vendor" list in the WRobot settings.
eniac86 got a reaction from naixn in Complete list of tradegoods for mailing
Hey i took the ForceMail.xml from Honorbuddy and stripped out all the xml stuff to get a list of just item names.
You can copy paste this into your "force mail" and "do not vendor" list in the WRobot settings.
eniac86 got a reaction from Krack3n in Complete list of tradegoods for mailing
Hey i took the ForceMail.xml from Honorbuddy and stripped out all the xml stuff to get a list of just item names.
You can copy paste this into your "force mail" and "do not vendor" list in the WRobot settings.
eniac86 got a reaction from ILovePitbulls in mailing system bug log
on retail you get banned with any bot. doesn't matter what you use. so i started playing vanilla gain :D. and i realised how much better vanilla was compared to todays wow.