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Everything posted by liquidsnakeblue

  1. Link to purchase isn't working?
  2. This is actually really good. Its like a better version of the Automation routine if you're only wanting to grind. 10/10, thanks.
  3. Still stuck on this issue, any help is appreciated ?
  4. Not reporting bug, asking how to make bot auto target next enemy that is in combat. Example Tank pulls 3 mobs, you select one and the fightclass begins dps. When first target dies the bot stops attacking. It does not select next target in combat. How to make bot do this?
  5. I would also like to know this
  6. You can disable manage character movement, then make sure your abilities you want to use without being stopped by the bot are set to In Move - true
  7. Trying to find good solution to decurse anybody cursed in range, don't see a condition such as "is cursed" to use. I found posts with LUA code claiming to do this here on forums but I don't know how to incorporate that into the fight class editor. Adding it as a spell and selecting "is LUA" creates errors in game. Thanks in advance, have a great day *edit should add - game version is WOTLK and im open to any solution including converting to C# and inserting LUA if somebody could guide me through it
  8. Thanks for the replies, I'll try this later today and update you.
  9. No problem. This is on Legion 7.3.5 for the marksman hunter. Part of the talents you are given when you spec marksmanship is a chance for auto attacks to proc Marking Targets, it causes your next arcane shot or multi-shot to apply hunters mark. The proc happens within the first 1-2 auto attacks of each pull, and frequently during battle. I'll share the FC when I get home but I've tried all free and paid FC's available for download here and they all have the same issue. I've also posted in some of those threads but they seem dead. I considered the possibility that maybe either arcane shot or multi-shot was bugging out when this procced, but even if you go into Sidewinders (replaces both arcane shot and multi-shot) this still happens. I'm not great at using the LUA scripts when coding like the OP of this thread but he was running into nearly the exact same issue a year ago and doesn't seem to have been resolved. All I'm doing is telling the bot to do a simple rotation and not even worry about / look for the proc, it still stops working. Logs tell us nothing, there is literally no entry for anything happening while it just hangs, even with all log types turned on. I usually am able to fix any issue because its user error but in this case it may not be.
  10. 250+ views and no comments / suggestions? The bot is un-usable in its current state.
  11. I tried everything from buying a FC, making my own simple one from scratch, and modifying other free ones on this site. Every single fight class has the same problem and none are working. Totally stumped!
  12. I'm having a similar issue, the bot stops doing anything for the duration of the fight as soon as Marking Targets procs. It procs so often that I don't care if the bot recognizes the character has it, so I'm not using the strings you list above. I stripped down the xml to the basic rotation and its still bugging out. Been using the software for a few years now and until now i've been able to fix / figure out what the problem was but this has me totally stuck.
  13. Is there a ticket system or some other way I am supposed to be requesting help?????
  14. Hello, I am trying to use this version but am getting an error that my key will not work for this version. I think it may be a bug? Please help. Thanks
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