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Everything posted by pmppmp

  1. thank you very much
  2. Name plugin?
  3. Auto use bags for slot plugin
  4. Version 0.0.1


    This plugin will attempt to auto equip bags while out of combat. It will check if you have the bag if your inventory and equip it. Will attempt with the following bags: Murloc Skin Bag Mageweave Bag' Large Red Sack Journeyman's Backpack Large Blue Sack Glacial Bag Frostweave Bag Deathweave Bag Black Silk Pack Huge Brown Sack Imbued Netherweave Bag Blue Leather Bag Heavy Brown Bag Fel Steed Saddle bags
  5. Problem bag id https://wrobot.eu/?app=core&module=system&controller=content&do=find&content_class=forums_Topic&content_id=7447&content_commentid=33956 Help me
  6. Version 4.0.1a


    Update +Warrior Protection-Gladiator
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Addon!!!! hello automatic wotlk reward item for class or talent
  8. Please droidz
  9. Please example pictuar ship
  10. Hellou please example fór Mobs?
  11. Hellou convert plugin finál butler.dll Error at Main.checkThisItem(WoWItem item) at Main.PulseEquip() at Main.Initialize() Please fix source code? wManager.dll or robotManager.dll butler.dll
  12. Wow 3.3.5a rewart items fór Warrior,máte option
  13. Fór 3.3.5a fix?
  14. Hellou please convert dll
  15. Hellou error Main.translationLoc source code please help mi fix source code?
  16. Hellou please profiles wow 3.3.5a Booty Bay to Ratcher Ship
  17. Hellou please profiles wow 3.3.5aBooty Bay to Ratcher
  18. Hellou convert databaze profiles quest sql databaze convert xml ?
  19. wrobot swimming underwater object error http://www.wowhead.com/quest=207/kurzens-mystery
  20. Please next profiles quest 20-40 please
  21. Please update database for WOTLK 3.3.5a droidz!!
  22. Wrobot 1.7.0 for wow 3.3.5a mesh error mountain log [D] 18:53:38 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft [N] 18:53:39 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] 18:53:39 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on [D] 18:53:39 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft [N] 18:53:40 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it [D] 18:53:40 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 6679,238 ; -1130,302 ; 397,0987 ; "None" - Target pos: 6713,709 ; -1150,953 ; 768,6823 ; "None" Continent: Northrend Tile: 34.11932_19.47643 [D] 18:53:40 - [StuckResolver] Started. [D] 18:53:42 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 1. [N] 18:53:42 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out [N] 18:53:42 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it [N] 18:53:42 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: Northrend - 1123,55;397,0987;-6682,97 - 1175;0;-6809 [N] 18:53:42 - [Path-Finding] Partial result: Northrend - 1175;0;-6809 - 1138,526;398,992;-6713,263 [N] 18:53:42 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 27 [N] 18:53:55 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] 18:53:55 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on [D] 18:53:55 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeRight [N] 18:53:57 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] 18:53:57 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on [N] 18:53:58 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it [D] 18:53:58 - [MovementManager] Current pos: 6711,426 ; -1139,993 ; 398,7 ; "None" - Target pos: 6669,83 ; -1156,586 ; 753,4769 ; "None" Continent: Northrend Tile: 34.13749_19.41607 [D] 18:53:58 - [StuckResolver] Started. [D] 18:53:59 - [StuckResolver] Done - Stuck count updated, new value: 2.
  23. Please Mesh pack download for wow 5.4.8? please
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