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Everything posted by Garub

  1. For those who do not know this information, just type "/ combatlog". When the wow closes, the log file will be in the Logs folder. I have another question. Who knows what each item in this log means? 1/18 13:15:03.870 SPELL_DAMAGE,0x0000000000414D1E,"Ishana",0x511,0xF1300079A8082C6F,"Grandmaster's Training Dummy",0x10a28,57755,"Heroic Throw",0x1,5009,5006,1,0,0,0,1,nil,nil I found this page, but I can't understand. https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/API_COMBAT_LOG_EVENT
  2. What is the simplest way to save combatLog to a TXT file? (v3.3.5).
  3. http://docs.honorbuddy.com/html/cd33c286-7af4-90b0-df04-9b928247da3e.htm I really wanted Wrobot to get to that level of honorbuddy documentation. Okay, I will not talk about my suggestions for improvement, if the community does not even care about doing something great, I do not have the strength to do it alone, nor does Droidz manifest, so I will not spend more words on it. Sorry to bother someone.
  4. Forget python, just wanted a better API in C#
  5. I beg the Droidz, improve Wrobot's Api. All successful bots have gained public after their APIs have become powerful. I've come up with the idea of creating a collective funding project to improve the site and improve Wrobot, including creating a powerful API so developers can build applications more efficiently. I would be willing to collaborate with the project in cash and time for disclosure. Please Droidz answer me, what do you think of this initiative? @Droidz @Ordush #crowdfunding
    Could you provide the source code? since the project is stopped.
  6. We have a readymade quests pack made by the honorbuddy community, with so many developers in WROBOT because we did not create a project to create a converter of this stuff to run 100% AFK like it worked in honorbuddy? Let's not let all this knowledge be lost. Have we managed to convert 100%?@Droidz That would bring a lot of new players to Wrobot. https://github.com/SVNtoGit/Kicks/tree/master/Questing Profile Pack
  7. I would like to request the creation of a DATASET (simple) combat in arena, for future statistical studies of combat. My suggestion of model: It would be very important to be the combat log of the fights in the arena. A CVS file could be made available, and made available weekly by email or downloaded on the site. ((As I said in other posts, I'm studying Python and want to create a plugin with artificial intelligence for my undergraduate thesis.)) I want everyone to know that I request this request with humility, I do not want them to think that I am demanding, I am humbly asking if it is possible that my request be made, I thank you for the time you spent for reading my post.
  8. Worldwide trend in the use of PYTHON. PYTHON support for WROBOT would be great.
  9. Can someone answer me question 3? Please. ^^
  10. Hello everyone, I'm missing the forum because I'm dedicating myself to Python programming studies and I'm still getting married this year (I'll make a good amount of money to make my fiancée happy ?). I stopped playing for a while, but I'm going back and now I want to start learning C #. 1 - I did a quick search on goole and saw that C # is in version 7.x, s I want to start developing for wow 3.3.5 that will work? Or will I have to apprehend the C # version of the time that wow 3.3.5 was released? 2 - What topic on the internet do I have to find, about C # to start? (Correct me if I'm wrong.) Example: I believe the first thing I should learn is, how to write and read in memory using C #. (I want to study how a bot works, perhaps by creating my own bot. 3 - In my old Honorbuddy folders I found my old combat routine bot, (the best I've ever used) TuanHAWarriorLegion, I found some files (attached) that I find interesting, I would like an equivalent for version 3.3.5, would anyone? DispellASAPDefault.xml InterruptOnlyDefault.xml
  11. Can I dream of the day that the bot will support python?
  12. I will study Python another time, let my knowledge become more consolidated. And I'm going to C # Friend's voice: I do not know how to express myself well in a language that I do not speak (English) @Ordush, but I want you to know that I consider you the best player of this forum, at least I am sine to myself, always giving relevant information to my questions. Thank you brother.
  13. I believe I am on the right track, I am planning to start my project, 100% made in PYTHON combat ronines made with machine learning. I am still deepening my knowledge in Python, the only thing I still do not know is if only using python I can extract information from the game using the blizzard API. I'm in the right way?? In any forum: "Making game hacks in Python? Hello guys. I was wondering if its possible to make gamehacks in python. To be more precisive, I'd like to make hacks for MMORPG games that use gameguard as security... I already made few easy and simple ones using pywin32 and pyhook, but I'd like to make something better. Thanks for response in advance... :)) as long as you can access the Operating System's syscalls to manipulate memory/inject libraries..you should be good in any programming language. Bypassing an anticheat is more involved in the debugging/reverse engineering side, not so much on the programming side. You need to either reverse engineer their anticheat software or find out ways for your software to become undetectable (using less common systemcalls or even writing code that runs in kernel mode). Answer 1: As long as you can access the Operating System's syscalls to manipulate memory/inject libraries..you should be good in any programming language. Bypassing an anticheat is more involved in the debugging/reverse engineering side, not so much on the programming side. You need to either reverse engineer their anticheat software or find out ways for your software to become undetectable (using less common systemcalls or even writing code that runs in kernel mode). Answer 2: Thanks for that, but ur answer didnt help me. ? Is there any libs/docs u can suggest me, since I'm not even sure where to start!? I don't care about anticheat ATM, I want to make hack first... Answer 3: It all depends on the type of hack you want to make. The usual gamehacking process consists of using a combination of a memory scanner and a debugger to find useful addresses and functions in the game, and once you've got that information you use a programming language to write your hack. For a debugger I recommend using OllyDbg, and for a scanner I recommend CheatEngine. I would start by looking for tutorials on how to use both. Hypothetical Example: You want to make an infinite ammo hack (assuming the server does not check this) The steps would be the following: Fire up cheat engine, attach it to the target game process, and begin scanning for the ammo address (look up tutorials on this, there are plenty) Once you've identified the address that contains the amount of ammo in the game process memory you can now proceed to write a hack for it. In python pywin32 using WritePRocessMemory api will suffice, all you have to do is have your program run a loop writing 999 to the address you found for ammo, that way your character will have 999 ammo all the time (hence infinite). Again, that's an oversimplified example..it all depends on what you want to do. I also suggest visiting online gamehacking communities such as unknowncheats, cheatengine forums, gamedeception, etc." pywin32 224 Project description Python extensions for Microsoft Windows Provides access to much of the Win32 API, the ability to create and use COM objects, and the Pythonwin environment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OllyDbg is a 32-bit assembler level analyzer debugger for Microsoft® Windows®. Emphasis on binary code analysis makes it particularly useful in cases where source is unavailable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. please tell me, what do you recommend?
  15. My computer broke, I'm going to stay a few months without playing WOW, how can I freeze my account so I do not lose my paid days?
  16. What is pathfinder? I will continue to learn Python, I am evolving well, I hope that one day @Droidz will create a good support for python, until I will be able to create my own pluguins for Wrobot. I searched for some library in Python to read and write in memory, I still have not found it. My wish is to create a small program just for combat routines, one day I get there kkkkkkkkkkkk.
  17. In what language is wrobot made? C? C#? C++? If I wanted to create my own program (similar to wrobot) I would have to learn lua and c?
  18. could post your profile for me to use on my, (I do not know how to program).
  19. Anyone know of any solution for using https://wotlk.evowow.com?spell=7386 Sunder Armor? Always keep in 5 staks without wasting the rage.
  20. I'll stay without an answer?
  21. @Droidz Hello, I would like to give my suggestion again a few months ago I have been using Wrobot and I realize that there is only one programmer, this leaves the fixes time consuming and also leaves the new implementations almost impractical, since there is only one person who does all. So why not make a crowdfunding (donation) for the owner of Wrobot make a new version of the program much more robust and optimized? A page could be created for the donations and would only begin the work when the goals were initiated. Maybe hiring a team of programmers to help do such a thing is an option. 1 - Create improvements like machine learning for more efficient combat routines, move the character with the shortest path and without hitting or getting caught in obstacles. 2 - Conversion of profiles from honorbuddy to Wrobot with full compatibility. 3 - Creation of a robust library for developers. 4 - Support the Python language for creating plugins. Among other improvements that the community can suggest ... I believe we have public for this,
  22. Can I look at your warrior profiles?
  23. Hello everyone, I'm learning to program and I'm starting with Python, I would like to know if there is any library I can use from Python that works in wow, I wanted to try to make my own programs.
  24. @Droidz I'm sad that you did not respond, but I have a new information for this problem. It was going to a pit farm, and I realized that in a certain place of the map Wrobot did not work, this taking into account that I was fighting with the same boss, so it could be some type of server block but that only works in places and not in the boss . Forgemaster Garfrost.txt
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