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Everything posted by DonaldMacRonald

  1. Version 1.0.0


    WORK IN PROGRESS (currently supports spell 0 -> 10)! You can use it past this level but newer active abilities won't be used Hello fellow priest! This is a basic C# Fight class for Priests. Tested and working in Party mode (Don't put "heal setting" on) and WRotation What it does : Attack Smite Shadow Word: Pain Mind Blast Lesser Heal (if you're below 80% health) Power Word: Fortitude (rebuff yourself when buff is depleted) Inner Fire Action below are added when you're in a party: Same thing as below + Lesser heal on party members (if they are below 80% health) Power Word: Fortitude (rebuff party members when buff is depleted) Kown Issues: ... To Do: add new spells add Talents management enhance the logic add racials [MAYBE] add a target manager [MAYBE] add a movement/following party manager Notes : I reused some of Cindarella code If you plan to use it with WRotation I strongly recommend you to disable "Product Settings > Manage character movement" May the light be with you!
  2. Pour te répondre : ALt+X : mettre le robot en pause/Play Après je pense qu'il est possible d'ajouter d'autre raccourcis en modifiant un C# Fight Class.
  3. J'ai répondu à cette question par moi même hier soir :P Et la réponse est oui ;)
  4. Hello there I started building some profiles and I wanted to add some Custom Settings for the user to tweak. I made so with two of my classes (linked below). But I had to comment them since, when I use those I get this error : And I don't see what is going wrong ... Am I missing something ? McRo Priest.cs McRo Hunter 10-X.cs
  5. Nope Are you using any addons ? If yes, try disabling all of them. Some addons interfere with WRobot rotations. If it doesn't help please paste your log here.
  6. I managed to find another solution with C# coding. I manage a SerpentStingTimer : I reset it when I'm not in combat or when I change target. That's the best solution I could think of. I did test to GetAllBuff from target (which works) and then retreive owner of all of them... But indeed => Owner==0 always. :( But it is noted on Wrobot Vanilla download page that buff owner doesn't work (I missed it at first) Same solution should apply to Priest's ShadowWord: pain (I'm planning to make a C# Fight Class for Vanilla for them too) Anyway I think FightClass creator isn't suited for Vanilla (yet). There's too much conditions/timer option missing and it's too much restrictive. C# Fight Classes is the way to go.
  7. Salut, Ce que je veux c'est qu'il heal et dps , quoi que je fasse. Party : dps les mobs, heal si besoin, soi meme et les membre du groupe Solo: dps les mobs, heal soi meme au besoin Merci pour la reponse sur le 2 ;)
  8. Hello everyone I've got a problem with some of my fight classes The bot reinitialize his target very often without any action from me Several times during an encounter I have the message : [Fight] Manually target change For Hunter it deactivate Auto Shot and trigger Attack, most of the time, without going throught my tests. Some times it completly deactivate combat routine Here is a log sample I join the fight Class to this message: I managed to mostly overcome the problem but it could look like a bit botish to expert eyes Tested without any addon Vanilla version / Server Elysium McRo Hunter 10-X.cs
  9. Bonjour, Je me suis essayé à la création de Fight Class en xml , mais c'est vraiment trop galère d'obtenir ce que l'on veux lorsque l'on est pointilleux. Du coup je vais reprendre mes essais , mais en C# cette fois ci. Par contre j'ai queslques questions, qui a peut-être déjà été posé plusieurs fois, mais je ne trouve rien ni sur le fofo anglais ni sur le fofo fr : Pour une classe heal, est il possible de créer un profil qui , à la fois, DPS et heal ? C'est dans l'optique de créer des profils pour la version Vanilla , et les utiliser en mode Party/WRotation/Quest mais pas en donjon ni en bg. Je ne souhaite pas avoir de solution toute faite juste savoir si c'est faisable avant de me mettre à coder ;) Sachant qu'avec les version xml, si je comprends bien, le toon sera soit full Heal, soit full DPS (ce qui ne me conviens pas du tout). Est-il necessaire d'avoir les sorts que l'on souhaite utiliser dans une barre d'action ? Il me semble l'avoir lu, en ce qui concerne les FightCLass xml, mais quid des C# ?
  10. Hello This might be caused by the use of pfui addon. I tried to make other Fight class profiles last evening (Warrior for example) and had a "Manual target change" problem until I disable this addon. I need to test disabling this addon, this evening, to find out. But I strongly think it is related. This addon also disturbe Fishing bot.
  11. Thanks, I just saw that in Vanilla download link :P In that case is there any way to trigger a special timer or reset Serpent Sting timer when the target is finaly killed ?
  12. Hello again, Is it possible to add a way to to detect which mod is immune to some spell effect ? For exemple, For quest "Mossy Tumors" you need tu kill several "Timberling Mire Beast". Those mobs are immune to nature damage. So with my hunter, when the bot want to trigger Serpent Sting, the debuff "Serpent Sting" isn't applyed. As I check the existence of the buff to move on to the next spell, it fails to find the buff and, as a result, it spams Serpent Sting shot on this mob. If an IsImmune condition might exist it would bypass this spell. I also know it could be usefull for other spell from other classes. Best Regards
  13. Sorry I didn't saw the bug tracker. I'll post my future bugs report in there :P Please close it and accept my humble excuses
  14. Hello again I'm runing a dwarf hunter toon. I'm at level 14. I'm runing an updated version of my McRo Vanilla Hunter 1-10 Fight class (I'll post it shortly). Everything was working as expected until I hit Darkshore. Now, when I engage a beast, my toon start the combat like this : PetAttack(); (that's in my fightClass) Tame (Not in my fight class) keep on with the rest of my fight class This action doesn't appear in regular logs (don't know/didn't look how to put WRobot in debug logging) This action was not triggered on beasts in Teldrassil (not tested in other places, but might be linked to beasts level, not zone) I tried to add Tame to my Fight class, putting it inside parameters of the class so it is disabled by default, but it still triggers it.
  15. I didn't find how to attach this bug report to WRobot Vanilla version I did find an alternative, provisory but not that great solution, where I check, via a Csharp snipet, the presence of each Serpent Sting buff version on my target. But the problem is that I don't know if the buff checked are mine or not : In a party with one or more hunter, if another hunter applyed his Serpent Sting, my toon won't shoot Serpent Sting. That's why a timer solution would be best, hoping that Buff Time Left Target check buffs owner.
  16. Hello ! I'm developping a Fight Class using the Fight Class Creator. I wanted to make Serpent Sting to be triggered every 15/14secs. As this ability put a buff on the target I did wanted to use Buff Time Left Target so I did it this way : Buffname :Serpent Sting (obviously) Equal 0 => should fire a new Serpent Sting after 15 sec roughly, but spams Serpent Sting shots instead. Smaller or equal to : 1000 => should fire a new Serpent Sting after 14 sec roughly, but spams Serpent Sting shots instead. Bigger or equal to : 15000 => should spams Serpent Sting shots but doesn't fire it at all. Fight class only tested using WRotation
  17. Sorry I didn't saw the bug tracker. I'll post my future bugs report in there :P Please close it and accept my humble excuses
  18. Open your xml fight class. Locate those two spells (starts with <FightClassSpell> and end with </FightClassSpell>) Replace the whole block Additionally If you don't want to hassle, I posted a Hunter Fight Class including those triggers. Actually it only support lvl 1 to 10 but I'll post tonight the version I'm working on which will support 10 to X lvl (Updating it as I'm leveling).
  19. Hello again I'm runing a dwarf hunter toon. I'm at level 14. I'm runing an updated version of my McRo Vanilla Hunter 1-10 Fight class (I'll post it shortly). Everything was working as expected until I hit Darkshore. Now, when I engage a beast, my toon start the combat like this : PetAttack(); (that's in my fightClass) Tame (Not in my fight class) keep on with the rest of my fight class This action doesn't appear in regular logs (don't know/didn't look how to put WRobot in debug logging) This action was not triggered on beasts in Teldrassil (not tested in other places, but might be linked to beasts level, not zone) I tried to add Tame to my Fight class, putting it inside parameters of the class so it is disabled by default, but it still triggers it.
  20. Hello ! If you try to use Buff Time Left Target on Serpent Sting: Buffname :Serpent Sting (obviously) Equal 0 => should fire a new Serpent Sting after 15 sec roughly, but spams Serpent Sting shots instead. Smaller or equal to : 1000 => should fire a new Serpent Sting after 14 sec roughly, but spams Serpent Sting shots instead. Bigger or equal to : 15000 => should spams Serpent Sting shots but doesn't fire it at all.
  21. Version 1.2.4


    WORK IN PROGRESS (currently 0 -> 16)! You can use it past this level but newer active abilities won't be used Hello fellow hunter ! This is a basic C# Fight class for Hunters . What it does, when you're in close combat range: Aspect of the Monkey Attack Raptor Strike Wing Clip What it does, when you're in ranged combat range: Hunter's Mark (out of combat) Auto shot Aspect of the Awk Serpent Sting Arcane Shot Concussive shot (when target is fleeing) Kown Issues: Currently not working under Grinder/Quester : the toon just stand still and spend is time swaping between close/ranged weapons To Do: add Party spell logic add new spells add Talents management enhance the logic [MAYBE] add a target manager [MAYBE] add a movement/following party manager Notes : If you plan to use it with WRotation I strongly recommend you to disable "Product Settings > Manage character movemement" with WRoutine YOU MUST : OR check "Launch rotation when combat start" if you want to use right mouse click (but you will attack every hostile target you left click on) OR start combat manually with Auto Shot (for low levels hunter without pet) OR have your pet on defensive (will attack first then trigger combat routine) Have a nice hunt !
  22. Here is the solution : <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>CSharpCode</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionString"> <Value>!Lua.LuaDoString&lt;bool&gt;("return IsAutoRepeatAction(" + (SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId(SpellListManager.SpellIdByName("Auto Shot")) + 1) + ")")</Value> </Param> </FightClassCondition> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>CSharpCode</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionString"> <Value>Lua.LuaDoString&lt;bool&gt;("return IsActionInRange(" + (SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId(SpellListManager.SpellIdByName("Auto Shot")) + 1) + ")")</Value> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <SpellName>Auto Shot</SpellName> <Priority>2</Priority> <CheckSpellDistance>false</CheckSpellDistance> </FightClassSpell> <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>CSharpCode</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionString"> <Value>!Lua.LuaDoString&lt;bool&gt;("return IsAutoRepeatAction(" + (SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId(SpellListManager.SpellIdByName("Attack")) + 1) + ")")</Value> </Param> </FightClassCondition> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>CSharpCode</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionString"> <Value>Lua.LuaDoString&lt;bool&gt;("return IsActionInRange(" + (SpellManager.GetSpellSlotId(SpellListManager.SpellIdByName("Attack")) + 1) + ")")</Value> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <SpellName>Attack</SpellName> <Priority>1</Priority> </FightClassSpell>
  23. For info, I have the same problem when addon pfui is enabled. When disabled it's working OK
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