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Everything posted by Dequality

  1. Also do you guys support 7.1.5? (Wow-Freakz.com)
  2. I stopped on retail, started on a private server would i need the private server version or could i just go for the normal wrobot or wont it grant access to the private server one? and is it 19€ per month ? o,o - Dequality
  3. No one able to help me out here?
  4. I'm currently playing on a 5.4.8 mop priv server , and im trying to farm this stupid tiger on "Timeless isle" and people keep blood coin farming there as well, my bot keeps attacking the hostiled players.. how do i make it just standing still there doing literally nothing i just wanna use the anti-afk script? .. Is it possible to run the bot without any fight class and which "product" would you use for this? =) it just needs to stand still near the tiger so whenever someone kills it i get timeless coins.. - Dequality.
  5. Only plugin i use is "AntiAFK" & MemoryCleaner or whatever it's called :)
  6. Doesnt seem to work.. i tried making a "wall" with black list zone but it still gets there? .. :/ and this place is a mix of those turtles.. ?
  7. A little addition , it doesnt seem to repair either apparently? :(
  8. Am currently trying to farm these hatchling (pretty low geared.. xD) , so i wanna avoid those bigger turtles like COMPLETELY ignore them is there somehow to do that? currently using Automaton but i dont see a ignore feature? is there some way to make a grinder/quester profile and ignore that target completely ?( Just to make clear i wanna avoid "Great Turtle" completely) and it's oono a private server im playing hopefully it doesnt matter i post it here since it's a good question for a regular profile for retail i guess? - Dequality.
  9. Actually pretty sure that's the file which crashes but im not entirely sure :) it's always like "APPNAME.exe has crashed" when i wake up .,. and i can only click "okay" or "cancel" or something like that :P but i will look if i have it :)
  10. Hi =D , got none xD
  11. The problem is the following, i've botted over night 3 days now EVERY night the bot itself seems to crash? anyone tried this before? And the log file contains literally nothing.. :P
  12. I'm currently trying to make a fight class for rogue on a pserver (hopefully its no problem i ask for fightclass help here when it's a Pserver, well my problem is simple i just cant find the reason to the bot doing it.. (the bot starts running in circles around the monsters which ends up in the bot dying since iit cant attack the monster...?) anyone know why? Attached the profile,.. Rogue_5.4.8.xml
  13. What is the C# line for checking if a certain quest is completed already? :)
  14. You my sir! are incredible ! i thought i tried it already but apparently i didnt lol.. & it works ! or well i could choose the process now havent tried starting the bot yet :)!
  15. Tried another pserver .. i don't get it ? .. this time i tried Firestorm MoP... ?
  16. So am trying to play on Heroes Wow 5.4.8 18414 pserver, but... wrobot keeps telling me it's incorrect game version? what am i doing wrong? - Dequality.
  17. Am pretty sure its more likely 500+ but anyways, i might be wrong :) and yea i see its not worth it :) and ofc you get more gold from leveling 1-100 ? if that's what you meant lol :)
  18. Yea, true but i was more thinking like a slow starting way to get some gold on a new realm :)
  19. May i ask how you can make it keep pick pocketing the same target? o.o
  20. Create a DK profile which will do the entire starting zone once its done simply sent the gold acquired if i recall it correctly it gets around 500-1000g when it's done in the start zone? is it worth it for farming gold that way or?^^ - Dequality.
  21. Seemed to make it work kinda, more testing to come :) atm im leveling a DH =)
  22. Found a "bug" in the demon hunter beginning quest line can i somehow abuse it for "faster" leveling it gives 2% exp every 2 minutes.. ? i mean is that fast or not? simply pick up this quest "Things Gaardoun Needs", go to class hall missions start the mission, abandon the quest, after the 2 minutes complete the class hall mission , pick up the quest & repeat? :) or is grinding/normal questing faster? :) i mean this requires literally nothing ? the bot just needs to move 2 steps left/right all the time lol , well the missions costs 20 resources each time but i currently have 900 .. which would mean i could do it 45 times if its 2% for every level it would be around 90% ?? i mean if there is some easy way to farm resources as well? or maybe its not efficient enough no idea xD just came to my mind lol. - Dequality :)
  23. Well, damn okay tyvm for trying atleast :)!
  24. Erh, i made it so that it says "Predatory Swiftness" now where the id was before, but now it just keeps casting regrowth once in combat?`it doesnt need the buff to cast it apparently? @iMod
  25. Oh waow, i read it as "put the id" i didnt see the part "for items" haha tyvm lol *facepalm* @iMod
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