After some further testing it seems that sometimes after a few minutes trying (20 times restarting the wrobot.exe) it can establish a connection.
However it is super painful and it takes sometimes up to 20 minutes to get one bot running.
sometimes i can connect to the server, but when i try a bit later with a second client i cant connect:
The only way to fix it currently is to restart and hope for the best. Running more than 1 client is not working.
I deleted all combat code. I have an empty working template now. However i encountered alrdy issues with stealth, seems some spells not working fine in vanilla or im doing it wrong
empty template.cs
Is the this: Another C# Fight Class structure: ( )
still usable? Because i tried to use it and it shows:
[E] 11:44:51 - Fight Class Loading error.
What is the best way to debug a fightclass?
additionally the quest is repeatable... als long as you dont have a candle in the inventar... item 3080
even if turn in would work the bot will always try to accept it again.