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Posts posted by FNV316

  1. Hello, why gatherer? Using quester and just setting up a route (follow path) seems more reasonable. Activate "Current quest complete at last position" makes sure the bot just stops when reaching the end. You can execute your custome code there pretty easy too. To force bot on using taxi:


  2. Hello, I would recommend reading trough these two threads below and take a look into the code of free questing profiles provided here. There is no wiki or API. In my experience, wRobot is learning by doing. If you have a specific question and cannot find a solution in the forum, feel free to create a new topic.


  3. 11 hours ago, Crespo said:

    The quest that hunter does at level 10, only these pets he is trying to attack untill they turn quest in or something, i doubt its the fight profile, because both pally_C and mcro rogue have this happening (orc and dwarf zone)

    Profiles can modifie settings. I had this problem on my hunter as well, but got rid of it by disabling attack before being attacked. It should cause the bot to only attack mobs that are already attacking the bot or that are specified as target in the profile.

    You could try to force ignore combat completely, as shown in this snippets. Run the code to disable combat before taming and enable it right after turnin:


  4. 17 minutes ago, codek said:

    Ich mein ja man soll keine Items oder Gold zwischen den beiden Charakteren handeln aber wofür bottet man dann?

    Weil's Spaß macht? :happy:

    Das Problem ist, GMs sind nicht so dämlich, da keinen Zusammenhang herzustellen. Niemand verschenkt grundlos größere Mengen Gold / Items an Wildfremde, ohne Hintergedanken. Auch Goldseller werden erkannt und gebannt. Goldkäufer seltener, aber wenn's dumm läuft ebenfalls.

    Eine Möglichkeit die mir in den Sinn kommt ist, auf einem Account eine gewisse Menge Gold / Items anzusammeln, den Account dann für einige Wochen / Monate ruhen zu lassen, sprich nicht botten. Vielleicht noch gelegentlich einloggen, um Aktivität zu simulieren. Wird der Account innerhalb dieser Zeit nicht gebannt, Gold und Items auf den Main-Account traden ( + vlt. noch einen Chatverlauf schauspielern, damit es authentisch wirkt) -> Accountaufgabe. Botten solltest mit dem dann aber in absehbarer Zeit nicht mehr.

    Möglich wären auch Umwege über das (neutrale) Auktionshaus. Trotzdem bringt all das immer noch ein gewisses Risiko mit sich. Wenn du Gold / Items 100% sicher transferieren möchtest, dann lass es. :wink:

  5. Jeder halbwegs ambitionierte GM wird die Logs überprüfen und feststellen, dass du einseitig Werte von einem (als solchen erkannten) Bot-Account an einen anderen (mutmaßlichen Main-)Account transferierst. Da nutzt auch ein dritter Account als Zwischenhändler nicht viel. Selbst wenn alle Accounts über unterschiedliche IPs laufen (wovon ich ausgehe), wirst du mittelfristig auffliegen. Spätestens, wenn der zweite oder dritte Account gebannt wurde, der dir ohne Gegenleistung Items oder Gold zuschickt.


    Wenn du deinen Main-Account behalten möchtest, würde ich dir dringend davon abraten, Items oder Gold zwischen Main und Bot auszutauschen. Höchstens kleinere Beträge, in unregelmäßigen Abständen und mit längeren Pausen dazwischen. Oder zumindest halbwegs logische Geschäfte. Also zum Beispiel Kräuter / Erze in großen Mengen zum halben Preis. Wobei das trotzdem ein hohes Risiko birgt.

  6. 1.) You could blacklist this area for the specific profile, so the bot doesn't move trough there in the first place. Or disable "Attack before being attacked", disable "Ignore combat with all pets" and enable "Ignore fight with players" (if that is what you mean by hunter pets). Try what fits your needs best.

    2.) No. Either something with the server or probably started eating before being in combat? Or do you have a pet? You can still be out of combat, even if your pet is in combat. Never experienced on LH or Elysium. Can you provide some logs?



  7. Hello and welcome, newcomer. :wink:

    You can "fix" this with a workaround: Set values for using Holy Light in the settings to a low value like "10% to 30%" (or get rid of it completely), so that it won't get triggered very often and let the fight class do the healing for you. You have to change your fight class for that -> f.e. add out of combat, heal yourself up to 80% if below 80% . So you either heal before drinking or right after. Fight class should not interrupt regen state.

  8. Nice list you created there, especially for users new to botting. Let me add some additional points:


    -You can start Tracker before any other modul and select humanoids, so it's much easier to keep track of nearby players on the mini map, even if they are out of sight (humanoid NPCs will be displayed as well tho). Tracker should stay active until WoW has to reload.

    -Especially for grinding, going back to town on a regular base can help to reduce the risk of other players monitoring you for a longer time or running into the bot over and over again. The chance getting caught while doing non bot related stuff is pretty low in my experience.

    -Don't bot seven days a week, let it sleep a couple of days every other day.

    -If someone invites you into a group to do a quest with them, don't just log out (-> bottish behavior). Move to a safe spot and let the bot paused (-> /AFK) for long enough to be sure the player has moved on.

    -Addons like TinyTip allow you to see other players target by just hovering over them. If you see someone targeting you, target them back.

    -Wrobots remote function allows you to monitor your bots without staying at your computer all the time (f.e. via smartphone).

    -Avoid areas with a high density of quests if possible. Don't grind on mobs related to quests.

    -Use tools to increase your latency to ~300-500 ms (personal preference). This helps to hide bottish movement / behavior.

    -Never use more than one IP for each bot instance or even your main account. Set up a proxy or get yourself a fresh IP.

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