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  1. would it be possible to stop the "i cant attack that target" spam that is generated by targetting a non-hostile target? it seems that even while vendoring or when i simply target myself, the combat rotation is being spammed and it would be a nice luxury to eliminate that from the loop.
  2. Awesome. nice find. I'm so glad that I am able to help you refine this Fight Class, as it's definitely the best one I've seen for a druid!
  3. absolutely, i'll do that now I've been able to recreate it alot. but the standard log doesn't really show it, it just shows the bot trying to cast the heal, then immediately form spam i'm using the new debug cs and i'll upload teh log momentarily. That didn't take long... Log debug.txt [E] 23:27:23.392 - reference point
  4. yeah, I'm still having the excessive switching issue. the healing corrections you made were immediately noticeable to me. nice work. the issue is when i'm low enough life to be below the % threshold to need a healing touch, out of combat, after i just killed something. IF there is a mob within my yard range set by my profile, the fight class engages, but as it's walking, it shifts to cat and then shifts out to heal, then shifts to cat to engage and shifts out to heal. that's the loop happening. so perhaps there would be a way to cause the engage not to happen when a heal is needed? so the fight class doesn't override the heal out of combat?
  5. I am experiencing the need to start using water now. it is shifting out of cat without enough mana to get back into cat. checking for drinks, not finding them (cause i didn't buy them before) and now running myself out of mana and killing me alot. I'm goign to put a few stacks of drinks in my inventory becuase of this change. I think it benefits those with bad gear, so I don't mind the change. I'll just simply add an auto buy into my plugins to always have good water available. - I am seeing alot of shifts in and out of cat. I'm not sure what is causing it. once i get to hovering around the 50% hp mark, i'll shift out of cat, cast nothing, shift into cat, shift out, loot the mob, shift into cat. it's very strange because it doesn't happen everytime. so I'm not sure what to attribute this to. it seems like my life percentage plus the most recent change may explain the abundance of shifts, but I can't be certain just yet. - I have been babysitting this for about an hour and there is alot of quick shifting and not casting of spells. it seems that the heal is trying to be cast before teh shift, then the heal doesn't happen, then it shifts back to cat again. goes into combat with less than 40% life and gets low, shifts, can't heal because of too little many and then dies swinging a mace to death. I wish i understood the code so i could try to figure out more to help you. -ok, i used your previous upload without the drinking and placed "//" infront of the lines that launch rejuvination. this made my experience so much better and made drinking unnecessary and eliminated the unnecessary shifting. perhaps there are some discrepancies with <= % health requirements. just speculating as i am not sure.
  6. Thankyou so much for your work. This is one of the most effective fight classes I've tried. -my druid goes to train skills every level. is this due to your fight class or perhaps another variable? -choices for spell casting seem really good and efficient -perhaps a revision to skill usage to make use of combo points for efficiency? I rarely see the use of combo points, perhaps that's intended. (i don't have much experience with druids) I have since watched the bot more and seen this in action, disregard. -add an exception to targets being grey, meaning don't attack mobs that have been tagged by other players. I'll keep testing, and so far, I am so pleased with your work. again, thankyou!
  7. would there be a way for me to apply all the incredible work you have done to edit this down to make it compatible for 1.12.1 clients of WoW? (vanilla) ah, i see that it's encrypted, wisely so, I was asking to save from asking you to edit it. which is not the purpose of this fight class. So looks like I acted to hastily and bought a fightclass that i shouldnt' have :)
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