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  1. what fightclass do you use and have you tried modifying your fightclass settings if it has those?
  2. try adding blacklisted spots or mobs in the profile
  3. Thanks, using that plugin I got it to work. It doesn't seem to loot mobs for some reason, though.
  4. Hello, I've been trying to create a grinder profile to grind mobs inside AV, but cannot get it to work. I've made a loop inside AV in the Grinder product, marking the mobs as usual. When I start the Grinder it gets stuck in "Battlegrounder Combination". Can I bypass this somehow?
  5. So now that WoW classic is announced there might be a brand new client for it. If that is the case, do you have any plans to add Wrobot support for that new client? I also wonder if the item/npc ids are going to be the same... Maybe I'm just worrying too much at this point, lol. Are you guys gonna play classic btw?
  6. torille?
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This profile is for dwarves and gnomes starting zone and is separated into two sections (because of vendor/repair and class trainer locations). The first section is for levels 1-6 in Coldridge valley. It includes the imp quest for gnome warlocks. If you are NOT a warlock, you need to disable the steps to pickup, pulse and turnin for the quest Beginnings. Like so: The second section is for levels 6-10. Trainers and repair are in Kharanos. You NEED TO RUN THESE AS QUESTER. P.S. If you are a gnome warlock, your voidwalker quest is in the Slaughtered Lamb in Stormwind (Mage Quarter). So you might as well go there and continue as you would a human after that. P.P.S. Gnome master race
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