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Everything posted by virtual

  1. thanks jensen im still a little confused on how to download ? I think i figured it out, Just download any 1.12 client and go from there.
  2. I Have never played a on private server, could someone send me a link or point me in the right direction to start play vanilla wow on a private server. Doesn't need to be able to use bots, just actual play.
  3. I was teleported one zone over one or two days before the last ban wave. Was in suramar herbing the teleport error popped up. Logged my toon back in i was in valsharah (sp). Probably just a bug, but it was the first time i ever saw a teleport error.
  4. virtual

    Ban wave - 30 March 2018

    I would love for wrobot to find some new genius bot technique. Especially with new expansion coming in 4 months. But i have lost more accounts here in 2 months then i have in 2 years. So ill take break and watch the ban rate to determine the condition of wrobot. Fingers crossed you guys get it sorted out.
  5. virtual

    Ban wave - 30 March 2018

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  6. See that little panda at the top of the screen where it says announcements, if you highlight the panda Username Droidz you can send him a message. Dont know if this link will work but you can try this https://wrobot.eu/profile/1-droidz/
  7. i cant believe that they would allow anyone to purchase a key right now especially a 3 day trial to boot lol Ask for a refund and wait till the bot is functional
  8. 5 days You must be farming wow tokens from blingatron :)
  9. There have been multiple banwaves in the past 2 weeks. Everyone is hopeful there is a work around, but as far as i know this is the only public bot available all eyes on us. If we can't even make it 2 weeks it wont pay for itself the bot has to make it atleast 30 days to be profitable. But even then who wants to be banned every 30 days. But like i said 30 days is 50/50 blizzards get half the gold you get the other half. Will see. 3/8 the bans started this time. If you don't see another wave in 30 days then maybe its a fluke :)
  10. virtual

    Ban wave - 9 March 2018

    Thank you for answering this. appreciate it.
  11. virtual

    Ban wave - 9 March 2018

    What difference is it going to make If its detected ? It wasn't even two weeks since the last ban wave. If wrobot is in blizzards radar now the bans are going more and more frequent. I understand the want / need ( monthly subs, money in your pocket) to release a new version but what good is a new version going to do if your program is now detected ? What makes wrobot any different then the Honorbuddy and soapbox and others who have retired the bot due to blizzards new detection methods ?
  12. Okay somehow it fixed it self. Dont know how but it did. Thanks droidz
  13. okay i think i have it but now it doesnt switch to cat form but after it gathers every herb it switches from flight form to troll form then back to flight form. EDIT: Im not understanding why the bot thinks it has to switch out of flight form at all. Flight form doesnt break on herbs and stirrups allow you to gather ore without dismounting. so its the bot breaking its own form ? doesnt make sense.
  14. Using a druid to gather herbs and ore, every time it gathers it changes to cat form then stealths then to travel form. Someone mentioned making a condition to stop this from happening. Im clueless can someone help me out. I just want to use travel form and only switch to feral when in combat.
  15. Is there a how to , where i can learn to set conditions, this is a foreign term to me.
  16. thank you. What about for gathering herbs. I really thought druid form would make them the best gather class. But i have to resort to sky golem and gather buffs and what not and sky golems SUCK for gathering they have way more stuck issues. Anything i can do to gather as a druid and not turn into as cat after every node like force bird travel form, without a fight class gathering i will be screwed ?
  17. Okay im fishing and im using a druid and it will break from loot or just before a cast turn into a cat then back and cast the fishing pole. Is there a way to stop it from trying to turn into a cat randomly sometimes then back to normal form before casting ? I noticed this same thing when gathering and i had to change mounts to a sky golem because the druid would just totally goofy and start truing into a cat instead of mounting and flying off to next herb. I regret boosting a druid with this bot, they just don't seem to work well together to much shapeshifting confusion. So anyways, Its a basic fishing profile stand in one spot and fish darkmoon faire, I had to turn everything off to force them to stand in one spot and fish which leads me to my second question --> Because i had to go into the settings and turn stuff off like herb and mining and ect.. just to get fishing to work properly or the bot would run around and gather invisible herbs, is there a way to make profiles for each type of bot for the same character. For instance I want to use the fishing bot and then i want to go gather but in order to do that i have to change all the bot settings every time i switch between the two. ?
  18. So is the detected alert going to stay active always and use wrobot only if you know what your doing going to be the motto now ? will the alert go away or be a part of wrobot now ? While the bot is detected will time be added back to our monthly payments ?
  19. Im Curious as well as long as the Red Warning alert saying the bot is detected on launch is active then its down time. This bot is s monthly sub not something you can buy outright. Do we get this time added back to our subscription ?
  20. This last banwave was because of detection not users "Current WRobot is detected " Droidz Only time will tell if wrobot is permanently detected or just plain old on blizzards shit list. Wrobot is a decent bot but i wouldnt exaggerate and say its the best, there where a handful that where WAY WAY better until they where forced to retire. If more people come together to work on it and can become great, but the more users the more attention we get from blizzard. For what its worth the bot is the best thing available and fingers crossed it escapes the inevitable hammer that is blizzard security.
  21. I used the addon knightryder recommended a month ago and never had any issues. The buff ids and spell ids never changed. Im here giving you feedback and your picture reply does nothing for this situation
  22. Hey out of no where it now eats my pots one after another till they are gone. Its uses the stirrups and the leystone hoofplates fine and it was using the darkmoon firewater just fine. but now out of no where i will check on the bot and all my darkmoon firewater is gone. Nothing has changed i double checked the buff id and item id and they are the same. any ideas ?
  23. Where do i start if i would like to learn to write my own profiles. For instance i would like to write a dungeon profile that runs non stop and resets
  24. could you post your uldaman profile please :)
  25. Bump Would like to know as well,.
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