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Everything posted by exuals

  1. 10~ colored lines, 25+ profiles. I did think about that though, will remove if more people want me to.
  2. Version 1.0.1


    Exuals Northdale Horde 1-30 Kit 25 top quality, hand crafted, grinding profiles created by extensive database searching for optimal mobs based off level range, quest objectives nearby, pack density, neutrality, armor, value, PvP etc 13 quests in Stonetalon mountains for making accounts seem more realistic. Contains a hunter fightclass updated to handle Vanilla & overpopulated servers, adequately can handle multiple mob pulls, scare beast, feign death, etc. Based off Eeny's hunter fightclass, shout out to him. and a plugin that opens crab shells, it's nice. All tested by myself on Northdale during 12k+ population prime times, these were made to avoid the packs of bots and players/pvpers Some loops it has: Install instructions if you need, I hope you don't, are in the readme
  3. Seriously? It's so accurate on my breath remaining in MS, thanks though guys.
  4. Can't find it anywhere throughout the wManager. Human master plugin has this variable for sure and it's not on a timer, anyone know it?
  5. I've tried writing custom plugins to blacklist with a scan around the NPC it targets and it's still not even reasonably useful. The radius it checks for attack before being attacked in is so small and blindsided. I'll watch it set a path with a node on top of an hostile NPC? I've added every possible mob in the area to my target list, it will still make the stupidest choices of target, like the mob in the back and run up to range pulling everything. It will try and attack another mob if your pet is being hit and not you. Blacklisted NPCs are treated as if theyre invisible and will 100% kill you while bot attempts to go kill other targets. Why not sort potential targets by distance? Why not check node paths for nearby enemies when walking, can these be added please?
  6. So they have a note system in place, you can find screenshots of it if you go through the GMs comments on the subreddit. It basically keeps tracks of infractions, past mutes, etc etc. Sometimes a new GM can't ban but will leave a comment for a senior GM to investigate, eg if you failed 4/6 of the anti bot measures. You have to be online for the senior GM to follow up, they won't wait till your 60, it'll be within a day or two but I could be wrong on that.
  7. It will repeatedly choose an Alliance vendor when I'm Horde, it made 17 trips to an Alliance base, obviously dying. I manually disabled it in the DB and it still will go to that vendor which is farther than the nearest Horde one. Any plans for fixes or at least an API call so I can rewrite functionality?
  8. Look at the other fightclasses and check for simple numbers at first near spells names to get an idea of what it's doing. eg. Most fight classes will have ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent which is a check to see if your health is greater or less than a certain threshold. "If health less than 70%, cast renew" Start tweaking numbers to change what percentage what spells trigger, if you don't want it to do a spell, comment it out by placing '//' infront of the lines of code. if (RaptorStrike.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance < 8) { RaptorStrike.Launch(); } change to if (RaptorStrike.KnownSpell && ObjectManager.Target.GetDistance < 8) { //RaptorStrike.Launch(); } Here's a more complex line that is almost human readable, hopefully the fightclasses you download were written well: if (ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent <= 40 && FlashHeal.KnownSpell && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Shadowform") && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 15) { FlashHeal.Launch(); } "If my health is less than 40% and I know flash heal, I'm not in shadowform (the ! means inverse) and I have some mana"
  9. K this will be a bit technical but don't be a bitch and google it. Use classicdb.ch for the NPC database to find beasts or elementals around the level you are. Switch to https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?zone=406 and select the zones then pick an area you're in or near. Order NPCs by level, scroll to find your level range, look for beasts that are ideally neutral but can be aggressive if spaced out. Click on said NPC, it will hightlight the nodes on the map indicating where that NPC spawns, find an NPC in a remote location, you can cross reference classicdb.ch again on their zone DB which shows quest locations and if the NPC is part of a quest. The best mob is a neutral, non quest npc somewhere remote, like a river between two zones. Start up a private server of your own, takes a few minutes, make yourself GM and teleport to the NPC location. Mount up, set invisible and make your profile in a minute easy. Ideally you teleport 3 or 4 times making a string of profiles slowly climbing in npc level, make a quester profile which simply launches these profiles you made. A strong fight class is only possible with C# and modifications to be honest, the free ones don't account for multiple mobs, risky pulls, CCing a secondary target. Perhaps buy one or get someone to do a custom one for you. You get to 59 on Northdale?
  10. preraid bis gearing and quests for dungeons for last 5-7 levels, prior to that you can babysit grind quests. eg. go to an area, grab a grind quest and setup a profile to run it for an hour, repeat.
  11. Thanks for finding it, knew they had tests. I'm writing a plugin quick for this.
  12. All AFK characters in stormwind instant banned lol. We can bypass tests with stronger fight classes that detect when a mob suddenly teleported. The real question is can we have the bot tell me when a GM is watching, we have full access to WoW memory set, the fact that they're there is readable in memory even if invisible. Setup a private server, have a GM silently watch your bot, memory dump and compare to the same dump without GM logged in to find the values. A GM is still a player and players can be detected in memory.
  13. I agree with this, the reddit comments mentioned drop tables being too large would cause performance stress. Plus you walk client sided, hence speedhacks, they're not monitoring walking patterns.
  14. I babysit my char's and only let them run for a 3-4 hour period unattended when their won't be EU people on. The tests are real, it was mentioned twice by a senior GM and I've seen it happen to my character before.
  15. The links between accounts is their note system. It's based on connection IP, so all accounts share the same notes. This way they make notes about the actual player and can tell if you were previously banned for botting or muted etc for follow up offences. They don't detect wRobot, they simply have automated tests that they run on every single person reported for suspicious activity. If the tests are inconclusive (eg. user passed 4 out of 6 tests), a note is most likely added to the account and a GM will do manual follow up. These tests are easily producible by taking your current target and moving it away 20 yards, making it perm evade, teleporting your character away 20 yards etc. They also can do simple DB checks to get an idea of the autism involved, eg. Get a sum of all NPC kills for mob Id 4082, if over >500 this guy is clearly not questing and needs investigation. I rewrote my fight classes from scratch and included a wide range of scenarios for handling target distance, whether we're actually doing damage, ignoring fights and using a wide range of spells plus more accurate movement such as attempt to kite a mob higher lvl than us. I recently survived the past two waves (which seem to occur around 10am-noon EST) using private fight classes and profiles. If you guys don't want to be banned you need to step it up a notch and adapt to your environment. It's the little things that get you reported, tag a mob someone else needs for quest and they inspect and see if your a bot, don't return a buff from a passerby, respawn twice and get killed clearly. Simple plugins fix a lot of these issues.
  16. Some thoughts on this: I kept trying to think why bots would make it to level 30 before starting to get picked off, it's when both factions start to merge and bot in the same areas making it easier for GMs to group ban lots of bots based on common profiles. I've been checking Gears_LH on reddit looking for clues to their internal systems: https://old.reddit.com/user/Gears_LH?count=25&amp;after=t1_e2px5gx Their notes system they use: https://imgur.com/a/ebtnYhs Interesting comment on their bot detection: "You have the right to appeal via the control panel. A GM who was not involved in the original banning will review the evidence collected by banning GM. If you were not banning botting, the reviewing GM will be able to tell based on the output of the tests performed and you will be unbanned. FYI though, our bot tests don't concern whether you're paying much attention, because we know that people zone out when they grind. Our tests are for automation, and if you were playing as you said, you would not have failed them. Edit: Accidentally a word wrong" They have tests such as making a mob perm evaded, untargetable, move it farther away etc. We should develop a plugin that checks for various ways these tests can occur and to ignore any mob being tested on. People making topics for GMs to watch spots for botting: https://old.reddit.com/r/lightshope/comments/8y9kvh/admins_please_just_watch_this_spot_for_bots/ Next plan for those really upset: "You're both right. We process thousands of tickets. At any give time there are between 100-300 tickets pending. New tickets are constantly coming in even as we clear old tickets. Basically the number of pending tickets defines the response time." Let's spam the report system with fresh accounts, make the number of pending reach the thousands or even have it run a stack overflow. Further comments of interest: "He's on my tracker for now, I watched him for about an hour last night before bed while writing code, and seemed legit. But we'll continue to monitor." "I'm pushing leads to let me release a full breakdown of bans since launch. It's staggering." They have new technology they don't want leaked? "Yep, it may take a little time to get each bot, but we do, so don't fret if you see them still botting after being reported. They just don't know they are banned yet." "Woody was banned for botting after failing a suite of tests to a conclusive standard, not for using or making a macro. I have reviewed the data collected by the banning GM and concur. The appeal has been denied, and that is the end of this. Woody is welcome to create a new account and start over just as any player is, provided he/they obey the rules of the server." Once again they have a testing suite applied to suspicious or reported players. "The GM team is very healthy right now, and we are planning to take on a couple more GMs before launch. That said, tracking fish botting and seeing who is catching the fish and where, and even looking into instances to find fish bots is extremely easy. When we talk about "receiving" we don't mean players that buy stuff on the AH. We mean direct trades or mail, and thats stuff we can check directly."
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