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Everything posted by Haxxor

  1. limiting ips is crap.
  2. how do you keep bot as it levels from running back to lower zones example grinding in redridge bot runs to elywynn to farm?
  3. for some reason my bot will vendor trash like it suppose to and other times, it just locks up while looting saying inventory is full and 90% of it is trash it just hasn't vendored. Yes i have vendoring turned on. Also when bot goes to train new skills it locks up freezes and crashes? Usually just on one of my toons though (the same toon over and over)?
  4. fixed vendor issue a quick restart and all is good
  5. bots going good huge problem in redridge, bot get stucks under pier and just patrols back and forth. 22:24:17.511 - [Fight] Player Attack Great Goretusk (lvl 17) [N] 22:24:17.615 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -9337.519 ; -2190.06 ; 54.72597 ; "Swimming" to -9453.433 ; -2123.409 ; 70.36365 ; "None" (Azeroth) [N] 22:24:18.055 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (271.1417y) [N] 22:24:21.846 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] 22:24:21.846 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on [D] 22:24:21.862 - [MovementManager] Avoid wall: StrafeLeft [N] 22:24:27.248 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -9322.684 ; -2209.488 ; 54.72665 ; "Swimming" to -9602.135 ; -2081.053 ; 68.87911 ; "None" (Azeroth) [N] 22:24:27.743 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 21 (428.8501y) [N] 22:24:33.401 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] 22:24:33.401 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on [N] 22:24:34.434 - [MovementManager] Think we are stuck [N] 22:24:34.434 - [MovementManager] Trying something funny, hang on [N] 22:24:35.461 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it [D] 22:24:35.461 - [MovementManager] Current pos: -9300.384 ; -2217.309 ; 58.71487 ; "None" - Target pos: -9293.152 ; -2219.835 ; 62.38076 ; "None" Continent: Azeroth Tile: 36.15746_49.43822 [N] 22:24:35.461 - [MovementManager] Waypoint timed out [N] 22:24:35.598 - [MovementManager] Report navmesh poly to avoid it [N] 22:24:35.598 - [Path-Finding] FindPath from -9300.516 ; -2217.263 ; 58.62083 ; "None" to -9602.135 ; -2081.053 ; 68.87911 ; "None" (Azeroth) [N] 22:24:35.776 - [Path-Finding] Path Count: 13 (366.3742y) also another issues is my bots seems to find there way back to elywnn to farm when they are 20 lol?
  6. bot was working wonderfully for 2nd days but for some strange reason it wont sell stuff now? doesnt seem to know when bags are full it just stays doing loot animation.
  7. okay changed it to 60HZ lets see how it works now
  8. 144HZ
  9. having error "interface/FramesXML/MoneyFrame/lua 185:attempt to perform arithmetic on local money"
  10. My bots both run to close to the target, so it puts the target behind my bot which in turn takes 10 minutes to turn around. Happening on 2 different profiles with 2 different fight classes.
  11. hmm so let me go back over whats happening i click on my wow_1.exe file, proxifier begins to load wow_1.exe file it stays on the login screen for 10 seconds and then in the application/connections it gives me "[07.27 13:03:36] WoW_1.exe - status.wow-europe.com:80 close, 113 bytes sent, 213 bytes received, lifetime 00:10" the wow launcher stays up but it "looks" like im not running threw my proxy service after the connection closes out because there is no traffic/byte count? am i wrong on this? could def use a little clarification on how the process actually works with games like wow.
  12. proxy bought from lime proxies, and setup in proxiefier. Have also setup multiple proxies all do the same . [07.27 17:32:25] WoW_2.exe - status.wow-europe.com:80 open through proxy WoW 2 SOCKS5 [07.27 17:32:33] WoW_1.exe - status.wow-europe.com:80 open through proxy WoW 1 SOCKS5 [07.27 17:32:35] WoW_2.exe - status.wow-europe.com:80 close, 113 bytes sent, 213 bytes received, lifetime 00:10 [07.27 17:32:43] WoW_1.exe - status.wow-europe.com:80 close, 113 bytes sent, 213 bytes received, lifetime 00:10
  13. hmm so let me go back over whats happening i click on my wow_1.exe file, proxifier begins to load wow_1.exe file it stays on the login screen for 10 seconds and then in the application/connections it gives me "[07.27 13:03:36] WoW_1.exe - status.wow-europe.com:80 close, 113 bytes sent, 213 bytes received, lifetime 00:10" the wow launcher stays up but it "looks" like im not running threw my proxy service after the connection closes out because there is no traffic/byte count? am i wrong on this? could def use a little clarification on how the process actually works with games like wow.
  14. [07.27 09:42:15] WoW_1.exe - status.wow-europe.com:80 open through proxy WoW 1 SOCKS5 [07.27 09:42:25] WoW_1.exe - status.wow-europe.com:80 close, 113 bytes sent, 213 bytes received, lifetime 00:10 any advice?
  15. okay so i changed up my proxy and i can launch wow it stats open for all of 11 seconds and it just closes off of connection list??
  16. having same wow crashing issue any resolution? and do u manually start the game click the exe icon and proxfire and the socks5?
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