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Everything posted by Bugreporter

  1. Just to be sure: Did your MM hunter Siderwinder talented ?
  2. changed/removed (and the screenshot not updated). -stun was a routine that worked great with the Combat rogue. But for sub its better to use single spells
  3. Bugreporter

    Attacking NPC

    That could be a problem of the fightclass: If all spells have the condition "Combat only" and the Target will not attack you then you are not in combat and no spell will start. Change one of your primary spell to "Combat only=false" and the fight starts
  4. I've add a routine in my Rogue Assa Profile. But be aware, you will lose your main target. And @Jhin : You dont want pull all Targets in a range of 45 yard ! Thats a hunter spell and is called barrage. ;-) 2. Line: check if we have a target and if it is in range (in this case a Meele spell, Rupture). Use your spell with the smallest range, that you want provide 3+4 Line: Other Buffs that we want check 6.Line (from the bottom): Check if the DeBuffs are on the target up and running and if they are run long enough. In this case rupture must run longer then 6 seconds 5.Line (from the bottom); next target will be selected In the next Code window i've pasted the XML-Snippet to cut-and-past-and-change it in you fightclass local Rupture=GetSpellInfo(1943) if UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and (IsSpellInRange(Rupture,"target")==1) then local CripplingPoison=GetSpellInfo(3408) local DeadlyPoison=GetSpellInfo(2823) local t=GetTime(); local buffexp,buff,buffcnt,bufftyp={},{},{},{}; local i,n,c,y,x,id,found=0; repeat i=i+1; n,_,_,c,y,_,x,_,_,_,id=UnitAura("target",i,"PLAYER HARMFUL"); if n then buffcnt[n]=c bufftyp[n]=y buffexp[n]=x-t buff[n]=id; found=true end until (not n) or (i==40); if found then if (buff[Rupture] and buffexp[Rupture] &gt; 6) and buff[CripplingPoison] and buff[DeadlyPoison] then TargetNearestEnemy() result=true end end end; XML-snippet: (dont forget to change the value in "HostileUnitNear") <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>HostileUnitNear</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionUnitNear"> <Number>2</Number> <Type>BiggerOrEqual</Type> <Radius>5</Radius> </Param> </FightClassCondition> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>LuaScript</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua"> <LuaScript> local Rupture=GetSpellInfo(1943) if UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and (IsSpellInRange(Rupture,"target")==1) then local CripplingPoison=GetSpellInfo(3408) local DeadlyPoison=GetSpellInfo(2823) local t=GetTime(); local buffexp,buff,buffcnt,bufftyp={},{},{},{}; local i,n,c,y,x,id,found=0; repeat i=i+1; n,_,_,c,y,_,x,_,_,_,id=UnitAura("target",i,"PLAYER HARMFUL"); if n then buffcnt[n]=c bufftyp[n]=y buffexp[n]=x-t buff[n]=id; found=true end until (not n) or (i==40); if found then if (buff[Rupture] and buffexp[Rupture] &gt; 6) and buff[CripplingPoison] and buff[DeadlyPoison] then TargetNearestEnemy() result=true end end end; </LuaScript> <VarRet>result</VarRet> <ValueRet>true</ValueRet> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <SpellName>--NextEnemy</SpellName> <Priority>2</Priority> <CheckIfKnow>false</CheckIfKnow> <CheckIfSpellUsable>false</CheckIfSpellUsable> <CheckSpellDistance>false</CheckSpellDistance> <CheckIfView>false</CheckIfView> <AddToSettings>true</AddToSettings> <AddToSettingsActiveByDefault>true</AddToSettingsActiveByDefault> <NotSpellIsLuaScript>true</NotSpellIsLuaScript> </FightClassSpell>
  5. Stun=Blind and/or Cheap Shot and/or Kidney Shot
  6. It's okay, I found a solution: Blacklisting the Lave while I am dead ;-)
  7. The Option to ignore Players if they are near a node make sense, if I gather, but in archaelogy the node is unique and only for me. so it is not productive to ignore the node.
  8. Skin/Gather/Mine Mobs ON Ninja ON Please check the profession before you try to skin/gather/mine mobs. The bot try to skin mobs without the profession skinning. In regions with skinnable mobs and gatherable mobs (and if you dont have both professions) it looks strange that the char runs to dead mobs (ninja) without effects (no skinning, so not skinable)
  9. Every minute wrobot tries to swap the weapons from Fishing Pool to Weapon and back. (simple test: enter the name of an artefakt-waepon of your second spec in the "WaeponName"Field of Fishing Bot. You get a error message every minute) Result: sometime it works, and sometime it doesn't and your Fishing Pool will be a tree branch. Not so good if a lot of fishing peoples around you. Please check the Equipment before you change it. (And why do you check it every minute???)
  10. did you've seen this: http://www.icy-veins.com/wow/outlaw-rogue-pve-dps-rotation-cooldowns-abilities (Point 4)
  11. Ah, I see others have the Problem also
  12. So its possible to swim a short way in lava , but not longer then a view seconds. You will see the problem in Suramar (30:60). Sure i can to try blacklist the hole channel, dying from blacklistpoint to blacklistpoint, but better is to shorter the way through the lava or only use the way, if there is no other way to walk. Test it with a Melee char. Legion - Suramar - Teufelsschiefer.xml
  13. [F] 02:02:13 - [Spell] Cast Sap [F] 02:02:14 - [Spell] Cast Pick Pocket [F] 02:02:14 - [FightClass] Launch LUA script: --Aggressive "Wait during Casting" is enabled on all spells Maybe a suggestion, maybe a bug. But in this case I need a wait for the CD of the previous spell (in this case Pick Pocket). All 3 spells are "Once a target" so the will not be executed twice. The cast (via CastSpellByName(ssname,"target") ) in --Aggressive will be done, but because its on CD, nothing happend in game. A check, if the cast is useable will not be help, because the spell is only executed once (and a 1 sec. loop is not the best idea in lua)
  14. You can try to change the priority of spells with the fightclass editor. the most importend spells should be the first on the list. but this is tricky, because you have also a view on CP and energy and distance and Buffs and CD. Ambush (i.e.) has a very low priority, because CP used spells should be executed first, if CP>=5, and Buffs should be also used before the CP5 spells are used and Buffs only if the are not already set, or a better buff is set ... and so on
  15. wrotation. select your first dummy. (fight start) then select the focus via the focus sign/icon. (fight stop)
  16. --Aggressive, --autofocus, Cloak of Shadows, and Pick Pocket was ON (settings). all others at default
  17. Simple test: Go to the next training dummys, target one and the other will be get in focus. so far, so good. Now select the focused target and focus and target will be swaped. so far, so good Wrobot now stop the fight. Not so good .... TargetNearestEnemy() FocusUnit("target") TargetLastTarget() code will be found in "--autofocus". I attach my fightclass. @Everyone else: Don't use it. It's beta. I will release it, if it works fine.
  18. A better Buffcheck. The charm of this check is: you dont need to check all 40 possible buffs you can access the buff with his name (clearer code) and because you access with the name, you dont get trouble with change buff id's and you can check simple buff combinations without check twice local Moonfire=GetSpellInfo(155625) local t=GetTime(); local buffexp,buff,buffcnt={},{},{}; local i,n,c,x,id,found=0; repeat i=i+1; n,_,_,c,_,_,x,_,_,_,id=UnitAura("target",i,"PLAYER HARMFUL"); if n then buffcnt[n]=c buffexp[n]=x-t buff[n]=id; found=true end until (not n) or (i==40); if found then if buff[Moonfire] then ... end end
  19. Version 1.2.0


    Based on the recommendation from Icy-Veins. Used Talents (2,1,1,3,1,3,1). Artefact used. Sorry, the AoE is not so good. There is only "Fan of Knives" in the Spellbock. So I try to maintain Rupture and Poisons on the targets. Because of this, the targets will be changed, if there are more then one target in melee range. To disable/enable this check "--nextEnemy" in the Fightclass Settings. Be aware of the AOE-Settings if you use wrotation: It could be that the next target is behind you. Be fast or sure that all possible targets in front of you (or disable --nextEnemy)
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