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Everything posted by Bugreporter

  1. Oh, did you have a new keyboard? CAPS_LOCK only ? ;-)
  2. depence on the users who can solve the request. there are no "request team"
  3. and again...THIS...!!! For future ban waves maybe we are the first they will know about that. It depends on the fightclass you use, on the profile you use, on Droidz programming and your game play.
  4. wrobot doesnt support privat server (as far as I know)
  5. yes, its disabled. I have tested the "do nothing" profile with several classes in wrotation. Ever the same.
  6. Nat Pagle is npc 85984 . Needed are 5 x Fire Ammonite Lunker (id 116819) . The limit is 5. so you cant fishing more then these 5. Afer this you must go back to Nat. the quest Fire Ammonite Lunker (id 36800) is repeatable. (Blue Questionmark). Garrison need to be level 3 For Horde the Fire Ammonite is the nearest spot. (12,43 : 59,71) . The spot is inside the Garrison map (we can read /2 channel) but we already see other people (and they us). so its a border region. Alliance best should be Blind Lake Lunker (id 36804)
  7. did I attached the file ?!? dont know.. here is it again. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <FightClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <FightClassGeneralSettings> <FightClassName>do nothing</FightClassName> <FramePerSecond>30</FramePerSecond> </FightClassGeneralSettings> <FightClassSpells> <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>LuaScript</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua"> <LuaScript>result=false</LuaScript> <VarRet>result</VarRet> <ValueRet>true</ValueRet> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <SpellName>--do nothing</SpellName> <Priority>1</Priority> <CombatOnly>false</CombatOnly> <CastIfMounted>true</CastIfMounted> <CheckIfKnowUsableDistance>false</CheckIfKnowUsableDistance> <CheckIfView>false</CheckIfView> <AddToSettings>true</AddToSettings> <AddToSettingsActiveByDefault>true</AddToSettingsActiveByDefault> <NotSpellIsLuaScript>true</NotSpellIsLuaScript> </FightClassSpell> </FightClassSpells> </FightClass>
  8. Testsenario: -use attached fightclass, -use wrotation, -go in stealth, -select a mob, and you see, that wrobot tries to attack. If you go near to the mob, the mob will be attacked. No log entry.
  9. As Rogue I need to do nothing. i.e. if I'm in stealth and want pick pocking. But this is not possible at the moment. Wrobot starts auto attack without any reason. Tested with wrotation, all settings are off. I build a small fightclass (one spell, which could never be true) which you could test with all Fight classes (i think). And dont know since when this will be done, but before WoD I could do nothing.
  10. Hi, here a few very useful legal addons for WoW, which could you help botting: Gathering: Routes create an optimal route between the Ore and Herbs spawns. The informations about the spawn points came from Gathermate2 and Gatermate2_data, so you have to install this addon too. Pet Battle: Rematch Much better then PetTabs (or similiar). It select your favorite team automatic, if you (or the bot) start the pet battle. You can also define a list of leveling Pets, which do you want to level. The will rotate, if the selected leveling pet dies or reach level 25 If you have also suggestions for "must have" addons, please post them in this thread. I will add them to the list.
  11. At the moment the bot flies to the next ore/herb he detect. But is it possible to calculate, if there are a nearer point of the route? So that the bot flies along the route, until he has the nearest point to leave the route to gather. (I know, i can reduce the scan range, but not all profile routes follow the ideal route. (The addon routes is a great tool to find the right one.). Ah, good idea und much simpler to realise: Add a scan range to the profile. So if a profile follows a ideal route, it can set the scan range to a lower value (for /routes user with optimized and clustered route i.e. 30 )
  12. Combat Rogue ? You dont need to change anything. Just download the Fightclass Combat Rogue v4 [bR] (or greater). Another Class? Happy Changing ;-)
  13. Because wrobot didnt support fights on mounts at the moment, we have to do a lot of changes to get a working fightclass. And this fightclass supports the Nagrand Mounts only in wrotation. But if you want ride and fight, here is what you have to do: Enable fight on Mount in every spell: <CastIfMounted>true</CastIfMounted> And you have to disable fighting, if you are on the wrong mount: <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>LuaScript</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua"> <LuaScript> local goodMountBuff={164222,165803} local goodMount=false for n=1,#goodMountBuff do goodMount=goodMount or (UnitBuff("player",GetSpellInfo(goodMountBuff[n]))~=nil); end if (not IsMounted()) or goodMount then result=true end </LuaScript> <VarRet>result</VarRet> <ValueRet>true</ValueRet> </Param> </FightClassCondition> goodMountBuff = Buffs that we get, if we are mounted. Other mount buffs could be added later. for n=1.... = check, if one of the buffs are set. goodMount = true, if so But there are a alot of small problems to solve. I.e.: <CombatOnly>true</CombatOnly> didn't work . So you have to find another solution, if you needed. Maybe UnitAffectingCombat("player") could help. Also the Build in Buff condition didn't work if mounted. (Droidz want to make it very secure ;-) ). So you have changed this <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>Buff</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool"> <Name>Blade Flurry</Name> <Need>true</Need> </Param> </FightClassCondition> to a lua script like this: local chkValue=true --[[1784=Stealth,73651=Recuperate]] local chkBuffs={1784,false,73651,false}; for n=1,#chkBuffs,2 do chkValue=chkValue and ((UnitBuff("player",GetSpellInfo(chkBuffs[n]))~=nil)==chkBuffs[n+1]); end result=chkValue chkBuffs contains the buff and the value that the Buff should have. false=buff no set, true, buff is set. At last HealthPercent and TargetHealthPercent didnt work. A solution is ((UnitHealth("player") / UnitHealthMax("player") * 100) &lt; 75) (means Health>75 % ) So, a lua code, that must contain all the conditions could be look like that: ... ... <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>LuaScript</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua"> <LuaScript> local goodMountBuff={164222,165803} local goodMount=false for n=1,#goodMountBuff do goodMount=goodMount or (UnitBuff("player",GetSpellInfo(goodMountBuff[n]))~=nil); end if (not IsMounted()) or goodMount then local chkValue=true --[[1784=Stealth,73651=Recuperate]] local chkBuffs={1784,false,73651,false}; for n=1,#chkBuffs,2 do chkValue=chkValue and ((UnitBuff("player",GetSpellInfo(chkBuffs[n]))~=nil)==chkBuffs[n+1]); end result=chkValue and ((UnitHealth("player") / UnitHealthMax("player") * 100) &lt; 75) end </LuaScript> <VarRet>result</VarRet> <ValueRet>true</ValueRet> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <CombatOnly>false</CombatOnly> <CastIfMounted>true</CastIfMounted> ...
  14. You have to go very near to the Span points of the mining points. because you set the search radius to 6 (default 100). Ever near the wall and it works.
  15. How often do you want to request the same thing again and again? Driod has answered you (and others) this. in different threads. i.e. With this settings and a start in the mines it is possible to build your own Gatherer File.
  16. I am happy to proudly present you the very first fightclass with Frostwolf War Wolf and Telaari Talbuk support. The Fightclass is for Combat Rogue and can be downloaded All fights can be done mounted. But, because wrobot did not support Frostwolf War Wolf and Telaari Talbuk at the moment, only wrotation makes sense. With other Products you will be unmounted. Sorry Also new: Evasion (if health under 50 % and you are the target) Feint if a spell is not kickable. Because AoE is not very detectable, its not the best solution, but if you have a better Idea, send me a message.
  17. Buff = true doesnt work if mounted. <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>Buff</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool"> <Name>Blade Flurry</Name> <Need>true</Need> </Param> </FightClassCondition> TargetHealthPercent>0 didn't work if mounted. HealthPercent<xx% also.... If I'm ready with my new rogue fightclass, it will be LUA only..I think ;-)
  18. I will add all bugs with the Nagrand Mount here, that I found while I modify my Rogue profile. At the moment I test only wrotation. All Spells could be executed while mounted under some cirumstances. These changes in the fightclasses are needed: <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>LuaScript</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionLua"> <LuaScript> local idWarWolfSpell=164222 local WarWolfBuff=GetSpellInfo(idWarWolfSpell) result=(not (IsMounted()) or UnitBuff("player",WarWolfBuff)) </LuaScript> <VarRet>result</VarRet> <ValueRet>true</ValueRet> </Param> </FightClassCondition> and <CastIfMounted>true</CastIfMounted> Bugs: 1) Combat Only has to be false. "Ignore fight if in ground mount" on/off has no effect on this bug. 2) wrotation/manage target and rotation doesn't work .... (will be continued)
  19. I cant count, because I dont want use global variables (detectable), but I have changed "-- Kick Spell" to "If spell is not kickable, and feint is not on then start feint". A spam of feint are only the third or forth best idea... you loss 20 energie every 5-7 sek.... Hmmm, maybe i could span, if the health go less then 45%. If health less then 50%, then evasion starts. if I get damage after this, the damage came from behind or AOE or magic. This is late but not to late...(i hope) ...I have to think....
  20. Please tell me, when (in which situation) it is a good time to use Feint ? I cant't detect AoE, so I need other parameters to use it. (i.e. before killing spree (that kills me sometimes in Raids, because I cant escape from the AOE while this ;-) )
  21. Battle.net -> Options -> System setting -> Game Settings -> Start wow in32 bit mode After this battle net start wow in 32 bit mode. And other tools didnt have a problem to connect to wow
  22. For me, there was no Problem at all. - I use a common Antivirus tool - I use the authenticator - I never use the combi password/userid for others then WoW - I dont share the account information - I dont use relogging - I only start wrobot (or other tools) only after I logged in WoW. - this is not the account, who buys the keys And no, I am not paranoid, (but I know, they watching me ;-) )
  23. Could you please upload it under Download/Profile/Grinder ? The most people look there for profiles. Thanks.
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