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Everything posted by Bugreporter

  1. I add a simple grinder profile to show the problem. I've tried to solf the problem with "Target health Points" but the spells will be executed. A lua check (unitisdeath("target")) work. So maybe its not a bug in "Target health points" but a bug in the death-detection I add my fightclass, but you will have the problem "Attacking death mobs" also with yours. Frostwolf-Ogersteine.xml
  2. I dont want to attack death mobs.... i will upload a profile in the next bug report "Dont attack death mobs"
  3. the condition "Target Health Points" bigger 1 does not work correct.
  4. another possibility is to check the saved instances....I've no working code here, but some samples to start are here : https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/200290-checking-instance-locked.html
  5. (UnitHealth("target")==0) or direct with UnitIsDead or, in a quester profile: (wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.LuaDoString("local _, _, numCriteria = C_Scenario.GetStepInfo(); if not numCriteria or numCriteria == 0 then completedObj = 'true'; return; end; local critID; _, _, completedObj,_,_,_,_,_,critID = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(4); if critID ~= 24921 then completedObj = 'true'; end;", "completedObj").ToLower() == "true") (You have o change the (4) in GetCriteriaInfo and the 24921 to the critID of your dungeon
  6. The condition "Target is stunned" = false failed. Its not possible to check if a target is not stunned. I add my Fightclass file. The spell Cheap Shot shows the problem. With "Target is stunned" = false it will never be executed. Without this condition it stun, and stun and stun .... Tested an a dummy P.S. the fightclass update for subtlety is comming soon...dont use this file. It will updated, if it is work fine. Rogue - Subtlety 1.2 [BR].xml
  7. I dont know why, but I have a lot of duplicates of downloads at the same time and from the same user. Good for the statistic, but not really informative. Maybe it would better to cleanup all statistics from duplicate User-downloads and count only the latest download from the same user. And I think this problem is not only at my file.statistics. Additional feature: Inform the Users, who have downloaded an older Version, that a new version is available. (i.e. Forum Notification, enable/disable per file) Additional feature: Statistic how many users downloaded which Version (make only sense with the feature above)
  8. Take a look at the URL , you posted: www.wowhead.com/npc=78278/....
  9. Version 1.6


    Based on the recommendations of Icy Veins (29.08.2016). Multi-target Support. LFR and PvP tested . Artefact used. Talents (1,2,3,2,1,1,1) In raids and groups the spells didnt start, before the first hit (i.e. from tank) is on the Mob. If you are solo, every mob will be attacked. Since version 1.4 it should be able to use this file in PvP. You have to enable Kidney Shot and Cheap Shot and to disable Shuriken Storm. If you need special combinations for PvP please request them in the comments Please remember: There are optional spells, you can switch them off and on in the General Settings panel (see screenshot) Dont forget to follow this file, if you want informed about updates !!!
  10. I had the same problem yesterday with a Wetland Trambler in Nagrand.
  11. Bugreporter

    Rota Bug

    My mistake. They are both ready, but pistolshot needs 40 energy, saberslash 50.... Soooorry!
  12. Bugreporter

    Rota Bug

    No. it doesnt. Pistol Shot and Saber Slash have the same condition. Saberslash is before Pistol Shot. So Pistolshot should never be used. But it is !!! (and thats the bug.)
  13. Did you ever tried this snippet ? The hint is, to check, if the target stoped targeting you.....
  14. Sure, you can use strict conditions, but with this bug you can never be sure, that a spell is used just in time if needed (or just skipped). It's maybe different with classes which have casttime or do channeling Spells, but with a fight class (i.e. Rogue), which has only instant spells, it destroy the rota
  15. Did someone of the fightclass creaters has also noticed, that the rotation skip spells ? (unlock fps and Improve combat rota are off) .
  16. Bugreporter

    Rota Bug

    I create a Fightclass with only 2 Spells. Both are instant. Both have the same setting (default). Saberslash with Prio 2, Pistol Shot with Prio 1 Nothing more. Simple to rebuild. For my opinion: Pistel Shot should never be used, because both have the same setting, and saberslash are first. Right ?!? ("Unlock fps" and "Improve Combat" are off) A test on the training dummy show others. Pistol Shot is used very often ... why ?!? I need a rota, not a random . Rogue - Outlaw RotaBug.xml
  17. A simple way to get the needed talents is: Start wrotation, take a look in the Log. (debug on) . In the first lines you see which spell is missing. Other Talents are (mostly) not needed. Use the recommendations from other websites for these.
  18. Not really urgent, but nice to have : instead of <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions> ... <FightClassConditions> <SpellName>--Buffs</SpellName> ... <DescriptionSpell>Set all known buffs</DescriptionSpell> would it be very helpful (if I change Files with another editor) to have <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>--Buffs</SpellName> <DescriptionSpell>Set all known buffs</DescriptionSpell> <FightClassConditions> ... </FightClassConditions> ... With this a spell is much easier to find and edit in an external editor.
  19. Version 2.1.0


    Talents used: 3,2,3,3,3,1,2 (Talent 15:1 and 60:1 are also supported.)
  20. Version 1.7.0


    Use the recommendations from Icy Veins . Multi-target support. Artefact used. LFR Tested. All talents except Ghostly Strike(15:1), Parley(75:1) and Cannonball (90:1) are supported at the moment. Some of them are optional and off per default (see screenshot). Also almost of the rogue spells are supported (except Riposte, Bribe) I use the recommendations for raid encounters from Icy Veins for my talents (3,1,1,3,3,2,2) to test my build, but you are free to use your own. I've tested it with different chars on different Levels 1-100 and it works fine. Dont forget to follow this file, if you want to be informed about updates !!! Important: Unlock fps limit (General Settings) to get more dps You have to enable some options (see Screenshot). A few samples: You want to go pickpocketing: Enable "Stealth", "Pickpocket" and "Sap"; disable "--Break Stealth" You want to go to Dungeon: Enable "Stealth" and --"Break Stealth"; disable "Pick Pocket"; Using "Sap" is your Choise. use: --iron Trap uf you want to farm fur or leather in Nagrand (WoD) "--use item, if heal low" use only "Healing Tonic" (WoD) at the moment. You can add other heal potions, "--use item, if exit" is only used for Archealogy (WoD,Pandaria) It's Version 1.x and there is a lot to test. Please tell me, if something missing or could be better. Use the Review function below. I need feedback
  21. [pasterke]_DisciplineHealingClass: - Works only with an english client. - There are debug-messages like: Power Word: Shield on tank System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. bei Main.DiscPriest.castPwsTank() There is sometimes a screen-message if a enemy is in Target: "You are to far a way" And last but not least a sample sreenshoot of your settings would be nice.
  22. Normaly its not nessesary, if you have a good fightclass. The Fightclass can detect if there was one or more targets (If the Programmer of the Fightclass know what he do). HostileUnitNear do the job.
  23. Problem solved: Solution: I've edit the file via Editor and wrote <CombatOnly>True</CombatOnly> instead of <CombatOnly>true</CombatOnly>
  24. Upps, sorry, its not the length...but it is the last added spell...I dont see, why the fightclass make this problem....
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