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Everything posted by angelo

  1. Yeah also got a ban on my fishing bot on northale.. bot was runnin on my 2. monitor and i played some Rocket league games on my main screen.. then i got teleportet and i tried to hit the stop button as fast as possible but char was still runnin 2 sec. or somethin agains a wall after teleport.. i turned that close bot if teleportet off because it also logout game and i also think thats deadly if u are already teleportet.. so i think the option to just stop bot if teleportet would be a good start.. also maybe if u can save some words wich /say after teleport would be next level.. but i would rly like just that /stop wrobot solution ? Grettings
  2. same here
  3. any1 else got the problem that the warlock doesnt use spells against elementals? no matter wich kind of.. got problems with the elementals in Ashenvale and now also with the earth elementals in Badlands.. My Char just send pet to attack but didnt do anything.. in Badlands he uses only Siphron Life.. no other DOT.. Didnt test the Siphron Life spell in Ashenvale because i was to low level. grettings
  4. Any solution for this problem? the Bot still run straight to the Mining/herbing Veins and pull big mob packs. would be great if my warlock would pull the mobs just normal way while reach the veins
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