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    Naked Ville
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    Italian, English, Maltese, Swedish, Finnish Support. First 10mint's free live support. skype: sellplayingnaked

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  1. It is possible only if you re-written the profile for each raid LFR such as TOT in a form of quest.xml way. I have variety of profiles which I use for dungeon farms written in "Quest XML" form, but no raiding ones atm.
  3. Hide your in-game name mate. ON SS
  4. General settings - > Mount option -> Tick USE GROUND MOUNTS FIXED.
  5. Check my site for profiles if you want private ones comes with free guides +++
  6. Botting/playing for more then 8-10hrs a day will lead to suspicion. Grinding using the same profiles all day same thing.
  7. Great to hear your enjoying the bot, I can assure you that Droidz does anything in his power to make his user's satisfied! Reviews are always welcome! Feel free to submit any pictures on your success and reviews about the bot on my thread NEW USERS? WHY WROBOT? Glad to have you in our community!
  8. Random Battleground: Reward per win Call Of arms: Reward are the same Conclusion, The Wrobot already includes a random battleground feature, therefore you do not need "Call of Arms" As for EoTS you can use the feature - FREE which will freely move anywhere. I'm also working on a private profile for this specific BG.
  9. Currently working and mostly all 4 of them, tough I would want to know which ones would you want me to focus on more and publish first. All feedback is welcome :)
  10. Enable - Ninja option in your general settings. Also - Attack before being attacked first also helps out.
  11. It's a server side - bug, no matter how much you try it won't get the loot you will have to relog or fly away approx 150 yards for it vanish. Also as far as I know this only happens with digsites in pandaria and most of the times with the Klaxxi one's.
  12. Can you take a SS of your debug report? I tested it out and it works fine for me.
  13. Version V1.0


    This was created mostly for BG/Honor grind farms. Able to interupt casters/healers with 2 skills. Able to USE - Frost nova if mele target's are close and Blinks Able to Blink if stunned Able to burst most dps Able to make conjured food for any lvl every 30mints so you don't have to buy ( make sure you add the food name in your bot settings.) Also if some Able to make conjured food table when joins a BG ( Currently not working right due to update - will fix this asap, make sure you disable it from setting as shown in the pictures Please leave feedback so that it will help me Improve it in the future with your comments!
  14. Evermorph and Imorph are the only 86x aka 32bit versions for now that are being updated daily. Tmorph doesn't support 32bit. You can find Evermorph HERE Hope this helps :)
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