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About nonstop1005

  • Birthday 05/26/1968

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    White Cloud Mi

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  1. 882 downloads

    talents are 2,1,2,1,1,1
  2. is the fight class you are using set up for party members?
  3. easy just use wrotation make a macro /target terropene /cast tame pet activate the macro for every 5-10 secs thats hom i got tlpd
  4. Version 1


    tested extensively
  5. can you modify this a bit? would like to see it behave like the bg profiles so it attacks and such
  6. ok, since the hotfix there is a deserter debuff change the timer on it (very simple) changed mine to 250 if the other group shows up my toons fight :)
  7. daily quests are not an allinone
  8. you could try my guardian druid fightclass i have here
  9. http://wrobot.eu/index.php?app=nexus&module=clients&section=purchases
  10. not sure why he would put the game in is downloads folder??? and if he can play the game without using the bot, redownloading it is just going to screw up all of his settings
  11. what version of windows?
  12. or, you could go thru each spell and add the condition, is spell usable
  13. you can get alot of the paid addons if you google them with torrent, example zygor torrent will get you to thepiratebey.org with the download
  14. check in here http://wrobot.eu/files/category/13-mage/ i have not built my own mage one yet but i am sure there are some good ones here
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